Savannah Cemetery
Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah city square, go south 2.5 blocks. Fourth Street goes through the east side of the cemetery, Benton Street is on the north, Fifth Street on the west, and Park Avenue is the border on the south.
Credits: Photos and Documentation: Eldon Swensson, 2002, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Section 1); Betty Halvorsen and Nadine Taylor, 2005-7 (Sections 2-3); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Sections 4-5); Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Sections 6-7); 8 Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-2010 (Section 8); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Sections 9-13); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen and Nadine Taylor, 2005-2010 (Section 14); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6, and Kelly Alvarado, 2011 (Section 15); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6, and Kelly Alvarado, 2009 (Section 16); Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 and Kelly Alvarado, 2009 (Section 17); Betty Halvorsen, 2005-2010 (Section 18). (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
This is the oldest section in the cemetery, and it has never been fully catalogued before.
Two volunteers, Betty Halvorsen and Nadine Taylor, decorated all of the graves in old Section 1 of Savannah Cemetery for Memorial Day 2006. Many of these graves are over 100 years old, and very few have family left to pay tribute. This gives real meaning to “Gone but not Forgotten.”
* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available
Name | Inscription | Photograph(s) |
Section 1 view | L106 | |
Abbott, James William | James William Dec. 18, 1868 Dec. 23, 1868 Children of Geo. A. & Sarah F. Abbott |
D62 |
Abbott, Thomas Paine | Thomas Paine Oct. 8, 1861 Dec. 8, 1863 Children of Geo. A. & Sarah F. Abbott |
Abney, Charles A. | Charles A. Died Apr. 20, 1849 Aged … m’s 21 d’s Children of J.& M. Abney Hope looks beyond the bonds of time When what we now deplore, Shall rise in full immortal prime And bloom to fade no more. |
F04 F05 |
Abney, Julia E.+ | Also Julia E. Died Sept. 16, 1852 Aged 9 m’s 21 d’s Children of J.& M. Abney Hope looks beyond the bonds of time When what we now deplore, Shall rise in full immortal prime And bloom to fade no more. |
Akhurst, R. H. | R. H. Akhurst Born Dec. 17, 1858 Died July 5, 1910 |
J120 |
Akhurst, Mary Schuster | Mary Schuster Wife of Robert Henry Akhurst Born Oct. 4, 1861 Died Dec. 25, 1916 |
J121 |
Alderman, Carrie W | Carrie W. Infant Dau. of E. & M. J. Alderman Died Aug. 31, 1868 Aged 7 mo 16 d’s |
E31 |
Allison, A. H. | A. H. Allison Died Sept. 5, 1863 Aged 68 years |
I06 |
Allison, Susanah | Susanah Allison Died Feb. 29, 1864 Aged 67 years |
I07 |
Anderson, J. H. | To the memory of J. H. Son of J … & … Anderson Born … 1856 Died Mar. 23, 1860 |
D79 |
Andrews, Lewis L. | Lewis L. Son of Wm. & Caroline Andrews Died May 1, 1874 Aged 12 y’s 7 mo 24 d’s |
A52 |
Ardery, Benjamin Porter | Benj. Porter Son of Wm & Mary A. Ardery Born in St. Jo, Mo.Oct. 12, 1856 Died in Savannah, Mo. June 16, 1865 Aged 8 y’s 7 m’s 4 d’s |
F10 |
Ardery, Etta | Ardery Etta May 14, 1873 July 7, 1969 |
F13 |
Ardery, James S. | Ardery James S. Mar. 29, 1863 April 22, 1925 |
F13 |
Ardery, William | Wm. Ardery Born in Bourbon Co. Ky Dec. 30, 1819 Died in Andrew Co. Mo. Feb. 18, 1868 A child shall mourn a father’s loss In grief that will not end. But love will keep the memory bright Of husband, father, friend. |
F11 F12 |
Arnold, Elmer W. | 1913-1991 | X72a X72b |
Arnold, Hallie Lucinda | Hallie Lucinda Dau. of Geo. & Eliza J. Arnold Died June 11, 1870 Aged 1 yr 1 ms 11 ds |
D67 |
Arnold, Isabell L. | 1916-2007 | X72a X72c |
Atkins, Frances E. | In memory of Frances E. Atkins Wife of James B. Atkins Who died June 15, 1855 Aged 27 yrs 10 mos 27 ds |
A30 |
Auble, Mary E. Lambright | (north) At Rest Mary E. Lambright Auble Sept 1, 1862 July 25, 1886 [two stones] |
D45 D56 D57 |
B., J. | [J. B. footstone] | I18 |
B., J. D. | [J. D. B. footstone] | I17 |
Baker, A.* | A. Baker Mar. 12, 1821 – Sept. 21, 1908 |
M21 |
Barker, Rheuy Lee* | 1887-1939 | X69 |
Barnes, Odency+ | Mother Odency Wife of William G. Barnes Died Mar. 28, 1875 Aged 67 yrs 11 mo 20 ds No pain no grief no anxious tear Can reach the peaceful sleeper here [stone broken] |
L107 L108 L106 |
Barnett, Regina Hubbard | [private] | J069 |
Barnum, Annie E. | Annie E Daughter of R. L. & A. Barnum of … died Apr. 6, 1861 aged… Verse illegible |
D01 |
Barr, Denver James | Denver James Barr April 10, 1991 October 15, 2010 |
709 |
Barr, Lowell A. | Barr Lowell A. May 19, 1935 Feb. 27, 2006 Married Sept. 16, 1956 |
Y14 Y15 X63 |
Barr, Twyla L. | [private] | Y14 Y15 |
Bartlett, Lola M. | 1869-1924 | M46 |
Bartlett, W. Roy | W. Roy Son of Wm & L. M. Bartlett Born 1890 Died 1901 Aged 11 ys 6 mo 3 days |
M47 |
Bartlett, William | Father William Bartlett 1858-1945 |
M45 |
Baxter, Laura Lee | Laura Lee daughter of Rev. B. R. & E. A. Baxter died July 3, 1855 aged 1 yr & 28 d’s Of such is the kingdom of heaven |
B32 |
Beale, Mary Huffman | Mary Dau of Rev. Saml. Huffman Wife of A. W. Beale Died Oct. 24, 1871 Aged 22 y 2 m 10 d |
K24 K25 |
Beale, Mary Huffman | (east) Mary Beale Dau. of S. Huffman Died Oct. 24, 1871 |
K41 K44 |
Beale, Matilda Ann Imus | Matilda Ann Wife of S. S. Beale Widow of Elon L. Imus Died April 8, 1887 Aged 60 y’s 11 m’s 29 d’s Verse illegible |
M08 |
Beames, Frankie | Frankie Son of J. B. & Sarah Beames, Died May 3, 1875 Aged 5 y’s 7 m’s 10 d |
F09 |
Beames, Mahala | Mahala Wife of Wm Beames Born in Harden County, Ky. Oct. 27, 1817 Died Oct. 28, 1877 Aged 60 y 1 d |
F06 F06a |
Beatie, Josiah N. | In Memory of Josiah, N, Beatie Born May 29th, 1797 Died April 14th, 1845 |
A17 |
Bedford, Maggie | Maggie Wife of John T. Bedford Born Oct. 11, 1854 Died Aug 7, 1896 Meet me in heaven. |
H28 H28a |
Bellis, Georgie | Georgie Son of … Bellis Died … Aged 2 y’s 1 m 16 d’s George’s Grave … tears … [8 lines] |
F16 F17 |
Bender, infant | Also our little infant | A31 |
Bender, Loretta Y. | Loretta Y. Wife of O. C. Bender Died Feb. 13, 1862 Aged 17 Y’rs 8 Mo.28 D’s |
Bielman, Edith | Bielman Edith Feb. 5, 1887 July 13, 1887 |
M28 |
Bielman, Harry | Bielman Harry May 15, 1883 June 1, 1883 |
Bielman, Pearl | Bielman Pearl Aug. 10, 1888 Nov. 5, 1891 |
Billetter, Anna J. | Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. John 11th 23rd Anna J. Billetter Born July 13, 1838/58 Died Oct. 3, 1880 In Christian Faith and Hope. |
B02 B04 B05 B06 |
Blanchard, Belle Holt | 1867-1954 | G86 |
Blanchard, Charles P. | 1858-1932 | |
Blanchard, Frank V. | 1883-1961 | G84 |
Blanchard, Ida Hodges | 1877-1955 | |
Blanchard, Lawrence E. | 1887-1964 | G87 |
Blanchard, Lucius M. | Blanchard Lucius M. Nov. 13, 1846 – Aug. 27, 1916 |
G83 |
Blanchard, Marcia | Marcia Loved companion of J. A. Blanchard Died Feb. 24, 1868 Aged 50 years |
G38 |
Blanchard, Mary | Blanchard Mary His Wife Mar. 9, 1857 – Sept. 5, 1949 |
G83 |
Bland, Beulah R. | 1909-1968 | L101 |
Bland, James A. | 1889-1954 | |
Bohart, Mary | 1833-1903 | L008 |
Bohart, Phillip Emry | In Loving Memory of my Son Phillip Emry Son of W. V & M. Bohart Born July 29, 1868 Died Nov. 26, 1888 Aged 20 y 3 m 25 d |
L010 L011 L012 |
Bohart, William | William Bohart Died Feb. 25, 1874 Aged 41 y 6 m 3 d |
L012 L013 |
Bomar, Ryan M. | Forever in our memories Ryan M. Bomar May 23, 1984 – July 23, 2008 Beloved Son, Father, Husband and Friend |
700 |
Booker, Emily | 1869-1941 | D11 |
Booker, Madison | 1855-1933 | |
Boots, Luticia L. | Luticia L. Dau. of B. T. & S. [E.] Boots Died Sept. 20, 1872 [AE] 1 yrs 6 ms … d |
D21 |
Bougher, Ann C. | Ann C. Wife of F. A. Bougher Died Nov. 25, 1854 Aged 24 y 6 mo |
D10 |
Bougher, Ann G. | Also Ann G Infant daughter Died March 19, 1854 Aged … 3 mo |
Bowen, Claud M. | 1880-1963 | X10 X17 |
Bowen, Donald H. | Bowen Sgt. T/4 Donald H. Vet. World War II 1916 1945 |
X10 X13 |
Bowen, Margaret A. | 1886-1957 | X10 X15 |
Bowen, Violet V. | 1913-1991 | X08 X10 X11 X12 |
Bowen, Willie W. | 1907-1980 | |
Bowlin, Eva M. | Eva M. Wife of Henry Bowlin Died Mar. 5, 1892 Aged 26 yrs 3 mo 12 das |
M09 |
Bowlin, W. H. | W. H. Bowlin Co. D 25th MO. Inf. |
C36 |
Bowman, Charles | 1906-1971 | X34 X35 X36 |
Bowman, James William | 1873-1948 | X35 X36 X38 |
Bowman, John R. | Father John R. Bowman 1851-1924 |
I66 |
Bowman, Lloyd W. | 1905-1975 | X35 X36 X37 |
Bowman, Mary A. | Mother Mary A. his wife 1853-1925 Bowman |
I66 |
Bowman, Mary Elizabeth | 1906-1982 | X33 X35 X36 |
Boyer, Doris | [private] | X24 |
Boyer, Grant O. | Boyer Grant O. Aug. 31 Aug. 17 1921 1995 |
Brackenridge, Asa | Asa Brackenridge Born June 25, 1849 Died in Tampa, Florida July 25, 1912 |
J110 J118 J116 |
Brackenridge, Eliza | (north) In memory of our Mother Eliza Wife of J. Brackenridge Died Sept. 28, 1897 Aged 87 y’s 5 m’s 2 d’s |
J110 J112 J113 J111 |
Brackenridge, John | (south) In memory of our Father John Brackenridge Died July 22, 1885 Aged 84 y’s 5 m’s 27 d’s |
J110 J112 J114 J115 |
Brand, David C. | Our Baby David C. Brand Dec. 5, 1944 |
L119 |
Brand, John S. | In memory Father John S. Brand 1881-1966 |
K22 K23 |
Brand, Stella | In memory Mother Stella M. Brand 1882-1966 |
Brant, Bannie | 1860-1955 | K09 |
Brant, George | 1856-1905 | |
Brant, infant | Infant Dau. of P. & M. Brant Died Apr. 16, 1870 |
J119a J119b J119c |
Brant, Lester Lee | A Loving Father Lester Lee Brant Oct. 29, 1928 Sept. 12, 1996 |
X26 |
Brant, William F. | William F. Brant Pfc US Army Korea Mar 4, 1929 Apr 25, 2004 Purple Heart |
X58 |
Breit, A. Eugene | A. Eugene May 1, 1924 Mar. 2, 1990 Breit Married Sept. 22, 1942 |
L098 L099 |
Breit, Annie E. | Annie E. May 1, 1925 uncarved [Died July 13, 2008] Married Sept. 22, 1942 |
Breit, Della | 1889-1958 | X86 |
Breit, J. W. | 1888-1978 | X87 |
Breit, Pamela Kay | 1944-1945 | L097 |
Briggs, Benjamin F. | Benjamin F Son of D. A. & S. C. Briggs Died Nov. 12, 1853 Aged 17 yrs 11 ms & 3 ds |
D07 |
Briggs, Isabell E. | Isabell E Dau. of David A. & Sarah C. Briggs Born Dec. 14, 1846 Died Jan. 22, 1855 Aged 8 yrs 3 mo 8 ds |
D08 |
Briggs, Margaret Jane Woods | Margaret Jane Woods Wife of D. G. Briggs Died Feb 25, 1856 Aged 16 ys 3 mo 1 d |
D40a D40b D40c |
Briggs, Mary Ann | Mary Ann Daughter of David A. & Sarah C. Briggs Born Feb. 24, 1840 Died Jan. 7, 1856 |
D09 |
Britton, Kathryn G. | Britton Kathryn G. Jan. 22, 1934 Jan. 25, 2003 |
X53 X54 |
Britton, Robert A. | Britton Robert A. May 28, 1926 Dec. 24, 1997 |
Brokaw, John | John Brokaw Dec 8, 1873 Dec. 13, 1960 |
D37 |
Brooks, Abagail L. Butcher | Gone but not forgotten Abagail L. Wife of J. W. Brooks and dau. of David and Betsy Butcher Died May 20, 1880 Aged 52 y 2 m 14 d |
L015 L017 |
Brooks, David | David Son of J. W. & A. L. Brooks Died Oct. 20, 1873 Aged 18 yr [stone broken] m 19 d’s |
L018 |
Brooks, James W. | Gone but not forgotten James W. Brooks Died Oct. 17, 1885 Aged 66 yr 7 mos |
L015 L016 |
Brooks, James W., Jr. | James W. Brooks, Jr. Son of J. W. & Abagail Brooks Died Feb. 29, 1884 Aged 24 y 7 m 30 d Gone before us, O our brother To the spirit land Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. |
L039 L040 L041 L042 |
Brooks, Joseph C.+ | Joseph C. Brooks 1848-1906 When the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest |
