I’ve been getting an unusually high number of emails lately from people who can’t find stuff. I readily admit that all the “What if we did THIS!” ideas have resulted in a labyrinth that’s hard to navigate, even for me and I’m the one who put this stuff here.
Turns out, when they can’t find something, they’re in the wrong section of the site. Don’t you hate it when website goddesses think you should figure this out on your own? Me, too! I’ve always considered this blog section to be the front door, but hardly anyone hits this page first, if at all.
The content management systems (CMS) that I use to try to reign in the chaos are notoriously lacking in search capabilities. Additionally, I remembered the other day that Monica doesn’t favor PDFs because the content might not show in search results. (The PDFs themselves should . . . [Yes! There’s more!]