Google News Archive

Monica let me know today that she gets inquiries from people who want copies of the articles listed in her death notices indexes. Good news! The newspapers from which these indexes are created are available free online at the Google News Archive! Didn’t know about that? With this new resource and the 1967 Missouri death certificates online, your weekends are booked for months to come. 🙂

Carter County MOGenWeb

Most of Rootsweb is still down and the Carter County MOGenWeb project was one of the casualties. The content has been resurrected via ample use of the The Great and Powerful Wayback Machine and is now available once again.

It’s quite a relief that it was possible to recover all that data. Julie Huggins and her mother, Daisy Samples Andersen, did a TON of work on the cemeteries, and those records are priceless!

1845-1911 Surname Index for Death Notices in St. Joseph MO Newspapers

Monica’s latest project has been to index the surnames from her death notices in St. Joseph, Missouri, newspapers indexes, The Index Index! The 1845-1911 Surname Index for Death Notices in St. Joseph MO Newspapers is now online. I don’t know where she finds the time!