L045 L046 |
Brooks, Leona M. | 1880-1923 | L044 L046 |
Brooks, Marian M. | 1849-1926 | L043 L046 |
Brown, Anna | Anna Wife of T. A. Brown Died Dec. 12, 1870 Aged 19 Yrs 9 Ms |
B17 |
Brown, Arvol L. | Arvol L. Brown 1922 Son 1978 |
J051 |
Brown, Ida | Ida Dau. of … Brown Died Apr. 30, 1879 Aged 3 m & 10 d |
D41 |
Brown, Jennie L. | 1893-1963 | J052 J053 |
Brown, William V. | 1885-1983 | |
Bryan, Mollie+ | Mollie Wife of R. G. Bryan Born Feb. 1, 1842 Died June 22, 1866 |
H08 |
Bryan, Roland J. | Also her infant son Roland J. Aged 2 mo’s 25 d’s |
H08 |
Buhler, F. H. | F. H. Son of Joseph and Mary A. Buhler Died Apr. 2, 1884 Aged 3 weeks 3 d’s I am an angel now. |
M23 M24 |
Burch, Mahala A. | Aunt Mahala A. Burch 1875-1945 |
L139 |
Burnett, F. A. | F, A, Burnett Daughter of W, & C, Burnett Aged 3 Y’s, 7 mo |
B10 |
Burnham, Annie F. | At rest Burnham Mother Annie F. 1900-1974 |
K28 |
Burnham, Webster | At rest Burnham Webster 1895-1961 |
Burns, Catherine | (north) Catherine wife of Phillip Burns Died Oct. 19, 1851 Aged 43 ys 8 mo … ds |
B44 B46 |
Burns, John | John Burns Died Mar. 31, 1871 Aged 76 years |
B43 |
Burns, Phillip | (south) Phillip Burns Died Jan. 14, 1886 Aged 85 ys 9 mo 23 ds |
B44 B45 |
Burns, Phoebe | In memory of Phoe[be] Bur[ns] Died 18… |
D17 |
Burns, Susanna | Susanna Burns Born Mar. 2, 1804 Died Oct. 5, 1865 |
B42 |
Burnside, Abram N. | Abram N. Burnside Nov. 21, 1831 – Feb. 18, 1892 [two markers] Abram Burnsides Co. H. 4 th Mo. S. M. Cav. |
L033 L034 |
Burnside, Elizabeth | Elizabeth C. his wife Mar. 17, 1845 – Sept. 15, 1909 Burnside |
L033 |
Burnsides, Mollie B. | Mollie B. Dau. of A. M. & E. C. Burnsides Born June 19, 1871 Died Aug. 12, 1885 A precious one from us has gone A voice we loved is still A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled. |
L035 L036 |
Cagg, Isaac M. | Isaac M infant son of I. W. & Sarah Cagg Aged 22 days |
D38 |
Cagg, Sarah | Sarah Wife of Isaac W. Cagg Died Sept. 12, 1870 Aged 43 y 1 m 25 d |
Calvert, Myrtle E. | 1899-1962 | J096 J097 |
Calvert, Omer | 1894-1982 | |
Campbell, Edwin W. | Beloved Brother Edwin W. Campbell Aug. 16, 1929 May 1, 2001 |
X71 |
Cann, Guy | Guy Son of W. R. & M. A. Cann Died July 12, 1871 AE. 3 mo 8 d |
I61 |
Cann, Mary A. | In Memory of Mary A. Wife of Wm. Cann Died Aug. 12, 1874 Aged 27 yrs. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors & their works do follow them. |
I59 I60 |
Carlyle, Annetta | (south) Annetta Carlyle Died Apr. 27, 1870 Aged 5 y’s 2 m’s 20 d’s |
J080 J084 |
Carlyle, Esther | (north) Esther Carlyle Died March 3, 1863 Aged 5 ms 14 days |
J080 J083 |
Carlyle, William B. | (west) Wm. B. Carlyle Died April 23, 1869 Aged 43 yrs. 4 ms. Brother sleep on We know thou’rt blest Thou’rt gone to the land Where the weary find rest. |
J080 J081 J082 |
Carpenter, Elizabeth A.+ | Elizabeth A Wife of Thomas H Carpenter Died Apr. 20, 1875 Aged … |
D85 |
Carpenter, Henry O | Henry O. Son of George & M. C. Carpenter Died June 13, 1875 Aged 11 mo 21 d’s |
I75 I76 |
Carpenter, Nettie Florence | Nettie Florence daughter of T. H. & E. A. Carpenter Died Feb. 5, 1867 Aged 7 mos 2 d’s |
D82 |
Carpenter, Thomas | Thomas E/H. Carpenter born [stone broken] |
D83 D84 |
Carpenter, Willie E. | Willie E. Son of G. & M. C. Carpenter Died Oct. 9, 1872 1 yr 1 m 1 d Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. |
I73 I74 |
Carson, E. A. | Rev. E. A. Carson Born in Jefferson Co. Tenn June 30, 1810 Died Oct. 16, 1891 Aged 81 y 3 m 16 d For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. 2.Tim.4:8 At last oh Lord let troubles cease and let thy servant die in peace. |
B08 |
Carson, Joseph | Joseph Carson Born in … Ky. Dec. 12, 1812 Died Dec. 22, 1893 Aged 81 y 12 d There is no death. The stars go down To rise upon another shore, And bright in heaven’s jeweled crown They shine for evermore. |
H29 H30 |
Carson, Kate M. | Kate M. Carson Dec. 29, 1862 Mar. 26, 1937 |
H26 |
Carson, Mary J. | Mary J. Wife of Rev. E. A. Carson Born Feb. 1, 1807 In Lee Co. VA Died April 30, 1883 Aged 76 y 3 m "I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness" Psalms 17:15 |
B07 |
Carson, Sophia | Sophia Carson Wife of Joseph Carson Born in … Kentucky Oct. 25, 1829 Died Apr. 9, 1883 Aged … Y … M. 11 D. |
H31 |
Carter, Laura Ephraim | Laura Ephraim, Daughter of L. R. & S. A. Carter Born July 11, 1852 Died Nov. 24, 1852 |
C34 |
Carter, Mary J. | 1850-1906 | H27 |
Cassel, Addie D. | Addie D. Daughter of R. Z. & M. G. Cassel; Died Apr. 3, 1862 Aged 9 mos |
D60 |
Cassel, Reuben Z. | Reuben Z. Cassel M.D. Died Jun. 23, 1864 Aged 45 y 9 m 13 d |
A44 |
Chal…., unknown | In Memory of Mo… La… CHAL… J… |
B23 |
Chamberlain, Elizabeth B. | Elizabeth B. Companion of F. P. Chamberlain Died Feb. 25, 1869 Aged 36 ys. 2 ms 27 ds. Illegible verse |
J093 |
Chancellor, Rebecca | In Memory of Rebecca Wife of Julius Chancellor Died Sept. 16, 1876 Aged 80 y’rs 11 mo’s 25 d’s Rest well dear mother… |
G61 G62 G63 |
Checkley, Margaret | 1821-1886 | M37 |
Checkley, William | 1809-1881 | |
Chenoweth, Milles H. | Milles H. Chenoweth Died July 12, 1845 Aged 54 yrs 5 days Gone but not forgotten |
B16 |
Childress, James Cecil | James Cecil June 9, 1906 Jan. 27, 1967 "Our loss is heaven’s gain" Childress |
L140 L141 |
Childress, Lula Mae | Lula Mae Mary 28, 1911 Nov. 18, 1993 Married July 5, 1928 Childress |
Clark, Bertha H. | 1878-1960 | K18 K21 |
Clark, Charles | (north) Charles Clark Born Feb. 1, 1845/6 Died Aug. 3, 1855 |
J104 J106 |
Clark, Charles C. | Uncarved | K18 K21 |
Clark, Clarence L. | Clarence L. Infant son of [Walter & Mary] Clark Died Mar. 7, 1879 Aged 4 mo. … d |
J109 |
Clark, Elizabeth | (east) Elizabeth Clark Born in … Died [May 24, 1882] Aged 66 y 5 m 2 d |
J104 J107 |
Clark, infant | Infant daughter of S.F. & Allie Clark Died Apr. 13, 1889 |
A45 |
Clark, infant | Infant Dau. of J. H. & Elizabeth Clark Born Oct. 8, 1868 Died Dec. 7, 1868 Beautiful, lovely she was but given, a fair bud on earth to blossom in heaven |
J087 J088 |
Clark, infant | Infant Son of S. M. & K. A. Clark born Oct. 17, 1889 Died July 19, 1890 Not in cruelty, not in wrath, the reaper came that day. It was an angel that visited the earth [and] took the flower away |
K53 K53a K53b K54 |
Clark, J. J. | J. J. Clark Born Feb. 1, 1840 Died Dec. 22, 1862 Full… the … at … stand his… his country… |
D77 D78 |
Clark, James H. | James H. Clark Co. D 14 Kans. Cav. |
J090 |
Clark, Jeremiah+ | (west) Jeremiah Clark Born in… Sept. 5, 1806 Died Jun 4, 1877 Aged 70 y 8 m 29 d |
J104 J105 |
Clark, John T. | (south) John T. Clark Born Apr. 6, 1838 Died Mar. 28, 1860? |
J104 J108 |
Clark, Lillie | Clark Lillie Dec. 25, 1893 Aug. 22, 1969 |
G90 |
Clark, Mary E. | Mary E. Clark Died Mar. 8, 1923 Aged 82 years 3 m 13 d |
J089 |
Clark, Sarah Frances | Sarah Frances Wife of Robert Clark Died Oct. 31, 1852 Aged 27 y 11 m 21 d |
H21 |
Clark, unknown L. [probably Mary Louisa] |
… L. Clark Born [stone broken] Died Jan. 22, 1862 |
D76 |
Clark, William Everett | Clark William Everett Aug. 20, 1886 Apr. 23, 1968 |
G90 |
Clarke, Avie | Avie [Dau. of] Wm. D & [F. I.] Clarke Died May … Aged 1 y 4 m … d |
J030 J030a |
Clarke, Charles L. | Charles L. Clarke, Born Ap’l 30, 1827 Died at Omaha, N.T. March 24, 1865 |
B39 B41 |
Clarke, Eliza Ann Burns | (North) Eliza Ann Burns Wife of Albert G Clarke born Clay Co. Mo. Oct. 15, 1827 Died Savannah Mo. Apr. 14, 1865 |
B38 |
Clarke, Joseph J. | Joseph J. Clarke Son of T. H. & M. D. Clarke Born … Ind. Oct. 7, 1819 Died Savannah, Mo July 9, 1874 |
B41b |
Clarke, Katie | Katie Clarke 1885 |
J048 J049 |
Clarke, Mary Dickson | (South) Mary Dickson Wife of Thomas H. Clarke born Franklinton O. Aug. 8, 1800 died St. Louis Sept. 11, 1859 |
B37 |
Clarke, Nellie Lulu | 1871-1884 | J048 J049 |
Clarke, Thomas Burns | (East) Thomas Burns Son of E. A. & A.G. Clarke Born Mar. 17, 1854 died Savannah MO Aug. 3, 1854 |
B35 B36 |
Clarke, Thomas H.+ | Thomas H. Clarke born in Utica New York Aug. 27, 1793 died In Savannah Mo. Apr. 19, 1872 |
B39 B40 |
Clarke, William D., Jr. | 1879-1898 | J046 |
Clawson, Celestina E. | Sweet babe, thy spirit has fled. Celestina E. Born July 25, 1871 Died Dec. 16, 1871 [two markers] Only daught. of J. & Lovina Clawson |
G75 G75a G75b |
Clawson, Edward J. | Martha F. Second Wife of James H. Wise Died Jan. 13, 1884 Aged 55 y 8 m 16 d |
G66 |
Clawson, Frank B. | Frank B. Son of John & Lovina Clawson Died Aug. 29, 1860 Aged 16 months [two stones] Born May 2, 1859 Died Aug. 29, 1860 |
G67 G74 |
Clawson, James D. | James D. Son of John & Lovina Clawson Died June 17, 1867 Aged 14 ys 4 ms 17 ds No more that voice we loved to hear Shall fill his parents listening ear That welcome face, that sparkling eye, That sprightly form must buried lie. [two stones] Born Jan.31, 1853 Died June 17, 1867 |
G69 G70 G75 |
Clawson, John E. | John E. Born Sept. 18, 1857 Died Jan 22, 1859 Children of J. N. & L. Clawson |
G74 |
Clawson, John N. | John N. Clawson Born Nov. 3, 1825 Died Aug. 18, 1897 In life beloved and respected. In death deeply lamented. |
G73 |
Clawson, John P. | John P. Son of John & Lovina Clawson Died July 13, 1865 Aged 18 ms 9 ds [two stones] Born Jan. 4, 1864 Died July 13, 1865 |
G68 G74 |
Clawson, Lovina Abbott | Lovina Abbott Wife of John H. Clawson Born July 20, 1833 Died Oct. 10, 1899 |
G72 |
Coats, Karen Kay | 1942-1961 | L092 |
Cobb, George Brand | Husband George Brand Cobb Oct. 2, 1899 May 22, 2004 |
G43 G45 G47 |
Cobb, Lena Woodcock | Mother Lena Woodcock Cobb Apr. 17, 1872 Nov. 6, 1953 |
G54 G55 G56 |
Cobb, Mildred Lister | Wife Mildred Lister Cobb Aug. 14, 1905 uncarved [Died June 15, 2014] |
G43 G45 G46 |
Cobb, William Brand | Father William Brand Cobb Oct. 17, 1871 Jan. 26, 1964 |
G54 G55 G57 |
Coffman, Adeline F | 1894-1966 | G82 |
Coffman, Silas A. | 1874-1935 | |
Colburn, Mollie R. | Colburn Mollie R. 1872-1962 |
I24 |
Colburn, Oscar N. | 1875-1953 | |
Cole, Clyde C. | Cole Clyde C. Oct. 15, 1929 June 26, 2003 Sept. 10, 1973 |
X45 X46 |
Cole, Esther V. | [private] | X45 X46 |
Compton, David | David Son of [John & Agnes] Compton Died Nov. 19, 1870 Aged 13 mo 6 days |
D36 |
Compton, Ina A. | Mother Ina A. Compton 1891-1975 |
L120 |
Compton, John W. | Son John W. Compton 1928-1951 |
L121 |
Conner, Charlie | (west) Children of Vincent & Hannah Conner We loved and lost them Since thou canst no longer stay To cheer me with thy love I hope to meet with thee again In that bright world above. (north) Charlie Died Apr. 13, 1880 Aged 2 ys 6 ds |
J040 J041 J042 J043 |
Conner, Daisy | (west) Children of Vincent & Hannah Conner We loved and lost them Since thou canst no longer stay To cheer me with thy love I hope to meet with thee again In that bright world above. (north) Daisy Died Oct. 3, 1880 Aged 3 ms 15 ds |
Conner, Elizabeth L | Elizabeth L. Wife of Vincent Conner Died Oct. 12, 1866 Aged 29 ys 9 ms 10 ds A loving wife, a mother dear A faithful friend lies buried here. |
E41a E41b E41c |
Conner, Hannah E. | (east) Hannah E. Wife of Vincent Conner Died Nov. 26, 1880 Aged 26 ys 3 ms 26 ds |
J040 J044 |
Conner, John | (west) Shed not for me the bitter tear, Nor give thyself to vain regret, Tis but the casket that lies here The gem that filled it sparkles yet (south) John Conner Died Nov. 15, 1879 Aged 70 y 1 m 9 d |
J036 J037 J039 |
