Star Chapel Cemetery
Platte Township, Section 17
Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah, east on E Highway 3.5 miles to D Highway. North on D 10.2 miles to Highway 48. East on Highway 48 for 6.3 miles to Highway P. North on P 1.8 miles to County Road 103. Cemetery is on northwest corner.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Marci Bennett & Nancy Myer, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Rows Beginning in NE Corner |
Direction of Row | Photograph(s) |
1 | north to south | 023M-031M, 004, 033-048M |
2 | south to north | 049-068 |
3 | north to south | 069M-089, 093-104M |
4 | south to north | 105M-139M |
5 | north to south | 140M-153, 013, 179, 012, 156, 158-167 |
6 | south to north | 006, 007, 168-170, 009, 008, 173M-214 |
7 | south to north | 215-223, 019, 020, 225-234M, 001, 002, 235-238 |
8 | north to south | 239-249 |
9 | south to north | 250-266M |
10 | north to south | 268-284 |
11 | south to north | 285-312 |
12 | south to north | 313-317 |
13 | south to north | 319-333 |
14 | north to south | 334-341 |
15 | south to north | 342-350 |
16 | north to south | 351-355 |
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