Burns, John Columbus

Date of Death: 11 Jul 1914
Subject: John Columbus Burns
Source: Savannah Reporter, 17 Jul 1914

John C. Burns Buried Monday

The funeral of John Columbus Burns was held at the M. E. Church, South, on Monday at 2:30 p.m. Mr. Burns was the son of John and Susanna Burns, and was born in Morgan county, Indiana, June 29, 1844, and died at his home in Savannah at 8:15 p.m., Saturday, July 11, aged seventy years and twelve days. He had suffered for many long and weary days from Bright’s disease but the end came calmly and peacefully. For many years he had been a citizen of this community and was well known and honored as an honest upright man. In June 1888, he was married to Mrs. Mahala Laney, who survives him. He was the step-grandfather of Mrs. Earl Henderson, who was raised from infancy by Mr. and Mrs. Burns. During the pastorate of Rev. S. W. Hayne Mr. Burns joined the M. E. Church, South, and was ever a faithful, loyal member. No higher honor can be given him that to say he was a Christian.

F. M.

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