Conner, John G. | (north) 1841-1905 |
J001 J014 J003 |
Conner, Nannie May | 1868-1868 | J004 |
Conner, Susan | (west) Shed not for me the bitter tear, Nor give thyself to vain regret, Tis but the casket that lies here The gem that filled it sparkles yet (north) Susan Wife of John Conner Died May 15, 1873 Aged 52 y 11 m 23 d |
J036 J037 J038 |
Conner, Susan C. | (north) 1846-1927 |
J001 J014 J002 |
Conner, Thomas | (west) Children of Vincent & Hannah Conner We loved and lost them Since thou canst no longer stay To cheer me with thy love I hope to meet with thee again In that bright world above. (south) Thomas Died July 20, 1875 Aged 9 ms 17 ds |
J040 J041 J042 J045 |
Conner, Zetta | (west) Children of Vincent & Hannah Conner We loved and lost them Since thou canst no longer stay To cheer me with thy love I hope to meet with thee again In that bright world above. (south) Zetta Died Oct. 3, 1877 Aged 8 ms 22 ds |
Conover, Robert+ | (south) Col. R. Conover Died Sept. 21, 1872 Aged 33 years [two stones] Lt. Col. Robt. Conover 16th Ind. Inf. |
J001 J012 J009 J022 |
Conover, Roy | (south) Roy Conover Died Sept. 21, 1873 Aged 1 yr & 7 ms |
J001 J012 J008 |
Conwell, W. T. | The Rev. W. T. Conwell [died] May 23, 1881 Aged 32 y 3 m 4 d |
F29 |
Cook, infant | Infant Dau. of Wm & S. A. Cook Died Feb. 5, 1867 Aged … m’s 29 ds |
E30 |
Cooper, Mary A. | Mary A. Born Sep. 1, 1872 Died Sep. 14, same yr. Heaven an angel more Children of J. & M. A. E. Cooper |
K49 |
Cooper, Mary A. E. | Mary A. E. Wife of Jas. F. Cooper Died Sep. 7, 1872 AE. 23 y 8 m 7 d |
K48 |
Cooper, William B. | William B. Born Sep. 1, 1872 Died Sep. 18, same yr Heaven an angel more Children of J. & M. A. E. Cooper |
K49 |
Couch, Eleanor | Eleanor Wife of N. Couch Died Apr. 28, 1873 Aged 72 y 10 m 1 d Friends you must meet me here where ne’er is known a sigh or tear |
D91 D93 |
Couch, Nathan | Nathan Couch Died Oct. 17, 1864 Aged 75 ys 10 ms 9 ds |
D94 |
Courtney, Alice E. | 1902-1902 | M48 |
Cowden, Malinda Noble | (north) Malinda Cowden Died Dec. 12, 1884 Aged 50 y’s 2 m’s 14 d’s Daughters of Nathan & Nellie Noble A happier lot than ours, and larger light surrounds them there. |
E22 |
Crosby, Deborah | Deborah Wife of Thomas Crosby Died Oct 17, 1881 Aged 83 yrs |
A08 |
Crosby, Dora M. | 1859-1928 | J098 |
Crosby, Harriet A. | (west) Harriet A. Crosby Born June 30, 1828 Died Mar. 8, 1901 Their record is on High. |
J100 |
Crosby, Isaac | (west) Isaac Crosby Born Mar. 20, 1810 Died Aug. 14, 1897 |
Crosby, John B. | 1863-1937 | J099 |
Crosby, Phebe | (south) Phebe Crosby Born Dec. 12, 1789 Died Apr. 9, 1867 |
J101 |
Dakin, Charles W. | Here Lies the Mortal Remains of 4 Children Sons of Thomas and Lourinda Dakin Charles W. & Willard P. Twins Died Sept 1st 1846 Aged 3 weeks |
G32 |
Dakin, Sarah Cordelia | Sarah Cordelia Daughter of Thomas and Lourinda Dakin [rest of stone buried] |
G33 |
Dakin, Willard P. | Here Lies the Mortal Remains of 4 Children Sons of Thomas and Lourinda Dakin Charles W. & Willard Twins Died Sept 1st 1846 Aged 3 weeks |
G32 |
Dakin, William E. | Here Lies the Mortal Remains of 4 Children Sons of Thomas and Lourinda Dakin William E Died Aug 27th 1843 Aged 5 months |
Dakin, Wilmer | Here Lies the Mortal Remains of 4 Children Sons of Thomas and Lourinda Dakin Wilmer Died Sept. 19th 1845 Aged 13 months and 3 days |
Danford, Birdy | (east) Birdy Dau. of B. M. & E. J. Danford Born Sept. 16, 1870 Died July 12, 1871 |
L021 |
Danford, Katie+ | (south) Katie Dau. of B. M. & E. J. Danford Born July 10, 1873 Died Sept. 2, 1873 Gone but not forgotten |
L022 |
Danford, Maurice B | (west) Maurice B Son of B. M. & E. J. Danford Born Dec. 24, 1872 Died Sept. 27, 1877 Budded on earth to bloom in heaven |
L020 |
Davenport, Elizabeth | Elizabeth Davenport Died Feb. 2, 1892 Aged 72 y 5 m 25 d |
F18 F19 |
Davenport, G. H. | Dr. G. H. Davenport Died Aug. 28, 1879 Aged 79 y’s 6 m’s 26 d’s |
F18 |
Davidson, Bonnie May | In loving memory of Bonnie May Davidson Born February 15, 1933 Moravia, Iowa Died May 9, 2005 Savannah, Missouri |
M81 |
Davidson, Marvin Dale | In loving memory of Marvin Dale Davidson Born Sept. 1, 1927 Savannah, Missouri Died November 23, 1994 St. Joseph, Missouri Married Oct. 12, 1952 |
Davison, Lillie | Lillie Dau. of James T. & Sarah C. Davison Died July 25, 1873 Aged 4 m 15 d |
I15 |
Dean, Minerva J. | In memory of Minerva J. Daughter of Powel & Amelia Dean Born Feb. 10, 1844 Died Jan. 18, 1860 |
D80 |
Dean, Powell | In memory of Powell Dean Born Mar. 28, 1804 Died Aug. 11, 1859 |
D81 |
Dennelsbeck, Jacob | God is Love Jacob Dennelsbeck Born Dec. 27, 1800 Died April 11, 1867 |
E01 |
Dewitt, Nancy | In Memory of Nancy Wife of Wm. H. Dewitt Died June 3, 1858 Aged 46 ys 9 ms 14 ds |
H43 |
Dewitt, W. H. | W. H. Dewitt Co. E 88th Mo. En. Mil. |
H44 |
Dick, John D. | John D. Dick Died April 9, 1864 Aged 33 ys 2 ms 18 ds |
G37 |
Dickie, Thomas+ | Thos. Dickie Died Aug. 20, 1872 Aged 23 yrs verse illegible |
E44 E45 |
Dickson, Jahue N. S. | 1862-1940 | L025 |
Dickson, Sarah | 1865-1940 | |
Dobbs, Abram | Lieut. Abram Dobbs Co. C 5th MO. S. M. Cav. |
L060 |
Dobbs, John A. | John A. Son of Abram & Lucy Dobbs Died Sept. 30, 1881 Aged 16 y 11 m 19 d We only know that thou hast gone And that the same returnless tide Which bore thee from us still glides on And we who mourn thee with it glide. |
L061 L062 L063 |
Donald, A. F. | (south) A. F. Donald Born Apr. 28, 1845 Died Jan. 3, 1927 |
J080 J084 |
Donald, Amanda | (south) Amanda Wife of A. F. Donald Died Feb. 25, 1905 Aged 63 y 8 m 10 d |
Dooley, Isaac | In Memory of Isaac Dooley Born Oct. 26, 1829 Died Oct. 3, 1859 |
G26 G27 |
Dooley, R. W. | In Memory Of R. W. Dooley Born Aug. 16, 1825 Died Sep. 10, 1856 |
G26 G28 |
Dotson, Albert B. | Dotson Father Albert B. 1863-1924 |
I36 |
Dotson, Clainda | Dotson Mother Clainda 1873-1915 |
Dotson, Elizabeth | Dotson Grandmother Elizabeth 1837-1907 |
Dougan, Iris Odessa | Dougan Sister Iris Odessa 1906-2002 |
X75 X76 |
Dougan, John Elmer | 1872-1949 | X78 X79 |
Dougan, Marvin F. | Dougan Brother Marvin F. 1912-1997 |
X75 X76 |
Dougan, Olive Ann | 1881-1950 | X78 X79 |
Douglas, Charles J. | Douglas Charles J. Jan. 22, 1926 Dec. 30, 1996 Married Nov. 20, 1946 |
X27 X28 |
Douglas, Dixie L. | [private] | |
Douglass, Georgie | Georgie Son of J. & S. E. Douglass Died Dec. 15, 1879 Aged … y 6 m 12 d |
E49 |
Duggins, Beulah M. Lewis | Beulah M. Lewis Duggins Dec. 13, 1913 uncarved [died Dec. 6, 2006] |
L093 |
Duncan, Flora N. | Mother Flora N. 1912-1983 Duncan |
X04 |
Duncan, George J. | Daddy George J. 1908-1977 Duncan |
Dunn, Lucy A. | Lucy A. Wife of Henry Dunn Died Apr. 4, 1865 Aged 22 yrs We bloom today Tomorrow die. |
E14 E15 |
Edwards, Elizabeth | Elizabeth Edwards Oct. 14, 1846 Oct. 21, 1928 |
K20 |
Edwards, Henderson | Henderson Edwards Dec. 4, 1839 Oct. 10, 1922 |
Edwards, infant | Infant Son of H. & E. C. Edwards Sept. 9, 1877 Sept. 21, 1877 |
K19 |
Edwards, Susannah+ | (north) Susannah Edwards Died Aug. 1, A.D. 1875 Aged 73 yrs 9 mos 8 das |
J129 J130 J132 |
Edwards, William | (south) William Edwards Died Sept. 6, A.D. 1872 Aged 81 yrs 8 mos 27 ds |
J130 J131 J132 |
Eisiminger, Conrad | Conrad Eisiminger Died Apr. 3, 1854 Aged about 48 yrs. Inscription illegible |
H47E H48 H48E |
Eisiminger, Ella | Ella Eisiminger Jan. 23, 1871 – Jan. 31, 1945 |
L129 L133 |
Eisiminger, Genevieve S. | Eisiminger Genevieve S. Feb. 17, 1904 May 1, 1984 |
L007 |
Eisiminger, Henry | Henry Eisiminger Died Sept. 20, 1860 Aged 28 ys 8 ms 8 ds |
H47E H52 H53 |
Eisiminger, Laura Ellen | Laura Ellen Eisiminger Feb. 23, 1891 – Dec. 23, 1972 |
L129 L131 |
Eisiminger, Lawrence | Lawrence Eisiminger Jan. 31, 1894 – Jan. 2, 1986 |
L129 L130 |
Eisiminger, Lawrence P. | Eisiminger Lawrence P. June 27, 1903 Jan. 20, 1983 |
L007 |
Eisiminger, Mary P. | Mary P. Wife of C. Eisiminger Died Jany. 8, 1880 Aged 67 y 9 m 28 d |
H47E H50 |
Eisiminger, Nathan A. | Nathan A. Eisiminger Aug. 28, 1864 – May 7, 1946 |
L129 L134 |
Eisiminger, Roy | Roy Eisiminger June 22, 1890 – Sept. 30, 1971 |
L129 L132 |
Eisiminger, Virginia A. | Virginia A. Dau. of H. & R. Eisiminger Died Aug. 6, 1860 Aged 1 yr 9 ms 8 ds |
H47E H51 |
Eisiminger, William | William Son of C. & M. Eisiminger Died Sept. 6, 1852 Aged 12 yrs 11 mo 28 days |
H47E H49 |
Elliott, Robert | Robert Elliott Born Jan. 3, 1793 Died Aug. 29, 1880 Aged 87 y’s 7 m 26 d |
H18 H20 |
Elliott, Robert P. | In Memory of Robert P. Elliott Who was born April 1, 1805 … died Aug. 23, 1851 Aged 46 yr 4 mos 19 ds |
D05 |
Elliott, Sarah+ | Sarah Wife of Robt. Elliott Died Aug. 29, 1852 Aged 58 y’s & 5 m’s |
H18 H19 |
Ely, Stella | Stella Dau. of [John] & Belle Ely Died … Aged 13? … |
K50 |
Ely, William M. | William M. Ely Died Jan.3, 1881 Aged 78 y 9 m 3 d |
K27 |
Ettinger, Harry Jonas | Harry Jonas Ettinger Sept. 24 – Dec. 4, 1892 |
M38 M39 |
Ettinger, Lawrence W. | Beloved Father Lawrence W. Ettinger Feb. 3, 1890 – Dec. 12, 1977 |
G88 |
Ettinger, Morris B. | 1864-1952 | M38 M42 |
Ewing, David C. | David C. Ewing Died Mar. 23, 1872 Aged 67 y … m 20 d The light of …just blesses… Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. John 11th 23rd |
B02 B03 B05 |
Ewing, Margaret W. | Miss Margaret W. Ewing Born Mar. 24, 1796; Died Sept. 22, 1855 Thy word is always unto my feet And a light unto my path. Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid. John 11th 23rd |
B01 B02 B05 |
Farthing, Lucy B. | In Memory of Lucy B. Parthing [sic] Wife of Geo. E. Farthing born Feb. 22, 1823 in state of VA. departed this life April 12, 1851 Aged 28 yrs 1 mo. 18 ds |
B30 |
Fellows, William | Wm. Fellows Co. E 1st Wis. Cav. |
I56 |
Ferrison, John H. | In Memory of John H. Son of P & K. B. Ferrison Born Aug. 22, 1859 Died Sept. 24, 1863 Aged 4 y 1 m 2 d |
D61 |
Fleming, Anna | Anna Wife of A. W. Fleming Died Nov. 20, 1873 Aged 21 y’s 3 m’s 22 d’s |
C14 C15 |
Fleming, William H. | Wm. H. Fleming Born May 19, 1778 Died June 6, 1864 Aged 81 ys 13 ds |
G91 |
Follett, Sarah J. | Sarah J. Wife of E. S. Follett Died May 7, 1879 Aged 35 ys 1 mo 29 ds A member of the … Lodge No. 25… R. |
D22 D23 |
Ford, Earl | Earl Ford Nov. 2, 1880 – Feb. 9, 1931 |
L091 |
Ford, Elizabeth S. | Ford Elizabeth S. His Wife Feb. 24, 1827 – Nov. 11, 1896 |
L080 |
Ford, James E. | James E. Ford Died Mar. 22, 1894 Aged 46 y’s 4 m’s 23 d’s One we loved has left our number. |
L090 |
Ford, Libby O. | Ford Libby O. Dec. 18, 1864 – Dec. 2, 1896 |
L080 |
Ford, Mary W. | Mary W. Daught. of W. F. & E. S. Ford died Dec. 10, 1871 aged 4 Y’rs 28 D’s |
Z01 Z02 |
Ford, Mattie J. | Ford Mattie J. Aug. 13-1853 – Nov. 16, 1893 |
L080 |
Ford, W. F. | W. F. Ford Feb, 5, 1825 – June 28, 1915 |
Ford, William B. | Ford William B. Mar. 18, 1856 – Oct. 10, 1900 |
Fortune, infant | In Memory of the Infant Son of T. L. and Mary A. Fortune |
B18 |
Fosdick, Sarah P. | Sarah P Wife of Dr. H. W. Fosdick Died Jan. 30, 1878 Aged 37 y 28 d Born in …Co. Ohio … the … Church at Indianapolis, Ind. |
B47 B48 |
Frasse, Frances Marian | Frasse Frances Marian – His Wife Oct. 28, 1833 – Sept. 8, 1912 |
G07 |
Frasse, Henry | In loving remembrance of Henry Frasse Asst. Surg’n 5th S.M. Cav. Jan. 16, 1826 – Nov. 12, 1874 [two markers] |
G07 G08 |
French, Amanda | French At rest Amanda- his wife Feb. 29, 1836-June 5, 1867 Father and Mother |
E16 |
