Warner, Samuel

Date of Death: 9 Mar 1874
Subject: Samuel Warner
Source: Andrew County Republican, 13 Mar 1874, p. 1

Fillmore Items. We were sadly shocked, on last Monday, by the sad news that Mr. Sam Warner had taken opium, from the effects of which he died late in the evening. The opium was taking about 4 o’clock in the morning. Medical aid was called at once, but all efforts proved ineffectual. It is supposed that derangement of the mind was the cause of the rash act. Thus, in a very brief space of time, the community has been deprived of a good, useful and enterprising citizen, and the family, of an indulgent father and a kind husband. Our tears and sympathies mingle with those of the bereaved and distressed family.

Source: Holt County Sentinel, 20 Mar 1874, p. 3

Last Monday, says the St. Joe Herald, an old resident of Holt county, living near Nodaway river, near Fillmore, committed suicide by taking laudanum. Some two months ago he observed the door to his flouring mill standing open at night and supposing some one had entered for the purpose of stealing, Mr. Warner went in and while wandering about, was struck a severe blow upon the head. Since then he has been ailing and at time gave evidence of mental aberration. This is thought to be the cause of his untimely end. He was a man of considerable wealth, and was wifely known and highly respected by all who knew him.

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