Date of Death: 4 Jan 1875
Subject: Frances (Sleet) Earls
Source: Andrew County Republican, 8 Jan 1875, p. 8
On the 4th day of January, 1875, at her residence, one mile east of Savannah, Andrew county, Missouri, Mrs. Frances Earls departed this life– aged 78 years, 8 months and 4 days.
She was born and raised in Boone county, Kentucky, and removed with her husband, Jonathan Earls, to Clay county, Mo., in the fall of 1838, and remained during the winter; then removed to Andrew county, Mo., in the spring of 1839, and located on the present farm, where she lived for 36 years. She has been a kind and affectionate mother, and leaves a family of eight children, who deeply mourn her loss.
For many years this aged mother sought to love and follow Jesus. She professed faith in Christ and united with the Baptist Church in Boon [sic] county, Kentucky, and has been a faithful member of the same branch of Christ’s church, until death. Very suddenly and unexpectedly her spirit was summoned from the body, without a struggle. In her sudden death, we are reminded of the uncertainty of human life, and the importance of being in a state of readiness. While her sudden departure is a source of sorrow to her friends, how much better for her than to linger, suffer and pine away.
No sickness, or sorrow, or pain,
Shall ever disquiet her now;
For death to her spirit was gain,
Since Christ was her life here below.
Her soul has now taken its flight
To mansions of glory above,
To mingle with angels of light,
And dwell in the kingdom of love.
O! what a transition! from a world of care, tears and affliction, to the land that knows no clouds, no afflictions, and no tears.
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