French, Isaac A. | At rest Isaac A. French Aug, 5, 1830-Dec. 12, 1901 Father and Mother |
Furst, Margaret | In Memory of Margaret M. Late Wife of Emanuel B. Furst Who died April 17th, 1849 Aged 31 years 2 months and 23 days |
F30 |
Galbraith, C. Homer | C. Homer Oct. 5, 1914 June 1, 1982 Galbraith |
L023 |
Galbraith, Dorothy M. | Dorothy M. Sept. 18, 1919 Dec. 9, 2001 Galbraith |
Gann, Ann E. | (east) Ann E. Gann Died June 1, 1888 Aged 72 y’s 7 m’s 23 d’s (north) Our father and mother are at rest here |
G79 G80 |
Gann, Christian | (west) Christian Gann Died Mar 3, 1868 Aged 63 y’s 5 d’s (north) Our father and mother are at rest here |
G78 G79 |
Garrett, Lyddie Brown | Lyddie Brown Daughter of S. F. & S. E. Garrett Died Mar. 10, 1859 Aged 2 y 10 m 28 d |
D55 |
Garrett, William E. | William E. Son of S. F. & S. E. Garrett, died June 17, 1864 Aged 5 y’r 6 mo’s 27 d’s Inscription illegible |
D54 |
Giddings, Armide Boon | Father Mother Armide Boon Wife of N. B. Giddings Born Aug. 22, 1825 Died Dec. 2, 1887 (back) George Hampton Louisa Frances Hampton Louie Rowena Boon Anne Evalina Mary Armide Napoleon Tandy Sarah Luella Allene Irene Adelle Ora Leona James Braxton |
D27 D28 |
Giddings, N. B. | Father Mother N. B. Giddings Born Jan. 2, 1816 Died Aug 3, 1897 (back) George Hampton Louisa Frances Hampton Louie Rowena Boon Anne Evalina Mary Armide Napoleon Tandy Sarah Luella Allene Irene Adelle |
Gillispie, Susanna Elizabeth | Susanna Elizabeth Wife of J. P. Gillispie Oct. 29, 1862 July 26, 1923 |
L027 L029 L028 |
Ginn, Alice Cobb | Alice Cobb Ginn Jan. 22, 1896 July 11, 1987 |
G39 G40 G41 |
Ginn, Raymond F. | Raymond F. Ginn May 30, 1897 Sept. 19, 1975 |
G39 G40 G42 |
Goddard, Curtis | Curtis Goddard Died Nov. 5, 1883 Aged 43 y 9 m 4 d |
M19 M20 |
Gordon, Lee* | Lee Gordon Died Feb. 4, 1897 Aged 72 Years |
M68 |
Gordon, Lucy* | Lucy Gordon Wife of Lee Gordon Died Dec. 15, 1896 Aged 63 Years |
M67 |
Graff, Agnes | Agnes Wife of Valentine Graff Sr. Died July 7, 1866 Aged 85 y 10 m 28 d Our Mother |
L144 L145 |
Graff, Alice E. | Graff Mother Alice E. his wife 1866-1927 |
L143 |
Graff, Harry F. | 1890-1979 | I37 I42 |
Graff, Mary E. | 1892-1978 | |
Graff, Valentine | Father Valentine Graff 1862-1927 |
L143 |
Graff, Valentine | Valentine Graff Ist Geboren in Longenlonsheim Regierungs Beirk Nobelenz Empire Preussen 25 January 1804 Gestorben 24 May 1885 Aged 81 y 3 m 29 d |
L144 L146 |
Gray, Harriet B.* | 1861-1880 | M10 |
Gray, Hester A.* | Gray Hester A. His Wife Dec. 6, 1836 – Feb 4, 1933 |
L147 L148 |
Gray, infants* | M05 | |
Gray, Mary E.* | 1867-1928 | M04 |
Gray, Moses* | 1869-1953 | L153 L154 |
Gray, Myrtle* | 1912-1913 | M05 |
Gray, William K.* | William K. Gray June 26, 1836 – July 10, 1913 |
L147 L148 |
Gray, Zora* | 1881-1956 | L153 L154 |
Greenlee, James W | (south side) James W. Their son July 2, 1847 Aug. 7, 1859 |
B28 |
Greenlee, Mary A. | Mother and Father Mary A. Greenlee Mar. 27, 1825 Sept. 8, 1902 |
B26 |
Greenlee, Thomas | Mother and Father Thomas Greenlee Apr. 21, 1821 Nov 22, 1879 |
Greenlee, Thomas B. | (north side) Thomas B Their son Jan. 9, 1861 Feb. 8, 1884 |
B27 |
Griffin, Carl K. | Griffin Carl K. Sept. 18, 1922 Nov. 30, 1996 |
X42 |
Griffin, Delia M. | Griffin Delia M. Dec. 8, 1923 Mar. 27, 1999 |
Hail, David W. | David W. Son of T. H. & A. E. Hail Died Sept 20, 1863 Aged 1 y’r 4 m’s 24 d’s The casket is here – the jewel in heaven Farris & Thompson St. Jo |
D06 |
Hale, Harriet M. | Harriet M. Daughter of M. & J. Hale Died June 3, 1854 Aged 16 yrs 9 mo’s 3 D |
B29 |
Hamilton, Edna Mae Sigrist | Edna Mae Sigrist Hamilton Sept. 25, 1926 Dec. 11, 2006 In God’s Care |
Y06 Y07 |
Hancock, Anna E. | Hancock Mother Anna E. Died 1934 |
L157 |
Hancock, William E. | Hancock Son William E. Died 1949 |
Hardcastle, Abbie J | Abbie J. Infant Dau. of B. F. & S. J. Hardcastle Died Dec. 30, 1881 Aged 2 days |
A41 |
Harden, Mary M. | Mary M Wife of Wm. H. Harden Died July 20, 1871 Aged 42 y’s 4 m’s 23 d’s |
K26 |
Harlan, Eva Alice | Eva Alice Daught. of D. R. B & Alice L. Harlan Died Dec. 12, 1870 Aged 2 yrs 7 d’s O Death thou lovest the beautiful. |
L109 L111 L106 |
Harrington, Clara Jane | Mother Clara Jane 1891-1864 Married Sept. 2, 1909 Harrington |
M53 M54 |
Harrington, Leroy | Father Leroy "Cotton" Harrington 1913-1966 |
M52 |
Harrington, Thaddeus L. | Father Thaddeus L. 1887-1943 Married Sept. 2, 1909 Harrington |
M53 M54 |
Harris, C. Earl | 1887-1967 | L057 |
Harris, Tilda M. | 1889-1964 | |
Hart, Marvin | [In] Sa[cred] Memory [of] Marvin s[on of] Jose[ph &] Clara Hart … 22 … |
Y03 Y04 |
Hartt, Lola E. | 1927-2000 | X41 |
Harvey, Carolyn | (side) Carolyn Dau. of D. W. & S. E. Harvey Nov. 11, 1909 July 9, 1910 |
L051 L056 L055 |
Harvey, David W. | 1865-1945 | L051 L052 L053 |
Harvey, Ethel E. | 1905-1994 | L047 L050 L048 |
Harvey, Richard C. | 1902-1965 | L047 L050 L049 |
Harvey, Sarah E. | 1872-1948 | L051 L052 L054 |
Harwood, George D. | (west) Shed not for them the bitter tear Nor give the heart in vain regret Tis but the caskets that lie here The gems that filled them sparkle yet. George D. Harwood Died Sep. 21, 1879 Aged 42 years |
M78 M80 |
Harwood, Hellen | (west) Shed not for them the bitter tear Nor give the heart in vain regret Tis but the caskets that lie here The gems that filled them sparkle yet. (north) Hellen Wife of G. D. Harwood Died May 25, 1885 Aged 47 years |
M78 M79 |
Hatcher, Dicy A.* | 1865-1924 | M03 |
Hawkins, Rutha A. | [private] | J065 |
Hazelrigg, Edward P. | Hazelrigg Edward P. Feb. 26, 1910 May 29, 1973 |
J068 |
Hazelrigg, Opal R. | Hazelrigg Opal R. May 16, 1911 Sept. 26, 1995 |
Henderson, Robert B. | Robert B son of Joseph & Harriet Henderson Died Jan. 14, 1857 Aged 2 y’s 21 d’s |
D51 |
Higgins, Charlie W. | Charlie W. Higgins Born Aug. 10, 1865 Deceased Apr. 5, 1877 |
A21 |
Higgins, Gracie E. | Gracie E. Higgins Born Dec. 15, 1856 Deceased Oct 10, 1857 Transplanted Our Lambs |
A20 |
Higgins, James C. | James C. Higgins Born Feb. 1, 1820 Deceased April 27, 1882 Hig. is not dead but gone before, He is mine Waiting for me, his wife. |
A19 A22 |
Higgins, Patrick J. | Patrick J. Higgins Born Sept. 23, 1860 Deceased Sept. 25, 1860 Transplanted Our Lambs |
A20 |
Hill, Lizzie* | 1860-1926 | M75 |
Hill, Samuel | [In] memory of Samuel A. Hill died … 15, … Aged 28 Y |
Y01 Y02 |
Hiltibidal, Elizabeth | In Memory of Elizabeth Wife of Jacob Hiltibidal Died Sept. 27, 1848 Aged 42 y |
A13 |
Hiltibidal, James | Also James S. Died March 25, 1848 Aged 2_? years |
A14 |
Hiltibidal, Mary M. | Also Mary M. Died June 21, 1845 Aged 8 y 7 m |
A13 |
Hiltibidal, Nancy J. | Also Nancy J. Died August 4, 1845 Aged 10 years |
A13 |
Hiltibidal, Oliver+ | Also Oliver Died Feb. 7, 1852 Aged 18 y 5 m |
A14 A14a |
Hinkle, Beulah L. | Hinkle Beulah L Oct. 17, 1903 Oct. 13, 1989 Wed Apr. 28, 1928 |
X64 X65 |
Hinkle, Kenneth P. | Hinkle Kenneth P. Oct. 29, 1895 Mar. 4, 1983 Wed Apr. 28, 1928 |
Hobson, George H. | George H. Hobson Died Dec. 9, 1848 Aged 58 y’s 3 m’s 21 d’s |
F32 |
Hobson, infant | Infant Dau. of W.J. & Juletta Hobson | A23 |
Hobson, infant | Infant Son of [W. J. & Juletta] Hobson Died Oct. 20, 1869 Aged 2 months |
A24 |
Hobson, John | J031 | |
Hobson, Lottie Dell | Lottie Dell Hobson Suffer the little children to come unto me. |
J035 J035a J035b |
Hobson, Mary L. | Dear mother in earth’s thorny paths, How long thy feet have trod To find at last a peaceful rest Safe in the arms of God. Mary L. Hobson Born May 1, 1814 Died May 12, 1885 |
A49 A50 |
Hobson, Michael C. | Michael C. Son of Stephen N. & Mary L. Hobson Died Apr. 23, 1852 Aged 17 y 5 mo [two markers] Nov. 11, 1834 Died Apl. 23, 1852 Aged 17 years 5 months Death loves a shining mark. |
A46 A51 |
Hobson, Naomi | Naomi Hobson wife of … |
J032 |
Hobson, Sally | … H … [Sally, wife of George Hobson] … Nov. 11 … [1845] … [5]5 Y… |
F31 |
Hobson, Steven H. | Steven H. Hobson Born March 2, 1810 Died May 17, 1880 Aged 70 years 2 months |
A47 A48 |
Holder, Charles B. | 1879-1961 | K52 |
Holder, Ella P. | 1880-1964 | K51 |
Holme, Sarah | Sarah Wife of James Holme, Died Aug. 4, 1866 Aged …0 yrs Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. |
E36 |
Holt, Charles* | Charles Holt Dec. 3, 1867 Aug. 3, 1895 At Rest |
M66 |
Holt, E. B. | E. B. Daughter of J. M. & S. E. Holt Died Sept. 12, 1857 |
F20 F22 |
Holt, Ernest R. | 1872-1933 | G20 |
Holt, Hester* | Hester Holt May 17, 1873 June 19, 1889 |
M76 |
Holt, Ida* | Ida Holt Mar. 28, 1871 Apr. 2, 1890 |
M77 |
Holt, James C. | James C. Holt Son of J. M. & R. Holt Who died Sept 8, 1… Aged 1 y 6 m |
F20 F24 |
Holt, Luella* | Luella Holt Oct. 8, 1882 |
M69 M70 |
Holt, Pearl | 1876-uncarved | G20 |
Holt, Rachel E. | In Memory of Rachel E. Wife of Joseph M. Holt Who Died Feb. 8, 1851 Aged 27 years 8 mo 27 d’s |
F20 F21 F23 |
Holt, Robert T. | Robert T. Son of J. M. & S. E. Holt Died June 10, 1853 |
F20 F22 |
Hoss, Anna G. | Anna G. Wife of Jacob Hoss Died Oct. 15, 1867 Aged 66 yrs 3 mo 24 ds |
E42 |
Howard, Adeline Submit | Adeline Submit Howard Cor Cordium Born at Montpelier Washington Co. Vt. March 19, 1827 Died at Savannah Andrew Co. MO Nov. 6, 1854 Illegible verse |
B21 B33 |
Howard, Betsey | (north) Betsey Wife of Wm. B. Howard Born July 15, 1829 Died July 26, 1906 |
L001 L003 |
Howard, Catherine H. Clarke | Catherine H. Wife of W.P. Howard & daughter of Tho. H. & Mary Clarke Died in St. Louis Apr. 8, 1862 Born in Manhattan, Indiana Jan. 2, 1834 |
A37 A38 A39 A40 |
Howard, Columbia C. | Columbia C. Born Mar. 12, 1862 Died Aug. 21, 1862 Three children of W. P. & Catherine H. Howard |
A33 A35 |
Howard, Emma E. | (west) Emma E. His Wife Born Dec. 16, 1864 Died Dec. 1, 1918 Howard |
L003 L004 L005 L058 L059 |
Howard, Harlan | (west) Harlan Howard Born Sept. 3, 1859 Uncarved |
L003 L004 L005 |
Howard, John C. | John C. Born Aug. 22, 1857 Died July 12, 1858 Three children of W. P. & Catherine H. Howard |
A36 A35 |
Howard, Mary V. | Mary V. Born Aug. 22, 1852 Died Oct. 16, 1852 Three children of W. P. & Catherine H. Howard |
A34 A35 |
Howard, Nancy | Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord Nancy Howard Died Jan. 28, 1872 Aged 84 y 5 m 9 d A member of the M.E. church over sixty years |
I19 |
Howard, William B. | (east) In memory of William B. Howard Born Jan. 5, 1830 Died Feb. 15, 1891 “In my father’s house are many mansions”. St. John 15C 2v We cherish his memory. |
L006 L002 L003 |
Howard, William Ira | Here lies William Ira, Eldest son of John, and Virginia Howard Born in Albemarle County, Virginia Oct. 21, 1819 Died in Savannah Nov. 24th 1842 |
A32 |
Howel, Benson | Benson A Son of J. B. & E. N. Howel Born Mar. 1, 1853 Died Dec. 4, 1882 Aged 28 y 9 m 3 d |
I27 |
Howel, Prince Edward | Sacred to the Memory of Prince Edward Son of J. B. & E. N. Howel Died Oct. … 1864 Aged … |
I26 |
Howell, Elizabeth+ | Elizabeth Howell Oct. 19, 1831 – Dec 30 1906 |
I25 |
Howell, John | John Howell Jan. 7, 1902 Aged 76 years (corrected to 68) |
Howell, Levine L. | Levine L.Howell Died Mar. 2, 1901 Aged 52 yr 8 mo 18 days |
000 J133 |
Hub…, William E. | William E. Hub… Born in … Aug 8, 1833 Died Nov. 18, 1866 Aged 23 y 3 m 10 d |
D89 |
Hubbard, Mary A. | Mary A. Wife of R. G. Hubbard Died Apr. 1, 1844 Aged 59 yr 9 mo 23 days |
E02 |
Huffman, Daniel F. | (west) Daniel F. Son of S. Huffman Died Jan. 3, 1874 |
K41 K42 |
