Chennel, Eliza (Evans)

Date of Death: 4 Aug 1872
Subject: Eliza (Evans) Channel
Source: Andrew County Republican, 9 Aug 1872, p. 3

On Sunday evening last, about 6 o’clock, Mrs. Channel, who resided on a place owned by Judge C. P. Woodcock, in Clay Township, about five miles north of Fillmore, on the Graham road, in this county, committed suicide by hanging herself on an apple-tree in an orchard. Mrs. Channel had been very despondent and low-spirited for several days, and it is presumed that in a fit of nervous despondency she committed the above dreadful act. We are informed the deceased leaves four or five children.. Deceased has lived here about a year. She attempted to drown herself in a creek about a month ago, but the shallowness of the water made the effort a failure. It is also said she attempted her life in Ohio before she came to Missouri. From this is appears insanity must have been the cause of the act.

Source: Holt County Sentinel, 23 Aug 1872, p. 3

Two weeks ago last Sunday, a Mrs. Channal [sic], who resides four miles north of Fillmore, near Judge Woodcock’s, committed suicide by hanging herself with a thin bed-cord on an apple tree. She had been suffering for some time with a spinal affection and neuralgia in the head, seriously affecting her mind. Some months ago she made an effort to drown herself in the Nodaway, but was rescued by the fortunate interposition of her friends.

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