Date of Death: 4 Mar 1858
Subject: Rosy Ann (Rich) Dougherty
Source: St. Louis Christian Advocate, 1 Apr 1858, p. 4
Died, on the 4th of March, 1858, in Andrew county, Mo., Mrs. R. A. Dougherty, consort of Joseph L. Dougherty, in the 42d year of her age.
Sister Dougherty was religiously trained by a pious father, and when young embraced religion and united with the Methodist Church.
Her sufferings from disease were long and severe. The disease was cancer, which had afflicted her for years; but the last year of her life she suffered exceedingly, yet she bore up under all with a patience and resignation that characterize the Christian only. The writer visited her in her last illness, and conversed with her on the subject of religion and she seemed perfectly resigned. She told her her religious training when young and the happy effect it had had upon her through life, and that now, when she had to die, she felt to rejoice that she had a praying father to instruct her when young.
She leaves a kind husband and four children to mourn her loss. I would say to the family, your best friend has gone to heaven. Are you prepared to meet her? If not, seek that religion that sustained her in a dying hour, and when life with you is past you will meet that dear wife, that kind mother, in a better world than this, where death shall never enter., where the tear of grief never falls, and parting is never known.
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