Huffman, Daniel K.+ | Daniel K. Huffman Printer Rests Here |
K46 |
Huffman, Miranda | Miranda Wife of Rev. S. Huffman Born Dec. 1, 1824 Married S. Huffman Feb. 2, 1850 Died Apr. 17, 1917 |
K41 K43 |
Huffman, Samuel+ | Rev. Samuel Huffman Born Apr. 15, 1806 Licensed to Preach Dec. 25, 1832 Died Feb. 27, 1900 |
K41 K45 |
Hulse, Lunetta Jane | 1855-1930 | G30 |
Humber, James T. | James T. Son of A. A. & M. Y. Humber Died Dec. 25, 1853 |
B12 |
Humber, Margaret Y. | Margaret Y. Wife of Albert A. Humber Died July 20, 1851 Aged 36 yrs 4 mo |
B13 |
Hutchison, Lucy D. | Lucy D. Daughter of B. & K. E. Hutchison Died Mar. 27, 1874 Aged 16 y … |
B09 |
Hyde, Charles T. | Charles T. Son of Philo & Elizabeth Hyde Born July 28, 1849 Died July 27, 1857 Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. |
A09 |
Hyde, Edwin C. | Edwin C. Infant son of Philo & Elizabeth Hyde Born June 24, 1845 Died Nov. 18, 1846 |
A11 |
Hyde, George M. | George M. Son of Philo & Elizabeth Hyde Born Oct. 20, 1842 Died Nov. 22, 1846 Suffer little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven. |
A09 |
Imus, Albert L. | 1861-1923 | M07 |
Imus, Benjamin L. | 1900-1927 | M06 |
Imus, George W. | 1898-1944 | L138 |
Imus, Lellie M. | 1870-1945 | L137 |
Imus, Lulu M. | 1892-1917 | M06 |
Jenkins, Gambia B. | 1855-1937 | J094 |
Jenkins, John L. | 1861-19uncarved | J025 |
Jenkins, Joseph Andrew | 1850-1927 | J095 |
Jenkins, Lillie G. | 1865-1924 | J025 |
Jenkins, Mary F. | (north) Mary F. Jenkins Died Feb. 5, 1898 Aged 58 y 11 m 10 d God in his wisdom has recalled The boon his love has given, And though the body slumbers here, The soul is safe in Heaven. |
M14 M15 M18 M16 |
Jenkins, Sarah E. | 1857-1926 | M11 |
Jenkins, Thomas+ | (west) Thomas Jenkins Died Mar. 5, 1883 Aged 52 y 11 m 5 d (south) A light from our household has gone, A voice we loved is stilled, A place is vacant in our hearts That never can be filled |
M13 M17 |
Jenkins, William T.+ | 1852-1921 | M11 |
Jessup, Hannah | Hannah Wife of Solomon Jessup Died Mar. 18, 1863 Aged 73 years |
I13 |
Jinkins, Charles R. | Chas. R. Son of F. M. & E. Jinkins Died Apr. 13, 1872 Aged 4 y’s10 m 27 d |
I20 I21 |
Jones, B. F. | B. F. Jones Co. 6 51st Mo. Inf. |
G34 |
Jones, Fannie May | Fannie May Dau. of R. P. & M. M. Jones Born Apr. 25, 1881 Died in Savannah July 16, 1883 Aged 2 y 2 m 11 d |
L112 L106 |
Jones, Mary A. | 1869-1959 | L122 L123 |
Jones, Norma C. | 1905-1991 | |
Jones, Thomas B. | 1874-1956 | |
Joslin, Edward Lee | Edward Lee Joslin Dec. 15, 1928 May 8, 2001 |
X52 |
Joy, James | James Joy Born Jan. 23, 1806 Died Aug. 1866 Aged 60 years |
E24 |
Joy, Melenium | Melenium Wife of J. F. Joy Died Feb. 11, 1869 Aged 28 y’s 11 m 15 d |
E33 |
Joy, Simon L. | Simon L. Son of E. W. & M. A. Joy Died Apr. 9, 1864 Aged 1 yr 5 mo |
I23 |
Kabel, Doyle Willard | Doyle Willard Kabel Sept. 20, 1926 – Aug. 28 |
X39 |
Keller, Daniel W. | [private] | X25 |
Keller, Lucille E. Todd | Keller Mother Lucille E. Todd 1926-1996 Wed Feb. 14, 1947 |
Kellogg, Russel L. | In Loving Memory of Russel L. Kellogg Born February 19, 1927 Agenda, Kansas Died July 7, 2003 St. Joseph, Missouri |
X61 X62 |
King, Armine J. | Armine J. King Born Jan. 4, 1896 Died June 19, 1896 |
K31 K55 |
King, Esther J. | Esther J. King Died Feb. 7, 1860 Aged 28 years |
I12 |
King, Frances Elizabeth | Frances Elizabeth Daughter of Will R. & Susan King Died Feb.15, 1856 Aged 4 yr’s 3 m’s 1 d Little Frankie From adverse blasts and lowering storms Her favored soul he bore And with yon bright angelic forms She lives to die no more. |
G02 G03 |
King, Gracie E.+ | Gracie’s Grave Gracie E. Dau. of Geo. E & Lillie A. King Died July 9, 1878 Aged 2 ys 4 ms 22 ds |
G71 G49 |
King, Joseph Tennessee | Joseph Tennessee Son of Will R. & Susan King Died Jan. 6, 1854 Aged 4 m’s 19 d’s Our Joe He is not dead but sleepeth. When Christ who is our life shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him. |
G01 G04 |
King, Nellie C. | Nellie’s Grave Nellie C. Dau. of G. E. & Lillie King Died [Oct] 31, 1886 Aged [5 ys] 7 ms 10 ds |
G48 G50 |
King, Susan | Susan Wife of Will R. King born in Washington Co. Ohio Died at Savannah, Mo. Aug. 14, 1861 Aged 34 yrs 4 m’s 20 d’s Susan in Heaven |
G05 G06 |
Kinley, unknown | … Kinley Died Feb 13, 1880 Aged … m 29 d |
D39 |
Kirker, Amanda | Amanda Daughter of Thomas & Jane Kirker Born July 4, 1854 Died Oct. 21, 1867 Aged 13 y 3 mo 17 d …could … … child would not… |
F27 F28 |
Kirwan, Norma Jean | Norma Jean Kirwan 1941-2007 Heaton Bowman Smith Chapel [mortuary marker] |
Y13 |
Kolbrenner, Annie G | Annie G. Dau. of G. & Elizabeth Kolbrenner Born June 6, 1869 Died July 16, 1870 |
D31 |
Kolbrenner, Emma I | Emma I. Dau. of G. & C. E. Kolbrenner Born Apr. 20, 1875 Died June 25, 1875 Beloved |
D33 D32 |
Kolbrenner, Lydia | Lydia Wife of G. Kolbrenner Died Jan. 4, 1898 Aged 63 y 5 mo At Rest |
D35 |
Kolbrenner, Rosa A | Rosa A. Dau. of G. & C.E. Kolbrenner Born Dec. 29, 1871 Died Oct. 4, 1886 We cherish her memory |
D34 |
Korell, John B. | Korell John B. June 10, 1903 July 8, 1986 |
F14 |
Korell, Mary Jule | Korell Mary Jule June 2, 1904 Feb. 13, 1991 |
Krull, William C. | In Loving Memory of William C. Krull Born May 22, 1921 Cosby, Missouri Died Nov. 9, 2001 St. Joseph, Missouri Breit & Hawkins Funeral Home Savannah, Missouri [mortuary marker] |
X47 X48 |
Lambright, Harriet N. | (west) Here rests a … christian A … wife and … May the pledge… to her … died In Christ … the … immediately The … of the just is blessed. Harriet N. wife of George Lambright Died Apr. 3, 1880 Aged 54 Yrs 1 mo 4 ds |
D43 D44 |
Laney, Alice | Alice Dau. of T. M. & L. C. Laney Died Sept. 30, 1868 Aged 1 mo 22 d’s |
H16 |
Laney, C. Cedric | 1905-1973 | K56 K62 |
Laney, Caroline | Caroline Wife of J. H. Laney Born Aug 2, 1828 Died Sept 12, 1868 |
H14 |
Laney, J. H. | Dr. J. H. Laney 1859-1938 |
K56 K58 K60 |
Laney, Jessie C. | 1862-1941 | K56 K58 K59 |
Laney, John | John Laney Born in … Died in Savannah, MO Feb.10, 1871 Aged 80 y 10 m |
K36 K37 |
Laney, John H. | John H. Laney Died Dec. 1, 1898 Aged 75 yr 20 ds |
H15 |
Laney, Lucy C. | 1828-1915 | K56 K57 K57a |
Laney, Marian E. | 1891-1970 | K56 K61 |
Laney, T. M. | Dr. T. M. Laney 1828-1891 |
K56 K57 K57a K63 |
Layton, Tommie C. | Tommie C. Aged 1 y 2 m 24 d Sons of Chas. & Jane Layton |
L158 |
Layton, Willie E. | Willie E. Aged 12 y 13 d Sons of Chas. & Jane Layton |
Leach, Alfred L. (Charles) | 1909-1981 [two stones, two dates] Alfred L Leach Sgt US Army World War II Oct 16, 1910 Oct 21, 1981 |
J062 J063 J064 |
Leach, Marie | 1919-2001 | J062 J063 |
Leader, Chase Michael | Chase Michael Leader Mar. 5, 1986 Nov. 19, 2006 Loving son & father A million times we’ve needed you A million times we’ve cried If love alone could of saved you You never would have died In life we loved you dearly In death we love you still In our hearts you hold a place No one else will ever fill It broke our hearts to lose you But you didn’t go alone Part of us went with you The day God took you home. |
Y08 Y09 |
Leader, Deborah E. | Leader Deborah E. "Debbie" Apr. 15, 1955 Apr. 2, 2004 Married May 25, 1974 |
X82 X83 |
Leader, Hazel M. | [private] | X84 X85 |
Leader, Juanita L. | 1916-1985 | X73 X74 |
Leader, Marvin C. | 1906-1968 | |
Leader, Michael S. | [private] | X82 X83 |
Leader, Morris R. | Leader Morris R. May 10, 1931 Mar. 7, 2001 Married Sept. 18, 1952 [two markers] US Navy Korea |
X84 X85 |
Lee, Matilda* | 1830-1934 | M83 X68 |
Lee, Reuben | Reuben Lee Died Nov. 26, 1894 Aged 10 y’s 7 m’s 26 d’s |
M65 |
Lemon, George M. | George M Infant son of Wm. T. & Elizabeth J. Lemon Died July 2, 1853 Aged 9 mo’s 11 d’s |
D04 |
Lewis, Clara M. | 1894-1988 | L095 L096 |
Lewis, James E. | 1878-1960 | |
Lewis, Lester E. | Father Lester E. Lewis Dec. 4, 1910 Dec. 28, 1992 |
L084 |
Lewis, Ronald E. | [two stones] Ronald E. Lewis Missouri Pvt US Army Nov. 16, 1938 May 1, 1962 |
L081 L083 |
Littz, Leonard | In Memory Of Leonard Littz Born in Wythe Co. Va. June 26, 1796 Died in Nodaway Co. MO Oct. 9, 1872 Aged 76 y 3 m 13 d Remember friends as you pass by as you are now so once was I. as I am now so you must be prepare for death and follow me. |
E38 E39 |
Logan, Dicey* | Dicey Wife of Moses Logan Died Aug. 30, 1895 Aged 88 yr 9 mo 29 da |
L149 L151 |
Logan, Joseph I.* | Jos. I. Died Aug. 17, 1855 Aged 6 Y 7 M & 13 days sons of M. Logan |
L159 L161 L162 |
Logan, Moses* | Moses Logan Died May 21, 1875 Aged 85 years |
L149 L152 |
Logan, Robert L.* | Robert L. Died Jan. 24, 1867 Aged 20 y’s 8 m’s Children of M. Logan |
I58 |
Logan, Roda* | Roda Died May9, 1845 Aged 1 y 3 m 6 days Children of M. Logan |
Logan, Willis L.* | Willis L. died Dec, 1, 1861 aged 28 y 7 m 3 d sons of M. Logan |
L159 L160 L162 |
Long, Cyntha A. | Cyntha A. Wife of E. Long Died Aug. 24, 1890 Aged 83 years verse illegible |
E46 E47 |
Long, Edmond | Edmond Long Died Jan. 23, 1873 Aged 71 yrs 13 d |
E48 |
Lorimor, Eulene R. | 1896-1993 | J070 J071 |
Lorimor, Ralph M. | 1891-1977 | |
Lowe, G. E. | Lieut. G. E. Lowe 58th U.S. C. T. |
D90 |
Macicek, Hazel M. | Macicek Hazel M. June Mar 1911 1992 |
X20 |
Macicek, Joseph F. | [two stones] Joseph F Macicek Sgt. US Army World War II Dec 21 1912 Sep 9 1990 |
X20 X32 |
Mann, Ida | 1880-1983 | X67 |
Mann, Thomas | 1869-1956 | |
Manning, George W. | We Will Meet Soon Geo. W. Manning Died May 28, 1871 Aged 70 years McD. & B. Sav. |
I08 |
Manning, Mary | In Memory of Mary, Wife of G. W. Manning Died July 18, 1852 Aged 51 yrs 6 mo 7 d |
I03 |
Manning, Mary J. R. Mallorie | Mary J. R. Mallorie … of S. Manning Died Feb. 19, 1868 Aged 32 y 7 m 10 d |
D88 |
Manning, Ruth | Gone Home Ruth wife of E. R. Manning died Apr. 26, 1856 aged 24 y 9 m |
Z03 Z04 Z05 Z06 |
Marsh, Nellie May | Nellie May Marsh Born Sept. 18, 1881 Died May 25, 1898 Gone but not forgotten |
M43 |
Marshall | G21 | |
Marshall, Samuel | In Memory of Samuel Marshall Born Aug. 15, 1781 Died July 26, 1857 |
I05 |
Martin, Angeline | (east) Angeline Died Dec. 19, 1869 Aged 23 y 12 d Children of A. K. & M. Martin |
E05 |
Martin, James Lee | (south) Jas. Lee Died Nov. 19, 1868 Aged 23 y 10 m 22 d Children of A. K. & M. Martin |
E06 |
Martin, John H. | (south) John H. Died Jan. 15, 1880 Aged 27 y 1 m 11 d |
Martin, Mariah Rebecca | Mariah Rebecca Dau. of J. H. & L. E. Martin Died Oct. 4, 1860 Aged 5 yrs 2 mos 9 ds |
D20 |
Martin, Mary | Mary E/B Daughter of J. H. & Lieuticia E. Martin Died May 29, 1858 Aged 2 yrs 11 ds |
D19 |
Martin, Sarah Belle | (north) Sarah Belle Died Mar 26, 1871 Aged 10 y 7 m 3 d Children of A. K. & M. Martin |
E04 |
Martin, William | (west) William Died Sep. 21, 1865 Aged 22 y 2 m 3 d Children of A. K. & M. Martin |
E03 |
Martindale, infant | Infant Dau. of W. J & O. Martindale Died July 16, 1871 |
I57 |
Martindale, Willie E. | Willie E. Son of W. B. & A. J. Martindale Born Oct. 24, 18… Died Jan 18, 1877 Inscription illegible |
E25 E26 E27 |
Mastin, Mary D. | Mary D. Mastin Born and raised in Mass., married and widowed in Virginia Died in Savannah, Mo. Mar. 20, 1869 Aged 69 y’rs |
G31 |
Matheny, Francis O | Francis O. Son of A. M. & B. V. Matheny Died Sept. 15, 1873 Aged 11 mo 28 d |
I54 |
Matheny, Freddie C. | Freddie C. Son of A. & V. Matheny Died July 10, 1871 Aged 10 ms 2 ds |
I55 |
Mathers, Cyrena F. | Cyrena F. Wife of Wm. Mathers Died May 18, 1880 Aged 25/26/28 y 10 m 7 d |
