Date of Death: 3 Apr 1899
Subject: Charles Allen
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 7 Apr 1899, p. 1
Charles Allen, aged about 65, died at his home near the Richville school house, in Nodaway township, April 3, 1899, and was buried in the Fillmore cemetery on the following day. He was an old bachelor, living alone, and was very eccentric, hardly ever coming to town– was an old soldier and a pensioner, having belonged to Co. D., 22nd Indiana volunteers. He owned 40 acres of land on which he lived, and had recently had a new house built. He was supposed to have considerable money hidden around the house, but thus far, Public Administrator, Giles A. Laughlin, who has taken charge of the estate, has only found $276.00 in gold, and a little over $12 in silver, which was discovered in a glass fruit jar inside of an old tin can, covered over with rags. The only relative in this county, is reported to be a Mrs. Shields, residing near Maitland.
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