Date of Death: [Jan] 1876
Subject: William Thomas Clasbey
Source: Andrew County Republican, 11 Feb 1876, p. 1
At a regular communication of Ben Franklin Lodge No. 353, A. F. & A. M., held at their hall, in Savannah, Mo., January 1st, 1876, the undersigned were appointed to draft resolutions on the death of William T. Clasby, expressive of the feelings of the Fraternity of which he was a member.
Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Architect of the Universe to take into His rest our beloved brother and friend, William T. Clasby, thus releasing him from the labors of life, in the vigor of manhood, and at a period in life when his counsel and protection were most needed in his family. Therefore,
Resolved, That this Lodge receives the Providence in sorrow and sadness, and yet in humble resignation; … [other resolutions of sympathy and mourning, including:]
Resolved, That in his death this Lodge has been deprived of one of its most exemplary members, society of a genial companion, his beloved wife and children an affectionate husband a kind and devoted father…
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