G64 |
Mattox, George L.+ | George L. Mattox Born in Harrison Co. Ky. Sept. 17, 1817 Died in Andrew Co. MO Feb. 18, 1876 |
D24 D25 |
Mattox, John J. | To the Memory of John J. Mattox Died June 3, 1856 Aged 17 yrs 2 mons & 12 ds Weep not for me …in the …of the tomb In life … from years … |
D15 D16 D25 D26 |
Mattox, William E. | In Memory of William E Son of Geo. & Mary Mattox Died Jan. 12, 1866 Aged 19 yrs 10 mos & 29 ds And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God. Job 19c 26 v |
D14 D25 |
Maxwell, Catherine F. | Maxwell Catherine F. June 19, 1912 Sept. 14, 2000 Married Nov. 26, 1936 |
X31 |
Maxwell, Cleo C. | Maxwell Cleo C. Jan. 7, 1914 Sept. 17, 1990 Married Nov. 26, 1936 |
McCord, Sallie M. Field | In Memory of Sallie M. Wife of William McCord and Dau. of John & Sallie Field born Albemarle Co. Va April 6, 1798 Died May 7, 1850 |
A02 |
McDaniel, Angeline F. | 1893-1964 | J102 |
McDaniel, Omer O. | 1883-1961 | J103 |
McDonald, Joseph W. | Joseph W. McDonald Born April 21, 1835 Died May 26, 1855 Aged 20 yrs 1 mo & 5 dys Yea, thought I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff [buried in concrete] |
C19 C20 |
McDonald, Simon | In Memory of Dr. Simon McDonald Who was born in Ky June 12, 1814 Departed this life Aug. 23, 1853 Being 39 years old The Lord is good… hold … [scriptural notation] |
F33 F34 |
McGrew, Laura Bell | Laura Bell Died Oct. 13, 1874 Aged 1 y 7 m 29 d Children of O. P. & E. McGrew … suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. |
D70 D73 D74 |
McGrew, Maggie J. | Maggie J. Died … 1870 Aged 4 y 15 d Children of O. P. & E. McGrew … suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. |
D72 D73 D74 |
McGrew, Oliver G. | Oliver G. Died Sept 30, 1870 Aged 2 y 1 m & 10 d Children of O. P. & E. McGrew … suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kingdom of Heaven. |
D69 D73 D74 |
McKnight, Mattie M. | 1876-1966 | L088 |
McKnight, Paul A. | 1868-1966 | L089 |
McKnight, Sadie L. | 1894-1973 | L087 |
McLean, Annie May | Annie May Infant Dau. of F. E. & Isabell McLean Born near Savannah May 8, 1863 Died July 1, 1863 Though thy gentle baby brow is hidden from [us now], It is well, Thou hast found a crown of light Angels beautiful and bright With the [sic] dwell. |
A43 A43a |
Mendenhall, Ida M. | Ida M. Dau. of Wm. & M. Mendenhall Died Aug. 12, 1864 Aged 1 yr 9 ms 6 ds |
I22 |
Middelton, Alma K. | 1923-1965 | K06 K08 |
Middelton, Don C. | 1887-1968 | K05 |
Middelton, Mary O. | 1893-1969 | |
Middelton, William T. [or Middleton] |
[two markers] William T Middleton Missouri Tec5 Co B 5920 Engr B&S Regt World War II May 12, 1914 – August 12, 1962 |
K06 K08 K07 |
Miller, Kate | Kate Daughter of Robert G. & Ruth Miller Born in Savannah, Mo.April 18, 1868 Died April 5, 1869 Farris & Thompson St. Jo, Mo. |
J033 J034 J033a |
Miller, Mary C. | 1875-1947 | L142 |
Miller, Robert G.+ | Robert G. Miller Born in Pueblo Co. Ohio July 30, 1837 Died at Savannah, Mo. Jan. 17, 1869 |
J033 J034 J034a |
Miller, Thomas | In Memory of Tho’s Mi… of … H. & N. … Miler who departed [this life?] aged 8 months and 6? days Weep not for him whom the veil of the tomb, In life’s early morning, hath hid from our eyes, Ere sin threw a veil o’er the spirit’s young bloom, Or earth had profan’d what was born for the skies. Death chilled the fair fountain, ere sorrow had stained it; ‘Twas frozen in all the pure light of its course, [And but sleeps till the sunshine of Heaven has unchained it, To water that Eden where first was its source.] |
B31a |
Modie, Andrew J. | Andrew J. Modie Who died Feb. 22, 1858 Aged 41 y’s 5 m’s We will go to him but he will not return to me. |
F02 |
Mollett, A. J. | A. J. Feb. 12, 1920 Oct. 27, 1995 Mollett Together Forever Married July 1, 1944 |
X22 X23 |
Mollett, Joyce F. | Joyce F. Dec. 5, 1928 June 1, 1995 Mollett Together Forever Married July 1, 1944 |
Mollett, Lavon | Lavon Mollett 1951-2007 Rupp Service [mortuary marker] |
Y05 |
Molsbee, Christopher Stephen | Christopher Stephen Molsbee May 3, June 22, 1977 2002 Gone Fishin’ Son of Robert & Joan Brother of Bobby |
X49 X50 |
Monroe, Agnes | (north) Agnes Consort of William Monroe Died March 7th 1840 aged 70 years |
F01 F01c F01d |
Monroe, Cynthia A. | Erected to the Memory of Cynthia A. Wife of Samuel Monroe who died Jan. 31, 1854 Aged 30 y 2 m 29 d |
A01 |
Monroe, William | (south) William Monroe Died Sept. 18th 1840 aged 69 years |
F01 F01a F01b |
Moran, Elvira A. | 1890-1979 | L124 L125 |
Moran, George W. | Moran George W. Mar. 22, 1863 Aug. 22, 1945 |
L116 L117 L118 |
Moran, Lawrence E | 1888-1955 | L124 L125 |
Moran, Mollie | Moran Mollie Mar. 14, 1866 Sept. 14, 1944 |
L116 L117 L118 |
Moran, Nancy M. Brooks | Nancy M. Wife of W. H. Moran And dau. of Judge J. W. & Abigail Brooks Died Sept. 25, 1881 Aged 34 y 11 m 26 d William do not lonely be But live aright and come to me. Children I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow. Friends you must meet me here Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. |
L042 L037 L038 |
Mueller, Herman F. | [two markers] Herman E Mueller PFC US ARMY World War 1 Jan 31 1982 Oct 11 1981 |
L102 L103 L104 |
Mueller, Winnifred M. | 1898-1968 | L102 L104 |
Murray, William R.+ | In Memory of Wm. R. Murray Died Jan. 9, 1852 Aged 22 yrs Erected by Savannah Division No 15 Sons of Temperance When … youth … |
A26 A27 |
Murry, Joseph* | 1875-1918 | M63 |
Nance, Alwilda | Alwilda Daughter of T. & E. Nance Died July 9, 1862 Aged 11 Y 7 M 17 D |
D13 |
Nance, Augustus | Augustus Son of Wm C. & E. Nance Died Mar. 22, 1867 Aged 1 year 4 mos 24 D |
D12 |
Nave, Lucy J. | Sacred to the memory of Lucy J Wife of Abram Nave Who died Nov. 9, 1853 Aged 31 y 10 m 20 d |
A03 |
Nave, Lucy Jane | In Memory of Lucy Jane Daughter of Abram & Lucy Nave, who died Feb. 16, 1854 |
A04 |
Nave, Mildred | Also Mildred infant daughter of Abram & Lucy J. Nave Died July 19, 1852 |
Neale, Alvin E. | [private] | X16 |
Neale, Dorotha M. | 1922-1989 | X16 |
Neely, Mahala A. | Mahala A. Dau. of Jas. F. & Eleanor Neely Died Dec. 14, 1863 Aged 1 month |
E09 |
Neff, George M. E. | George M. E. Son of P. & M. C. Neff Died Jan. 3, 1862 Aged 9 yrs & 7 mos Stotts & Thurtell Savannah, Mo. |
E40 |
Nelson, Anna Bell | Anna Bell daughter of Robert L. and Mary F. Nelson Died Jan. 8, 1858 Aged 6 y’s 3 m’s 10 d’s |
B49 |
Nelson, Edwin S. | Edwin S. Nelson Feb. 22, 1856 Apr. 29, 1885 |
B34 |
Nelson, Wanda M. Bechter | In Loving Memory Wanda M. Bechter Nelson Oct. 12, 1933 Mar. 1, 1999 |
X43 |
Nester, Harold Eugene | Beloved Husband of Cathy Harold Eugene Nester Oct. 19, 1946 Sept. 18, 2003 [two markers] US Army Vietnam |
X59 X60 |
Noble, Louisa M. | (west) Louisa M. Noble Died Apr. 6, 1868 Aged 17 y’s 14 d’s Daughters of Nathan & Nellie Noble A happier lot than ours, and larger light surrounds them there. |
E20 |
Noble, Lurania+ | (south) Lurania Noble Died Nov. 30, 1884 Aged 38 y’s 20 d’s |
E23 |
Noble, unknown | [stone broken] Dau of H. C. & E. Noble Born Dec. 20 18…2 Died May 16, 18…8 |
E19 |
Nold, William L. | Nold William L. “Billy” Nov. 9, 1942 Apr. 2, 1998 “The Sun Also Rises” |
X44 |
Oder, Lyle D. | Lyle D. Oder Feb. 23, 1922 May 11, 2001 |
X51 |
Olds, Eugene A. | 1893-1960 | J127 J128 |
Olds, Frankie | 1899-1967 | |
Olsen, Donald E. | 1945-2001 | X14 |
Overbury, George | George Son of H. & E. Overbury Died Dec. 16, 1870 Aged 1 yr 3 ms 6 ds Sweet little bud For earth too fair Hath gone to heaven To blossom there. |
I52 I53 |
Page, John W. | John W. Husband of Lizzie Page Died Sept. 11, 1868 Aged 29 y 10 m 11 d Inscription illegible |
E17 E18 |
Painter, Mary Alice | Mary Alice Dau. of J. T. & Mary J. Painter Died Oct. 14, 1869 Aged … y … m … d |
E32 |
Painter, Sarah J. | Sarah J Wife of Thomas Painter Died Jan. 2, 1878 Aged 30 y 2 m 12 d |
E34 E35 |
Palmer, Cecile Hinkle | Cecile Hinkle Palmer Jan. 30, Aug 16, 1892 1987 |
X66 |
Palmer, Sarah E. | Sarah E. Palmer Oct. 3, 1841 – Mar. 16, 1906 |
M57 M56 |
Parminter, John+ | Sacred to the memory of John Parminter, son of John & Mary Parminter, Highbray, Devonshire, Old England, Who Departed This Life June 26, 1869, Aged 19 Ever a good … Long illegible verse |
Z07 Z08 G24 |
Pearce, Joseph H. | Joseph H. Pearce Died Aug. 11, 1859 |
G35 |
Pearl, Flora | J078 J079 | |
Pearl, James C. | 1899-1962 | |
Pearl, Lavelle | ||
Pearl, Laverne | ||
Pearl, Nellie I. | 1894-1968 | |
Phelps, Bryan William | Bryan William Phelps U.S. Army WWI Oct. 16, 1897 Mar. 15, 1984 |
G89 |
Phelps, Pearl Maybelle (Wilson) | June 4, 1880-May 9, 1954 | X70 |
Phillips, Amanda J. | Amanda J. Wife of Wm. Phillips Died Dec. 2, 1881 Aged 44 y 7 m 20 d |
C33 |
Phillips, Mary Ann | Mary Ann Wife of E. A. Phillips Died Jan. 8, 1864 Aged 39 y 10 m verse illegible |
D29 |
Pixler, Philip | Philip Son of John & Elizabeth Pixler Died June 27, 1857 Aged 28 d’s |
I14 |
Pooler, Mary J. | Mary J. Pooler Born Nov. 17, 1852 Died July 20, 1885 Aged 32 y 8 m 3 d |
A10 |
Porter, Frances | Frances Wife of Cummings Porter Died Sept. 27, 1858 Aged 35 yrs |
D53 |
Potter, Emma | 1863-1863 | G11 G09 |
Powell, Hester Ann* | 1861-1946 | M58 |
Powell, Jefferson D.* | 1861-1937 | |
Powell, Mary* | Mary Daughter of P. & F. Powell Born April 2, 1866 Died Ap. 17, 1878 |
I69 I70 I71 I72 |
Powell, Paul Leonard, Sr.* | Paul Leonard Powell Sr. July 23, 1906 Aug. 28, 1989 |
M59 |
Price, Amelia Ann | Amelia Ann Price- Dau 1843-1843 |
G11 G18 |
Price, Charles S. | 1864-1929 | G11 G13 |
Price, Eliphalet | Eliphalet Price- Son 1855 – 1856 |
G11 G12 |
Price, Elizabeth Ann Hobson+ | 1833-1917 | G11 G10 G14 |
Price, Elizabeth Earls | 1823-1859 | G11 G10 G17 |
Price, James Webster | James Webster Price- Son 1852-1860 |
G11 G16 |
Price, William A. | 1814-1887 | G11 G10 G15 |
Price, William H. Clay | William H. Clay Price- Son 1849-1849 |
G11 G19 |
Printz, Lillie M. | 1861-1945 | B14 |
Rains, Lucy Ann | In Memory of Lucy Ann Daughter of John & Luisa Rains Died Sept. 26, 1854 Aged 5 y 3 m |
D18 |
Ramsey, George W | 1892-1971 | J072 J076 |
Ramsey, Hattie L. | 1899-1974 | |
Ramsey, John M. | 1897-1967 | J074 J075 |
Ramsey, Molly L. | 1901-1980 | |
Randolph, John | H17 | |
Ratliff, Arthur F. | Ratliff Husband Arthur F. 1900-1965 |
X18 X19 |
Ratliff, Bessie | Ratliff Wife Bessie 1890-1993 |
Ray, Gilbert | Gilbert [stone broken] died Feb. 21, 1866 aged 76 y’rs 2 mo’s |
D48 D48a D48b |
Reddish, Charles Wesley | Charles Wesley Reddish Jan. 12, 1863 – Jan. 13, 1908 |
M50 |
Reddish, George S | 1834-1913 | M61 |
Reddish, Mildred F. | 1844-1933 | |
Redelfs, Cora Rogers | Rogers Mother Cora Redelfs 1865-1949 |
I38 I41 |
Reed, John G. | John G. Son of G. J. & Hannah D. Reed Died Oct. 4, 1865 Aged 17 yrs 1 mo 14 ds Co. E. 7 Ills Inft. |
E08 |
Reynolds, John H. | 1883-1968 | J055 J056 |
Reynolds, John H., Jr. | 1917-1998 | J054 |
Reynolds, Minnie H | 1890-1963 | J055 J056 |
Rhoads, Catherine L. | 1866-1944 | L094 |
Richards, Herbert A | Also their son Herbert A. Aged 2 m’s 3 d’s |
D59 |
Richards, Mary N. | Mary N. Wife of D. M. M. Richards Died Aug. 29, 1870 Aged 27 y’s 2 mo’s 2 da |
Ritchheart, Emma Ettinger | Mother Emma Ettinger Ritchheart 1873-1950 |
M38 M41 |
Roberts, Arnet D. | Roberts Father Arnet D. 1913-2000 |
J050 |
Roberts, Charles A. | 1869-1932 | I32 |
Roberts, infant | Infant Daughter of W. K. & M. J. Roberts Died Oct. 5/6, 1855 |
G77 |
