Woodcock Cemetery

Woodcock Cemetery
AKA Fleming Cemetery
Clay Township, Section 20
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Savannah, north on US 71, 10.7 miles to State Route Y, then west 5.5 miles to Highway H, then south on Hwy. H 1.2 miles to County Road 15, west on CR 15 for 0.5 mile to private property. With permission from owner, drive north about 0.2 mile. Cemetery is on the east side of the lane and is surrounded by crop fields. Walk through fields after harvest about 50 feet to cemetery.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton and Betty Halvorsen 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Woodcock Cemetery 00 00a 00b 01J 01 71 89
Channel, Eliza S.+ [stone broken]
wife of M. W. Channel
Died Aug. 4, 1872
Aged 41 y 3 m 22 d
A tribute of respect by her mother, Mary A. Evans
Far from home beside strangers I lie
Will my children pause and drop a tear as they pass by.
24 25 26 21 23
Coffman, Levi Levi Coffman
Co. G. 51st Mo. Inf.
Dyer, Alfred Alfred Dyer
Died Dec. 28, 1872
Aged 54 y 3 m 22 d
64 65
Dyer, Clabourn Clabourn Dyer
Died Jan. 16, 1879
aged 54 Ys 10 Ms 7 Ds
15 16 17 67 68
Dyer, William A. William A. Dyer
Died July 10, 1880
Aged 51 y 3 m 2 d
69 70
Hughes, Harvy J. Harvy J.
son of Sam’l & Ann C. Hughes
Died July 30, 1879
Aged 18 Y 2 M 8 days
Oh cease dear parents cease your weeping
Above the spot where I am sleeping
My time was short and blessed be He
That called me to eternity.
76 76J 77 78
Lance, Bettie Bettie
wife of Adam Lance
Died Oct. 28, 1890
Aged 63 y
My wife is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear mother tho we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
18 19 20
Lance, Zala C. Zala C.
son of I. M. & S. S. Lance
Died Aug. 9, 1875
Aged 10 Mo’s 14 D’s
53 54
Nims, Julia I. Julia I.
daughter of G. S. & A. Nims
Died July 13, 1868
Aged 11 y’rs 5 mo’s 20 d’s
50 51
Pearson, Nancy Nancy Pearson
Died Mar. 11, 1868
aged 76 y’rs
Here where the silent marble weeps
A friend a wife a mother sleeps
A heart within whoes sacred cell
The peaceful virtues love to dwell.
61 62 63
Pixler, Hiram Hiram
son of John & Elizabeth Pixler
Died June 16, 1879
Aged 17 Y’s 10 M’s 7 D’s
Oh cease dear mother cease your weeping
Above the spot where I am sleeping
My time was short and blessed be He
Who called me to eternity.
80 81 82
Pixler, John+ Holy Bible
John Pixler
Died Oct. 8, 1874
Aged 62 Y 11 M 28 D
McDermott & Berryhill Sav., Mo.
85 86 87
Sells, Anthony Anthony Sells
Died Aug. 12, 1871
Aged 69 y’rs 4 mo’s 10 d’s
38 39
Sells, Arminta A. Arminta A.
dau. of J. P. & M. J. Sells
Died Sept. 1, 1877
Aged 5 M 20 D
Budded on earth to bloom in heaven.
36 37
Sells, infant Infant dau. of S. M. & M. A. Sells 32
Sells, Josephine A. Josephine A. Sells
Died Apr. 31, 1865
Aged 9 mo’s 18 d’s
Sells, Leona L. At rest
Leona L.
dau. of J. P. & M. J. Sells
Died Jun. 22, 1878
Aged 3 mo’s 2 d’s
Sweet bud transplanted in a clime,
Where never comes the blight of time.
33 34 35
Sells, Margery A. Rest in peace
Margery A.
wife of S. M. Sells
Died Sep. 12, 1878
Aged 30 y 5 m’s & 4 ds
A light is from our household gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant at our hearth,
Which never can be filled.
29 30 31 32J
Shannon, John John,
son of D. E. & S. R. Shannon
Died Oct. 4, 1865
Aged 5 mo’s & 7 d’s
44 45 47
Shannon, Sarah R. Sarah R.
wife of David E. Shannon
Died Oct. 27, 1865
Aged 32 Y’s 6 M’s 28 D’s
40 41 42 43
unknown 10
unknown 11
unknown 12
unknown 14
unknown 22
unknown 27
unknown 28
unknown 52
unknown 60
unknown 88
Wardlow, Frances Elizabeth [footstone] 13
Wardlow, infant Infant Dau.
Died July 28, 1878
Aged 11 D’s
04 05 07 09
Wardlow, Martha E. Martha E.
wife of B. J. Wardlow
Died July 17, 1878
Aged 23 Y’s 8 M’s 5 D’s
Oh cease dear husband cease your weeping
Above the spot where I am sleeping
My time was short and blessed be He
That called me to eternity.
04 05 06 07 08
Winterbotham, Mary Mary
wife of S. H. Winterbotham
Born Feb. 2, 1816
Died Jan. 28, 1848
56 57 58
Winterbotham, Stull Stull
son of S. H. and M. Winterbotham
Born Apr. 20, 1844
Died May 14, 1848
56 57 59 55
Woodcock, Samuel W. Samuel W. Woodcock
Died Aug. 12, 1866
Aged 62 y’rs 11 m’s 21 d’s
72 73 74 75

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005.

Alloway, William
Ammon, John
Beasley, Mrs. Almeda
Fleming, Mr., died Jan. 24, 1879
Osborn, infant of John & Margaret
Sells, Melissa
Sells, Miranda (Hessey)
Sells, Samuel Martin
Wardlow, Benjamin A.
Wardlow, Ida E.

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