White Cemetery

White Cemetery
Platte Township, Section 15 West
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Whitesville, go east on State Highway 48, 0.5 mile to County Road 91, then north 2 miles to top of hill. On west side of road there is a driveway into the field at what was once a homestead. Must have landowner’s permission to get to cemetery. Drive up private driveway, around the west and north side of shed, through an open gate, turn east through another gate which must be opened/closed, turn back west through another gate that must be opened/closed and then proceed north and west through a large cattle pasture to the timber line on the north edge of the pond. Crawl under the barbed wire fence. The cemetery is just north and west of the corner of the pasture.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
White Cemetery 059 082
Allen, Rial Rial Allen
Died Sep. 29, 1865
AE. 76 Y 7 M 12 D
131 132
Bowzer, Nevada Nevada
daughter of John W. & Maria Bowzer
died June 28, 1865,
Aged 13 y’rs 5 m’s
092 093 091
Briggs, William (west)
William Briggs
Born May 30, 1828
Died Jan. 31, 1855
Aged 26 Y 8 M 1 D
112 113
C. R. [R. C. footstone] 114
Clemmons, George W. (west)
George W. Clemmons
Died Mar. 20, 1882
Aged 49 y’s & 4 d’s
Farewell my wife and children all
From you a father Christ doth call
Mourn not for me, it is vain
To call me to your sight again.
122 123 125
Clemmons, Laura E Laura E.
Died Nov. 5, 1876
aged 2 y 2 m 18 d
Children of G. W. & Sarah Clemmons
Clemmons, Sarah A. (east)
Sarah A.
Died July 11, 1861
aged 6 m 21 d
Children of G. W. & Sarah Clemmons
H., M. C. [M. C. H. footstone] 128
Hunt, Laura Laura Hunt
Born June 18, 1796
Died Nov. 15, 1866
126 127 137
Huston, Sarah A. Sarah A.
wife of Wm. Huston
Died Dec. 24, 1878,
Aged 39 y’s 9 m’s 27 d’s
Dearest wife thou hast left me
[Never] to meet on earth more
…but will meet us all in…
… that bright and shining shore
079 080 081
Joslin, Eli (east)
Eli Joslin
Born Sep. 4, 1823
Died May 25, 1850
Each of us hopes to join you at last
On the beautiful heavenly shore.
060 062 063 064 067
Joslin, Eunice Evans 1805-1859 068
Joslin, John K. (north)
John K. Joslin
Born Feb. 27, 1831
Died May 28, 1850
060 065
Joslin, Jonathan (south)
Jonathan Joslin
Born May 3, 1844
Died Aug. 22, 1848
060 061 066
Joslin, Josiah (north)
Josiah Joslin
Born Jan. 23, 1799
Died Dec. 12, 1886
What though his aged form decay
And moulder in the tomb;
His spirit lives in realms of day,
Enjoying endles bloom.
069 070 071 075
Joslin, Margret (south)
Margret Joslin
Born Feb. 26, 1804
Died Jan. 31, 1889
What though her aged form decay
And moulder in the tomb;
Her spirit lives in realms of day,
Enjoying endless bloom.
069 072 073
S., B. [B. S. footstone] 102
S., B. [B. S. footstone] 106
Snyder, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of S. Snyder
born in Pulaski Ky. Aug. 20, 1821
Died in Andrew Co. Mo. Aug. 27, 1873
Aged 52 y’rs 7 d’s
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
133 134 135
Stingley, Adoni… Adoni[stone broken] Stingley
Died Oct. 30, 1859.
In the 20 y’r of his age.
094 103 105
Stingley, Ann (west)
At rest
Our Father and Mother are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
wife of Eli Stingley
Died May 13, 1883
Aged 64 Y 8 M 28 D
095 096 097 100 098
Stingley, Eli+ (west)
At rest
Our Father and Mother are gone,
They lie beneath the sod,
Dear parents tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
Eli Stingley
Died Feb. 1, 1874
Aged 61 Y 1 M 6 D
095 096 097 101 099
Stingley, Franklin In Memory of Franklin,
son of Eli & Ann Stingley
Died May 22, 185[stone broken, 1858]
Aged 17 ys 3 ms 11 [ds]
107 108
Stinson, Arnestina Arnestena
dau. of F. M. & M. E. Stinson
died Dec. 19, 1875
aged 1 y 5 m 5 d
A little flower of love
Transplanted now above.
083 084 085
Stinson, infant Infant son of F. M. & M. E. Stinson
Died Oct. 15, 1872
089 090
Stinson, Willie Willie
son of F. M. & M. E. Stinson
Died Nov. 5, 1872
aged 1 y 5 m
087 088
unknown [footstone] 121
White, Lyman A. (east)
Father Lyman A. White
Born Dec. 27, 1835
Died Jan. 9, 1883
Farewell my wife and children all,
From you a Father Christ doth call
Mourn not for me it is vain
To call me to your sight again.
109 110 111 104
Withrow, Edward H. Edward H.
Died Sep. 21, 1872
Aged 4 Y 6 M 6 D
Children of A. J. & M. M. Withrow
115 117
Withrow, Mary M. Mary M.
wife of A. J. Withrow
Died Oct. 3, 1888
Aged 55 y’s 4 m’s 23 d
129 130
Withrow, Oliver B. Oliver B.
Died Aug. 28, 1871
Aged 7 Y 10 M 21 D
Children of A. J. & M. M. Withrow
115 116 117
Withrow, Wesley W Wesley W.
Died Nov. 28, 1864
Aged 10 M
Children of A. J. & M. M. Withrow
115 116

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2006:

Gee, Henry [has tombstone at Fairview Cemetery]
Johnson, Salathael
Johnson, Velura
Reinhart, George W.
Wilson, John

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