Roberts, Jonathan | Jonathan Roberts Died May 24, 1895 Aged 80 y 3 m 21 d Has passed through mornings gate and walks in paradise. |
I28 I31 |
Roberts, Lucille A. | Roberts Mother Lucille A. 1918-1982 Wed Mar. 5, 1938 |
J050 |
Roberts, Margaret N. | 1873-1940 | I32 |
Roberts, Sarah | Meet me above. Sarah Wife of Jonathan Roberts Died Jan. 15, 1865 Aged 53 y 9 m 10 d |
I29 I30 |
Rogers, James M. | Rogers James M. May 6, 1853 Aug. 13, 1934 |
M22 |
Rogers, Mary E. | Rogers Mary E. June 30, 1857 Apr. 27, 1905 |
M22 |
Rogers, R. Albert | Rogers R. Albert 1855-1904 |
I38 I41 |
Rose, Claudie | 1894-1903 | I47 I48 |
Rose, Dortha M. | 1919-1992 | I43 I48 |
Rose, Frank E. | 1901-1980 | I44 I48 |
Rose, Martha M. | 1866-1955 | I45 I48 |
Rose, William H. | 1852-1929 | I46 I48 |
Ross, Nathan W. | Nathan W. Ross Born in Ky Jan. 13, 1841 Died Mar. 11, 1874 Remember friends as you pass by as you are now so once was I. as I am now so you must be prepare for death and follow me. |
G22 G23 |
Routh, Beverly A. | Devoted Mother Beverly A. Routh July 30, 1930 June 19, 2000 |
X40 |
Rucker, Julia | Julia R/P Wife of G. W. Rucker Died Oct. 2, 1857 Aged 24 y 4 m 30 d |
I04 |
Rusing, William | 1837-1923 | M55 |
Russell, Amanda E.+ | (east) Amanda E. Wife of J. B. Russell Died June 18, 1876 Aged 32 y 6 m 14 d …children… sweet … |
L064 L065 L066 L074 |
Russell, Beatrice E. | 1907-1998 | J085 J086 |
Russell, Edward | (south) Edward Russell Died Mar. 19, 1891 Aged 78 y 2 m 7 d We cherish their memory. |
L064 L065 L067 L075 |
Russell, Edward T. | (north) Edward T. Son of J. B. & A. E. Russell Died Apr. 18, 1887 Aged 20 y 11 m 4 d We will [cherish his] memory. |
L064 L065 L069 L071 |
Russell, Elizabeth A | (south) Elizabeth A. Wife of Edward Russell Died Jan. 30, 1890 Aged 71 y 11 m 13 d We cherish their memory |
L064 L065 L067 L076 |
Russell, Elmer E. | Children of D. T. & J. E. Russell Loved one … rest In the regions of the blest Elmer E. Died Dec. 22, 1869 Aged 6 y’s 8 m’s & 11 dys |
F35 F37 F38 |
Russell, Eugene C. | (west) Eugene C. Son of J. B. & A. E. Russell Died March 25, 1878 Aged 8 y’s 7 d’s verse illegible |
L064 L065 L068 L072 |
Russell, J. Warren | (north) J. Warren Son of J. B. & A. E. Russell Died Aug. 14, 1889 Aged 21 y 7 m 22 d How many hopes lie buried here. |
L064 L065 L069 L070 |
Russell, Jessie | Children of D. T. & J. E. Russell Loved one … rest In the regions of the blest Jessie Died Jan.3, 1873 Aged 1 day |
F35 F36 F38 |
Russell, John B. | 1897-1960 | J085 J086 |
Russell, Joseph B. | (east) Our Father and Mother Joseph B. Russell Died July 15, 1885 Aged 43 y 3 m 21 d He hath [done] all [he could.] |
L064 L065 L066 L073 |
Russell, Oscar H. | Oscar H. Russell Died Dec. 26, 1872 AE. 4 y 3 m 10 d |
E37 |
Ryan, George | In Memory of George Son of Thomas and Margaret Ryan Born Feb. 16, 1859 Died Aug. 28, 1860 |
D52 |
S., M. | [M. S. footstone] | L019 |
Samuel, John W. | John W. Samuel Died Oct. 30, 1850 Aged 41 y’s 3 mos 25 d’s |
H07 |
Samuel, Mary C. | Mary C Wife of J. W. Samuel Born June 20, 1820 Married April 13, 1845 Died Apr. 14, 1864 |
H06 |
Sayers, John | (east) John Sayers Born in Montour Co. Penn Dec. 1, 1820 Died in Savannah, MO Nov. 28, 1895 Aged 72 y 11 m 28 d At Rest |
K32 K34 |
Sayers, Lydia H. | (north) Lydia H. Wife of John Sayers Born in Montour Co. Penn. Mar. 12, 1819 Died Feb. 15, 1896 Aged 76 y 11 m 3 d Gone Home |
K32 K33 |
Sayers, Winnie O.+ | Winnie O. dau. of [N. L.] & L. … Sayers Died Jan. 2, 1875 aged 1 Y & 1 M |
K29 K30 K30a K30b |
Schaeffer, Joel | Joel Schaeffer Died Sept. 27, 1884 Aged 63 y’s 9 m’s 11 d’s |
I63 I65 |
Schaeffer, Lydia | Lydia Wife of Joel Schaeffer Died July 13, 1871 Aged 55 y’s 3 m’s 29 d’s |
I63 I64 |
Schaffer, Adam | Adam Schaffer Died Mar. 18, 1867 Aged 58 yrs |
D42 |
Schaffer, Margareta | ||
Scheffler, Hannah Mary | Hannah Mary Scheffler Aug. 2, 1847 Jan. 18, 1908 Gone but not forgotten |
I33 I35 |
Scheffler, Joseph | Joseph Scheffler Dec. 25, 1843 April 23, 1921 Gone but not forgotten |
I34 I35 |
Schildknecht, Blanche | 1882-1973 | L085 L086 |
Schildknecht, Frank R. | 1879-1967 | |
Schildknecht, Lucile | 1912-1989 | L077 L078 |
Schildknecht, Truman | 1906-1995 | |
Schmitt, Jacob | Jacob Schmitt Oct 9, 1809 – Oct. 4, 1875 |
I16 |
Schmitt, Margaret | Schmitt Margaret His Wife Apr. 14, 1829 – Dec. 25, 1900 |
Schnitzius, Joseph | Jos Schnitzius Co. B 43rd Mo. Inf. |
E10 E13 |
Schnitzius, Joseph | Joseph Son of John & Mary Ann Schnitzuis Died Sept 11, 1865 Aged 20 y 11 m 13 d |
E12 E13 |
Schosser, Regina | Regina Wife of A. Schosser Died July 21, 1898 Aged 37 years Beloved by all E[xcelled by none] |
M25 M26 M27 |
Schuster, Adam N. | Adam N. Schuster Born July 30, 1876 Died Mar. 31, 1920 |
J126 |
Schuster, Anna B. | Annie B. Born April 1, 1874 Died Apr. 6, 1877 Suffer little children to come unto me. [two stones] |
K10 K12 K15 |
Schuster, August+ | Father August Schuster Died Dec. 22, 1902 Aged 75 ys. 7 ms.5 ds. |
K10 K11 |
Schuster, Edward V | Edward V. Born Aug. 1, 1863 Died Dec. 20, 1864 Suffer little children to come unto me. |
K10 K12 K13 |
Schuster, Elizabeth | Mother Elizabeth Wife of A. Schuster Died Dec. 2, 1878 Aged 38 y 9 m 13 d Jas. E. McColgin Savannah, MO |
K10 K16 K15 |
Schuster, Emma Agnes | Emma Agnes Born Sept. 29, 1865 Died Feb. 9, 1868 Suffer little children to come unto me. |
K10 K12 K14 |
Schuster, Theadore | Theadore Schuster Born Mar. 14, 1870 Died Sept. 3, 1916 |
K17 |
Scot, J. | C35 | |
Shackelford, Milbury | (west) Erected to the memory of our parents Our parents are gone, they lie beneath the sod Dear father and mother tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God (south) Milbury wife of R.N. Shackelford Died Aug. 5, 1865 Aged 62 years |
C37 C40 |
Shackelford, R. N. | (west) Erected to the memory of our parents Our parents are gone, they lie beneath the sod Dear father and mother tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God (north) R. N. Shackelford Died Mar. 12, 1852 Aged 51 years |
C37 C38 |
Shackelford, Stelle Wagon | (east) Stelle Wagon Shackelford Born Oct 14, 1854 Died Sept. 18, 1855 Aged 11 month |
C39 |
Shaw, Barbara E. | Barbara E. Wife of Robert Shaw Died Nov. 15, 1863 Aged 35 ys 6 ms 22 ds |
H47 |
Shaw, Mary Ann | In Memory of Mary Ann Wife of William Shaw Died Feb. 2-, 1855 Aged … yrs 10 mo and 15 ds |
H45 |
Shaw, Nancy Ann | Nancy Ann Daughter of Wm. & Mary Ann Shaw Died Dec. 26, 1857 Aged 3 ys 9 mo 11 d |
H46 |
Shepard, Emily Ann | Emily Ann Shepard Sept. 3, 1991 Apr. 3, 2006 Beloved Daughter & Big Sister Heaven Emily Shepard I’ve lived on the earth Since my birth I can’t imagine how much that’s worth, Earth is nearly full of love, But not peaceful like a dove Even though I know that Someday I’ll go above You know where It’s a place where everything’s fair I know that’s so I don’t know when But if I don’t sin I know I’ll be sure to go. |
Y10 Y11 Y12 |
Singleton, Sophia J | Sophia J. Daughter of H. T. & S. J. Singleton Born Apr. 19, 1855 Died Sept 19, 1855 Suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven. |
H01 H02 |
Singleton, Sophia J | Sophia J. Wife of Henry T. Singleton Born Aug. 2, 1832 Died May 20, 1855 Inscription illegible |
H03 |
Smith, Carrie M. | Carrie M. Smith Nov. 10, 1870 Dec. 27, 1958 |
X88 |
Smith, Egbert | Egbert Son of Oscar & Annie Smith Died July 29, 1876 Aged 5 mo’s & 5 days |
E28 E29 |
Smith, Ezekiel W. | Ezekiel W. Smith Died May 28, 1849 Aged 42 y 6 mo |
A42 |
Smith, Fred E. | 1882-1933 | M49 |
Smith, Hamilton+ | Sacred to the Memory of Hamilton Smith M.D. … Died July 29, 1865 Aged 59 y 1 m 24 d Verse illegible |
H09 H10 |
Smith, Laura E. | 1893-1973 | J057 J058 J059 J060 |
Smith, Nancy A. | In memory of Nancy A. Wife of William Smith Died Oct. 7, 1865 Aged 46 yrs 1 mo & 1 d |
E11 |
Smith, Russel (or Russell) | [two markers, two spellings] Russell Smith Pvt. US Army World War I July 13, 1891 Sep 23, 1977 |
J057 J058 J059 J060 J061 |
Smith, S. Edwin | Sacred to the Memory of S. Edwin Smith Born Oct. 6, 1851 Died July 29, 1865 The…little … …and …the …last … |
H09 H11 H12 |
Snyder, Georgeanna | Georgeanna Snyder Died … 27, 1872 AE. 9 mos 18 d Dau. of F. & C. Snyder |
G81 |
Spiegel, Alice Louise | Mother Alice Louise Spiegel Nov. 10, May 12, 1926 2004 |
X57 |
Stanton, Margaret | Margaret Stanton Died … 18… Aged … |
B24 |
Stanton, Thomas | In Memory of Thomas Stanton Who departed this life April … 1845 Aged …6 y 10 m 5 d |
B25 |
Starr, Bertha C. | Bertha C. Starr Born June 3, 1872 Died Nov. 23, 1888 |
L155 L156 |
Starr, Clinton B. | Clinton B. Son of W. S. & N. E. Starr Died Apr. 24, 1886 Aged 19 y 11 m 24 d |
Starr, N. Elizabeth | N. Elizabeth Wife of W. S. Starr Born in Clinton Co. Ohio Aug. 15, 1841 Died in Hutchison, Kans Mar. 17, 1903 |
Steeby, David Matthew | Steeby David Matthew May 11, 1972 Oct. 11, 2000 When we drew near him, he disclosed himself to us. |
X55 X56 |
Stevenson, J. D. | J. D. Stevenson Sept. 27, 1852 – June 27, 1906 I know that my Redeemer liveth A precious one from us has gone, A voice we loved is stilled A place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled. |
M33 M34 |
Stevenson, Minnie C. | (west) Minnie C. Born Dec. 17, 1873 Died Dec. 16, 1887 Children of J. D. & Laura A. Stevenson Our children are gone, They lie beneath the sod. Dear children though we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
M29 M30 M32 |
Stevenson, Walter A. | (east) Walter A. Born Dec. 30, 1870 Died Dec. 29, 1894 Children of J. D. & Laura A. Stevenson Our children are gone, They lie beneath the sod. Dear children though we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
M29 M31 M32 |
Stewart, Charles | Rev. Charles Stewart Died July 27, 1852 Aged 52 yrs Inscription illegible |
H04 H05 |
Stiles, Jeremiah | In Memory of Jeremiah Son of Jeremiah and Susan Stiles Died Sept. 21, 1845 Aged 4 mo 5 d’s |
F25 |
Stiles, Jeremiah | In Memory of Jeremiah Stiles Died June 23rd, 1855 Aged 68 yr Gone but not forgotten by his affectionate family |
F26 |
Strader, E. V. P. | Mrs. E. V. P. Strader Mar. 7, 1836 Feb. 9, 1891 |
B15 |
Swinford, John A. C | John A. C. Swinford Oct. 31, 1833 Mar. 2, 1852 |
Swope, Elmer | Swope Elmer Feb. 28, 1883 June 15, 1967 |
L030 |
Swope, Jessica | Swope Jessica Oct. 15, 1881 Oct. 21, 1969 |
Talbott, Finley A. | (east) Finley A. Talbott Born March 2, 1831 Died Sept. 25, 1853 |
D65 |
Talbott, Jane | (west) Jane Talbott Died Feb. 4, 1894 Aged 81 y 1 m 17 d Gone but not forgotten |
D63 |
Talbott, John S. | (north) John S. Talbott Born Dec. 10, 1804 Died May 10, 1888 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep, from which none ever wake to weep. |
D64 |
Talbott, Mary C. | (east) Mary C. Dau. of W. B. & S. L. Talbott Born Nov. 13, 1875 Died Nov. 3, 1880 |
D65 |
Talbott, Thomas M. | (south) Thomas M. Talbott Born Oct 5, 1838 Died May 7, 1862 [two stones] Thomas M Son of John & Jane Talbott of Co. D 25 Reg’t. Mo. Vol. Aged 23 yrs 4 m’s 28 d’s |
D66 D68 |
Terrell, Charles L. | (west) Charles L. Terrell Died Aug. 22, 1888 Aged 24 ys 9 ms |
J001 J010 J007 |
Terrell, Jane N. | Father and Mother At rest Jane N. Wife of Jno. Terrell Died May 14, 1893 Aged 74 yr 3 mo 20 days A fond mother An affectionate wife And a friend to all. |
J026 J027 J028 |
Terrell, John | John Terrell Died Aug. 3, 1881 Aged 69 years Verse illegible |
J026 J029 |
