Nodaway Baptist Church Cemetery

Nodaway Baptist Church Cemetery
Nodaway, Lincoln Township, Section 20 South
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Amazonia take State Route T to Nodaway. Cemetery is on the left side of road, to the north of the abandoned church. Walk over the bridge and stay to the south of the chain-link fence. The path goes up a gradual slope, and then up a 10-foot high, very steep hill. From there the path becomes a gradual incline. The cemetery is on the top of the bluff.

Notes: According to a local resident, the bottom of the bluff was, until the 1940s, a rock quarry, which was closed when the blasters began finding bones from the cemetery.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Marlyn Eshelman, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Nodaway Cemetery 01E 02 03 10 14 61 62
Buschman, Lewis C. Lewis C. Buschman
Died Aug. 4, 1892
Aged 4 years
Sleep on sweet child and take thy rest
For of such as thee thy Saviour blest.
16 17 18 15
Buschman, Lula May Lula May Buschman
Died Oct. 31, 1895
Aged 1 y’r 2 m’s
There is rest for thee in Heaven.
19 20
Callen, Clara Clara
Dau. of S. & R. T. Callen
Died Oct. 1870
Aged 4 yrs
Callen, Rosa C.+ Holy Bible
Rosa C.
wife of Luther Callen
Died Apr. 26, 1905
Aged 27 years
Our darling one- hath gone before
To greet us on the blissful shore.
22 23 25 21
Callen, Samuel Sam’l Callen
Co. C., 2nd Nebr. Cav.
[two stones]
Samuel Callen
Died Jan. 10, 1886
Aged 67 Ys 9 Ms 22 Ds
My husband is gone,
He lies beneath the sod
Dear Samuel, though I miss you much
I know you rest with God.
26 27 28 29 30
Goodart, A. J. A. J. Goodart
Died Sept. 12, 1869
aged 24 years
We think not of him as lost to us,
But as one that has gone before–
To greet us with his well known smile
Upon the immortal shore.
46 47 49
Goodart, A. J. [top of stone broken]
A… J.
son of A. J. & M. C. Goodart
[died] July 17, 1871
Aged 1 Yr 4 Mo 19 Ds
I take this little lamb said He
And lay him on my breast,
Protection it shall find in me
And be forever blest.
50 51 52
Harrier, John John Harrier
Died Aug. 18, 1865
Aged 49 Y’s 4 M’s 14 D’s
40 41
Hite, Daniel M. Daniel M Hite
Born Nov 14 1873
Died Mar 16 1903
[mortuary marker]
36 37
Hite, Elizabeth J. Mother Elizabeth J. Hite
Hite, William H. Wm. H. Hite
Co. B 73 Ill. Inf.
Masterson, Minnie E Minnie E.
dau. of R. D. & M. Masterson
Born April 19, 1868,
Died April 15, 1879
54 55
Schenk, Anna R. Anna R.
wife of John Schenk
Born Feb. 15, 1873
Died Oct. 23, 1895
A precious one from us has gone,
A voice we loved is stilled,
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
33 34 35
Suthers, Harry T. Harry T. Suthers
Missouri Pvt US Army
April 20, 1929
44 45
Suthers, Martha E. At Rest
Martha E. Suthers
Died Feb. 26, 1925
Aged 66 Yrs 5 Mos 16 Days
Tracey, Mary Mary,
daughter of J. & S. Tracey,
Died Sept. 10, 1871
Aged 1 Yr & 1 Dy
57 58
unknown [mortuary marker] 12
unknown [mortuary marker] 42
unknown [mortuary marker] 43
unknown 59
unknown [mortuary marker] 60

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2006:

Brown, John Robert
Callen, Anna Bell (Mason)
Callen, Rachel (Townsend)+
Callen, Robert Townsend
Callen, William Gleaves
Calvert, Herbert S.
Calvert, Mary Alice (O’Mara) [could be at Hackberry]
“Doe, John” died 1916 (Probably George Roelf)
Egger, John Adolph+
Gabriel, John
Gleaves, Fannie May
Heavilin, Mary Rosetta
Hite, Daniel+
Hite, Elmer
Hite, infant son of Daniel
Jones, Ellen
Liesch, Herbert+
Karr, Sarah (Stanley)
Mason, Cynthy
McArthur, Berta+
Moore, Jefferson
Pendleton, Mary
Rodgers, Elizabeth (Speaks)
Rodgers, Simpson
Smith, James+
Snapp, Waneta Raye
Suthers, Thomas Calvin
Wright, Mary

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