Date of Death: 7 May 1919
Subject: Pearl Waegele
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 16 May 1919, p. 5
The many friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Waegele and family will sympathize with them in the death of their daughter, Miss Pearl, which occurred at Denver, Colorado, May 7, 1919. Miss Pearl after teaching in Holt and Andrew counties went to Colorado for her health and where she taught for several years, but finally had to abandon her work on account of the inroads upon her constitution by that sure victor, consumption.
She was born in the Richville district thirty years ago and grew to a beautiful Christian character in this section of our county. She was greatly beloved, and was an earnest church and Sunday school worker, and her requests that her pall-bearers should be selected from the ranks of her former school pupils in this and Andrew county was gratified by her parents. Her passing is the first death in the family, and the blow seems too hard to bear.
She is survived by her parents, four sisters and three brothers.
The body was brought to the home of her parents, near Fillmore, Sunday last, May 11, and the funeral services were conducted from the Fillmore Christian church, on Tuesday, May 13, by her former pastor, Rev. Sauceman, now of Skidmore.
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