Terrell, Martha E. Stickney | (west) Martha E. Stickney Born Jan. 23, 1842 Died Feb. 11, 1932 Terrell |
J001 J010 J006 |
Terrell, Warner F. | (west) Warner F. Terrell Died Aug. 12, 1868 Aged 48 ys. |
J001 J010 J005 |
Todd, Charles W. | Charles W. Son of Wm & C. Todd Died Oct. 12, 1871 Aged 13 ys 2 mo. 28 d |
D30 |
Tolle, Rebben A. | Rebben A. Tolle Born Jan. 16, 1803 Died Aug. 5, 1854 Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord. |
H32 H33 |
Toole, Daniel, Sr. | In Memory of Daniel Toole Senior Departed this life …3 A.D. 187… In the 75 [?] year of his age. |
A25 |
Toole, Mary Cleora | Mary Cleora Daughter of Edwin & Lucinda Toole Died Nov. 12, 1857 Aged 8 y 2 m 2 d Ere sin could blight nor sorrows fade Death came with friendly care The opening bud to heaven convey’d And bade it blossom there. |
A05 A06 |
Toole, Victor Huttall | Victor Huttall Son of E. & L.S. Toole Born Jan. 9, 1853 Died Mar. 3, 1854 |
A07 |
Townsend, Anna M | 1899-1970 | L014 L032 |
Townsend, Herbert L. | [two markers] Herbert L Townsend Missouri Pvt 21 Engineers World War I June 22, 1896 March 21, 1961 |
L014 L032 L031 |
Triplett, infant | Infant Son of J. & H. A. Triplett Died Dec. 23, 1880 Aged 2 days Gone but not forgotten |
E43 |
Trumbo, Elcana | 1838-1912 | J091 |
Trumbo, Minerva E. | Minerva E. Wife of E. C. Trumbo Nov. 13, 1838 – Jan. 24, 1909 |
J092 |
Tulloch, Maud E. | 1894-1945 | L105 |
Tulloch, Ruth E. | 1892-1970 | |
Turner, infant | (north) And her infant |
D49 |
Turner, Mary | (north) In Memory of Mary Wife of Oliver Turner who died March 25, 1858 Aged 22 yr 10 m 11 d And her infant |
Turner, Oliver | (south) In Memory of Oliver Turner Died Oct 11, 1859 Aged 12 years |
D50 |
unknown | A18 | |
unknown | B11 | |
unknown | D02 | |
unknown | F03 | |
unknown | F15 | |
unknown | G25 | |
unknown | [top part of stone broken off] Died Jan. 23, 1859 Aged 61 y’s 3 m’s 9 d’s They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. [Ps. 125 vs 1] Letters encircling word “Army”: F N D O Z F B T K C |
G76 |
unknown | H35 | |
unknown | I67 | |
unknown | [former railing holder, for railing around plot] | K47 |
unknown, infant [same marker as John] |
& Infant Born … 1861 |
A12 A12a A12b |
unknown, John [same marker as infant] |
John S… born May … died August 1 … |
A12 A12a A12b |
unknown, Johnnie | Little Johnnie Was born Aug. 18, 1864 Died July 12, 1865 |
G36 |
Vaughn, Beulah | Vaughn Beulah Apr. 4, 1906 Jan. 12, 2003 |
X01 |
Vaughn, Charles B. | 1910-1952 | X02 |
Vaughn, Ellen | D86 | |
Vaughn, George W | George W. Vaughn, Born Nov. 6, 1810 Died Apr. 3, 1888 Aged 76 y … m 28 ds |
B51 |
Vaughn, Laura E. | 1873-1952 | X03 |
Vaughn, Nellie Smith | [private] | X29 X30 |
Vaughn, William J., Sr. | Vaughn William J. Sr. Mar. 22, 1907 July 14, 1992 Married Feb. 24, 1926 |
X01 |
Vaughn, William Jennings, Jr. | Vaughn Wm. Jennings "Jr." Feb. 22, 1928 March 12, 2002 Married Sept. 3, 1948 |
X29 X30 |
Vaughn, William Jesse | 1874-1953 | X03 |
Veazey, Lucy Kathryn Laney | 1893-1966 | K40 |
Wakefield | C01 | |
Wakefield, Abigail | Abigail Wife of Wm. Wakefield Died July 14, 1880 Aged 90 y 1 m 10 d Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. |
C01 C16 |
Wakefield, Alice Caples | Alice Caples Dau, of M. F. & M. A. Wakefield Born Feb. 2, 1853 Died July 29, 1855 Aged 2 y 5 m 27 d The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord. |
C01 C04 C09 C11 |
Wakefield, Edward Everett | Edward Everett Son of Dr. M. F. & H. A. Wakefield Died Jan. 31, 1863 Aged 3 yrs 3 mos 8 d’s Inscription illegible |
C01 C02 C07 |
Wakefield, Franklin | Franklin son of M. F. & M. A. Wakefield died Jan. 21, 1858 aged 1 mo 2 d’ys Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord that they may rest from their labors and their works do follow them. |
C01 C06 C05 |
Wakefield, James | James Wakefield Born Feb. 26, 1826 Died Sept. 3. 1871 |
C01 C17 C18 |
Wakefield, Martin* | Martin Wakefield Died Mar. 4, 1886 Aged 59 yr 9 mo |
M73 M74 |
Wakefield, Mary Elizabeth | Mary Elizabeth Dau. of M. F. & M. A. Wakefield Born Feb. 4, 1854 Died Apr. 27, 1855 Aged 1 y 2 m 23 d The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away Blessed be the name of the Lord. |
C01 C04 C09 C10 |
Wakefield, Milly Ann+ | Milly Ann wife of M. F. Wakefield died Jan. 29, 1858 Aged 35 y’s 11 m’s 29 d’s |
C01 C06 C12 C13 |
Walker, Henry T. | (east) Henry T. Walker Born Mar. 1, 1832 Died Mar. 2, 1895 Blessed is he who hath part in the first resurrection. Rev. 20c. 6v |
C21 C22 C27 |
Walker, Martha Earls+ | (east) Martha Earls Walker Apr. 22, 1833 – Oct. 3, 1909 |
C21 C22 C26 |
Walker, Mary B. | (west) Mary B. Walker Born June 15, 1788 Died Sep’t. 5, 1868 I am the resurrection and the life. |
C24 C30 |
Walker, Mary K. | (south) Mary K. Walker Born in Huntington PA Aug. 16, 1822 Died Dec. 10, 1893 Mary has chosen that good part which shall not be taken away from her. |
C23 C32 |
Walker, Samuel | (west) Samuel Walker Born Dec. 15, 1791 Died May 1, 1860 |
C24 C31 |
Walker, Samuel A. | (north) Samuel A. Walker Born May 26, 1828 Died May 5, 1854 |
C25 C29 |
Walker, William P. | (north) William P. Walker Born Jan. 5, 1817 Died Oct. 1, 1890 Asleep in Jesus, blessed sleep. |
C25 C28 |
Wallace, Ionea | 1898-1988 | L126 L128 |
Wallace, Willie | 1895-1945 | L127 L128 |
Wandfluh, Bessie E. | Wandfluh In Loving Memory Mother Bessie E. 1911-1998 |
L135 L136 |
Wandfluh, Lee E., Sr. | Wandfluh In Loving Memory Father Lee E. Sr. 1904-1992 |
Warner, Phebe E. | Phebe E. Sister of Rev. S. N. Warner Died Apr. 23, 1891 Aged 66 yrs. 1 mo 22 days |
B22 |
Warren, Adeline Wakefield* | Adeline A Child of Yani 1839 – 1936 |
M60 |
Weir, Esther F. | Weir Mother Esther F. 1878-1958 |
L100 |
Weir, James P. | Weir Father James P. 1876-1944 |
Welch, Elizabeth H. | In Memory of Elizabeth H. Welch Died January 21, 1850 Aged 28 years God grant us all a happy meeting at the resurrection of the just. |
H22 |
Welch, J. K. | J. K. Welch Died Nov. 4, 1864 Aged 52 y’rs |
H13 H25 |
Welch, John K. | [Jo]hn K. Wel[ch] Born Oct. 19, 1843 Died May 7, 1859 |
H23 H24 |
Welch, Mary A. | In [Memo]ry of [Mar]y [A] [top of stone broken off] Wife of S. K. Welch Born Jan. 20, 1839 Died Dec. 6, 1858 Aged 19 ys 10 ms 16 ds Her husband’s love… |
H41 H42 H37a H37b H37c H36 |
Welch, Mary E. | Mary E. Daughter of S. K. & Mary A. Welch Born Nov. 3, 1858 Died Aug. 26, 1859 Aged 9 ms 23 ds |
H40 |
Wells, Benjamin C. | [two stones] Benjamin C. Wells Tec 5 US Army World War II Nov 6 1924 Aug 8 2003 |
X80 X81 |
Wells, Emma T. | (east) Emma T. Wells Born Apr. 22, 1854 Died Dec. 3, 1930 |
J001 J014 J013 |
Wells, George W. | (east) George W. Wells Born Feb. 5, 1848 Died Feb. 2, 1932 |
Wells, Mary K. | (east) Mary K. Wells Born Sept. 21, 1856 Died Oct. 9, 1937 |
J001 J014 J013 J019 |
Wells, Nancy Griffith+ | (north) Nancy Griffith His Wife March 3, 1818 – Feb. 27, 1872 [three markers] Daughters of American Revolution] |
J001 J014 J015 J023 J024 J016 |
Wells, Samuel W. | 1881-1964 | J021 |
Wells, Stella B. | 1879-1958 | J017 |
Wells, Thomas J. | (east) Thomas J. Wells Born June 15, 1850 Died June 30, 1934 |
J001 J014 J013 J020 |
Wells, Walter B. | (north) Walter B. Wells Sept. 18, 1817 – Jan. 5, 1896 |
J001 J014 J013 J018 |
Wells, Winnifred E. | Wells Winnifred E. July 2, 1927 May 14, 1993 Married Nov. 14, 1945 |
X80 |
West, Frank L. | Father Frank L. West 1897-19 uncarved |
J066 |
West, Richard | Richard West Born Jan. 12, 1810 Died Aug. 23, 1867 |
H34 |
Whitlock, Alzina G. | 1910-1998 Married Feb. 3, 1936 |
X09 |
Whitlock, James L. | 1915-2000 Married Feb. 3, 1936 |
Wilkerson, Bessie V. | 1895-1977 | X07 |
Wilkerson, Clarence E. | 1894-1969 | |
Wilkerson, Clarence R. | 1923-1944 Veteran World War II |
X06 |
Wilkins, City Lucrecy | 1852-1922 | B50 |
Williams, Henry* | Henry Williams Dec. 17, 1840 Mar. 12, 1913 |
M62 |
Williams, James Kelly | Williams "Big Jim" James Kelly Dec. 30, 1954 – June 2, 2009 Married Sept. 1, 1994 |
705 |
Williams, Maggie* | 1841-1926 | M62 |
Williams, Marcia Ann | [private] | 705 |
Willis, America A.+ | In Memory of America A. Daughter of J. G. & M. H. Willis Who died March 11, 1857 Aged 2 yrs 3 ms 11 ds |
H39 H39a H39b |
Willis, John | John S. Willis Born Dec. 20, 1858 Died Jany. 12, 1859 |
H38 H38a |
Willis, Sally C. | Sally C. Willis Born Feb. 16, 1857 Died Jan. 16, 1859 |
H38 H38b |
Wilson, Elizabeth W | 1870-1963 | J067 |
Wilson, Mary S. | Mary S. Wife of Wm. B. Wilson Born Oct. 29, 1817 Died Jan. 4, 1856 Aged 38 years 2 m’s 5 d’s |
C03 C08 |
Wilson, Shelby Lynn | Shelby Lynn Wilson July 24, 1998 – Aug. 15, 2008 |
708 |
Winter, Mary F. | 1873-1925 | G29 |
Wise, Cyrena A. | (west ) In Sacred Memory of Father & Mother Gone but not forgotten (south) Cyrena A. Wife of James H. Wise Died Feb. 29, 1849 Aged 26 y 3 m 17 d |
G58 G60 |
Wise, James H. | (west ) In Sacred Memory of Father & Mother Gone but not forgotten (north) James H. Wise Died Dec. 14, 1893 Aged 72 y 5 mo |
G58 G59 |
Wise, Martha F. | Martha F. Second Wife of James H. Wise Died Jan. 13, 1884 Aged 55 y 8 m 16 d |
G65 |
Wishon, Bennet W. | Bennet W. Wishon Died July 14, 1864 Aged 27 yrs |
D87 |
Wood, Carla | Wood Carla 1955 |
X05 |
Wood, Greg | Wood Greg 1951 |
Wood, Mark | Wood Mark 1953 |
Woodbury, Uriah T. | Uriah T. Woodbury Born at … Ohio Nov. 15, 1831 Died at Savannah, Mo. Jan. 3, 1884 |
M35 M36 |
Woodcock, Calista | Calista Woodcock Sept. 2, 1831 April 16, 1849 |
G51 |
Woodcock, Joseph | Joseph Woodcock Died 1860 |
G53 |
Woodcock, Mary A. | Mary A Wife of A. Woodcock Died June 1863 |
G52 |
Woods, Adaline H. | (south) Here rest the loving sisters who … naught of …Tho lost to sight To [memory dear] Adaline H. Wife of Levi H. Woods departed this life Aug. 16, 1867 36 y’s 8 d’s |
D46 |
Woods, Donald E. | Rest in Peace Donald E. Woods Dec. 20, 1912 May 13, 1997 |
X21 |
Woods, Ella Hattie | Ella Hattie Daughter of J. M. & Sarah E. Woods Died Sept. 24, 1856 Aged 6 m 10 d The casket lies here But the gem is in Heaven |
B19 B19a B19b B19c B19d B19e |
Wooten, Curtis Allen | Wooten Curtis Allen Feb. 13, 1939 – Mar. 23, 2010 |
703 |
Wooten, Ruth Beverly | Wooten Ruth Beverly Jan. 7, 1939 uncarved [Died Dec. 1, 2014] |
703 |
Wright, Albert J. | Albert J. Son of W. L. & M. A. Wright Born Dec. 1, 1868 Died Oct. 21, 1871 |
I49 |
Wright, Edmond | Edmond Wright Died May 5, 1878 Aged 54 yrs 10 ms 7 ds No lingering look, no parting sigh, Our future meeting knows, There love beams from every eye, And hope immortal glows. |
H54 |
Wright, Mary | Mary Daughter of Edmund & Susan Wright Died Feb. 22, 1874 Aged 25 yrs 1 mo 7 d Stotts & Thurtell Savannah, MO |
I09 |
Wright, Matilda A. | Matilda A. Wife of W. L. Wright Died Jan. 8, 1871 Aged 31 yr 9 ms 11 ds |
I51 |
Wright, Norton E. | Norton E Son of W. L. & M. A. Wright Died Sep … Aged 1 y … mo. … d. |
I50 |
Wright, Raymond I. | 1897-1988 | L113 L115 |
Wright, S. Gail | 1895-1976 | L113 L115 |
Wright, Thursa | Thursa Daughter of Edmund & Susan Wright Died June 9, 1874 Aged 6 yrs 7 mo 19 d |
I11 |
Yenny, Christian | Christian Yenny Died May 3, 1882 Aged 68 years |
A28 |
Yenny, Magdalena | Magdalena Wife of C. Yenny Died May 14, 1874 Aged 58 yrs. |
A29 |
Young, [Mary Ann??] | … Died January … |
A16 A16a |
Young, Thomas L. | [In] Memory of Dr Thomas L. Young Died Dec. 25, 1850 Aged 36 … |
A15 A15a |
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