Date of Death: 23 Jan 1874
Subject: Alice (Christie) Boyles
Source: Andrew County Republican, 6 Feb 1874, p. 3
Died, at the residence of her uncle, William Caldwell, Esq., Savannah, Mo., January 23, 1873 [sic], Mrs. Alice Boyls [sic], aged 23 years.
That fatal malady which lulls its victim into a delusive tranquility, and feeds hope with the hectic flush on the cheek, marked the deceased for its own three years ago. It was only a few months since she lost all hope of recovery, but the realization of her true condition brought with it no unrest to her heart. She cheerfully resigned all her immortal interests into the safe-keeping of the Infinite Father, who doeth all things well. A year ago Mrs. Boyls came out on the Lord’s side. Her clear statement of the ground of her hope, was both cheering and conclusive evidence that she was one of the Savior’s dear flock, and was washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. Death had no terrors for her, but came to bring her joy unspeakable. One hour of such comfort as she experienced while sweetly breathing out her young life, is worth incomparably more than a life-time of the world’s choicest pleasures. For such only, “to die is gain.”
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