Date of Death: 16 May 1894
Subject: Rebecca (____) Holt Shawgo
Source: The Democrat, 18 May 1894
[Died] at the home of her son, Solomon Holt, 2 miles west of Savannah, Mo., May 16, 1894, of dropsy, Mrs. Rebecca Shawgo aged 81 years and 16 days. Mrs. Shawgo, or better known as grandmother Holt, has been a member of the O. S. Baptist Church for more than 60 years. She was a kind mother and loved by all who knew her. She came to Missouri from Illinois after the death of her second husband in 1871 and has lived here with her son for 22 years. Her remains were interred in the Dailey Cemetery Thursday.
Source: The Democrat, 25 May 1894
Grandma Holt’s remains were interred in the Daily Cemetery Thursday in presence of a large number of sympathizing friends.
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