Wardlow Cemetery

Wardlow Cemetery
Clay Township, Section 32
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Fillmore SR H and A crossing north 0.5 mile to CR 46, then 0.5 mile west to CR 47, north about 0.5 mile. CR 47 gravel ends, then dirt road to cemetery. Cemetery is about 0.1 mile west and on the north side of road, up a bank. There may be a rope across the road. Contact the landowner for permission.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Wardlow Cemetery 20 20J 49 50
F., M. K. [M. K. F. footstone] 28 31
Landess, Adie A. Adie A.
dau. of L. & N. Landess
Died Mar. 30, 1892
Aged 12 y’s 6 mo 23 d
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
25 26 27 31
Landess, Daniel [footstone] 29 31
Parks, Fannie F. Fannie [F.] Parks
Died Sept. 1, 1871
Aged 3 Y 6 M 17 D
39 40 42 43 44 47
unknown 21
unknown 32
Wardlow 48
Wardlow, Benjamin Benjamin Wardlow
Died July 8, 1852
Aged 24 Y 9 M 7 D
38 41 46
Wardlow, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of Wm. Wardlow
Died Apr. 14, 1891
Aged 83 years
36 37
Wardlow, Jane [footstone only, her marker has been moved
to Fillmore Cemetery]
30 31
Wardlow, Lydia Ann Mother Lydia Ann
wife of Joseph Wardlow
Born Mar. 10, 1855
Died Nov. 26, 1888
Aged 33 Yr 8 Mos 16 Days
22 24
Wardlow, Sarah E. Sarah E. Wardlow
Born Jan. 1, 1814
Died Dec. 5, 1897
Dear is the spot where Christians sleep,
And sweet the strains that angels pour
O! why should we in anguish weep?
They are not dead but gone before.
33 34 35

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005-2006:

Hatfield, John Quincy
Hatfield, Josiah Perry
Landess, Catherine
Wardlow, David [marker moved to Fillmore]
Wardlow, James Perry [marker moved to Fillmore]
Wardlow, William

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