Baley/Bailey, Caleb

Janeva K. Baile is looking for information on Caleb BALEY/BAILEY, b ca1805 in VA, lived in Andrew Co, MO. Caleb BALEY was a brother to Gillum BALEY, an early minister in Andrew County, MO. Their parents, William BALEY and Margaret (REED) BALEY, had seven children – all of whom lived in Andrew and Nodaway counties at some time.

In 1849-50, Caleb, Gillum, and William Right BALEY went to California to look for gold. Caleb left his wife Jane (FUNDERBURK) BAILEY in the Bolckow area with four kids. Caleb died in the gold mines, but I have been told his death is recorded in the 1850 death records for Andrew Co. The other brothers came back to their families. However, in 1857-8, they all moved with their families to CA except for Caleb’s widow and children.

I am also trying to find the place of death and burial of his wife Jane b. ca 1805 in TN. Other members of this family lived in Nodaway, Co. Jane is on the 1880 census in Nodaway Co, but no death records exist there for her. Their oldest son John BALEY farmed in Andrew Co and later was a saloon keeper there. He married Sarah Jane BROWN. I have only been able to find census records for him–nothing else. I would appreciate any information on this family.

I have verified most of this through census records and death certificates. The story part comes from Fresno, CA. Gillum BALEY became a judge there and there are several books containing his biography.

Janeva K. Baile who also used “Mortality Records of 1850, Andrew County, Missouri” compiled by Elizabeth Ellisberry.

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