Savannah Cemetery Section 02

Savannah Cemetery
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Savannah city square, go south 2.5 blocks. Fourth Street goes through the east side of the cemetery, Benton Street is on the north, Fifth Street on the west, and Park Avenue is the border on the south.

Credits: Photos and Documentation: Eldon Swensson, 2002, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Section 1); Betty Halvorsen and Nadine Taylor, 2005-7 (Sections 2-3); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Sections 4-5); Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Sections 6-7); 8 Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-2010 (Section 8); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 (Sections 9-13); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen and Nadine Taylor, 2005-2010 (Section 14); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6, and Kelly Alvarado, 2011 (Section 15); Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6, and Kelly Alvarado, 2009 (Section 16); Betty Halvorsen, 2005-6 and Kelly Alvarado, 2009 (Section 17); Betty Halvorsen, 2005-2010 (Section 18). (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Alderman, Carlos Joy 1861-1936 C102
Alderman, Eli+ Alderman
Father Eli
Feb. 22, 1822
Mar. 7, 1902
C081 C082
Alderman, Elizabeth Greenlee 1858-1936 C101
Alderman, Harry Olif 1889-1940 C103
Alderman, Mary J. Alderman
Mother Mary J.
Dec. 10, 1827
Aug. 17, 1894
C081 C082
Anderson, Annie E. Annie E. His Wife
Jan. 7, 1833 – Oct. 27, 1892
To a glad dream of slumber
Which awakens in bliss
She has pass to the world
Of the holy from this.
A071 A072 A073 A078
Anderson, Jane E. Jane E. – Oct. 18, 1947
[two stones]
A071 A072 A074 A077
Anderson, John W. John W. Anderson
Mar. 20, 1826 – Oct. 6, 1907
His record is on high.
A071 A072 A079
Anderson, Joseph T. Joseph T. – Jan. 7, 1932
A071 A072
Anderson, Katherine B. Katherine B. – Oct 21, 1948
[two stones]
A071 A072 A074 A076
Anderson, Robert L. Robert L. – Mar. 11, 1933
A071 A072
Austin, Thomas _ Thomas Austin
Died May 20, 1874
Aged 70 ys 2 ms 15 ds
Barnes, Odency Odency
Wife of W. C. Barnes
1807 – 1875
[see also Section 1]
Baumle, Amelia (east)
Amelia Baumle
born May 10, 1846
died June 7, 1900
C002 C003 C011 C008
Baumle, Charles L. (north)
Charles L. Baumle
born Apr. 23, 1877
died Sept. 2, 1905
C002 C006 C011 C007
Baumle, Louis (west)
Louis Baumle
born Jul 10, 1847
died Apr. 17, 1927
C002 C005 C011 C009
Baumle, Louise (south)
Louise Baumle
born Dec. 23, 1874 [sic]
died July 15, 1876
C002 C004 C011
Baumlee, Mary L.+ Mary L.
dau. of L. & A. Baumle
Born Dec. 23, 1875 [sic]
Died July 15, 1876
C010 C011
Beekman, Douglass Y. Douglass Y.
Son of T. M. & Carrie A. Beekman
Born Nov. 8, 1869
Died Nov. 8, 1870
Bennett, Joseph L.+ (north)
Joseph L. Bennett
Feb. 29, 1836
July 2, 1918
C059 C060 C067
Bennett, Lois Eva 1864-1926 C059 C064
Bennett, M. S. Selecman (east)
M. S. Selecman
wife of J. L. Bennett
died Mar. 15, 1894
Aged 53 Y 1 M 7 D
C059 C062 C065 C066
Bennett, Nannie J. 1838-1925 C059 C063
Berryhill, Anna 1840-1926 B113
Berryhill, Joseph (south)
Joseph Berryhill
Died Feb. 6, 1886
Aged 57 ys 7 ms
Bish, Abraham Abraham Bish
Died Oct. 14, 1870,
aged 57 y’rs 2 mo 16 da’s
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from
[buried in concrete]
Bish, Hezekiah S. Hezekiah S.
son of A. & L. Bish
Died Dec. 9, 1870,
Aged 24 y’rs 11 mo’s 14 d’s
Dear brother thou art gone to rest
No more sorrow will thou know
Thine above is with the blest
Thy toils… [in concrete]
Blackburn, Eda Eda Blackburn
May 29, 1861
June 3, 1877
Blackburn, Ida Ida Blackburn
May 29, 1861
Oct. 16, 1943
Blair, George T. 1899-1961 B033
Blair, Gladys M. 1899-1981 B014 B015
Blair, Lucile M. 1900-1986 B033
Blair, Roy 1892-1953 B014 B015
Bossard, Cecil A. 1903-1958 B105
Bossard, Sibyl E. 1907-1980
Bottorff, Ruth Cobb 1896-1986 A180
Bowman, Abraham+ Abraham Bowman
Born June 18, 1817
Died Nov. 17, 1874
C088 C089
Bowman, Gist Gist Bowman
born June 25, 1860
died Mar. 21, 1909
C088 C090
Bowman, Mary Mary
Wife of A. Bowman
Born Sep. 26, 1826
Died Sep. 28, 1901
C088 C089
Bowman, William L. William L. Bowman
Died Dec. 9, 1891
Aged 72 y’s 4 m’s 1 day
Boyles, Allie J.+ Allie J.
Wife of O. H. Boyles
Died Jan. 23, 1874
Aged 23 y 3 m & 15 d
Brant, Charles K. 1914-1994 A022 A023 A028 A029
Brant, Harry S. 1889-1948 A022 A027 A028 A029 A030
Brant, Lottie O. 1889-1963 A022 A026 A028 A029
Brown, Edith M. Brown
Edith M.
May 1, 1880
June 6, 1962
A112 A113
Brown, Eugene I. Brown
Dr. Eugene I.
Col. Ret.
A103 A104
Brown, George F. Brown
George F. MD
A101 A102
Brown, Helen Thompson Brown
Helen Thompson
A103 A104
Brown, Luther O. Brown
Luther O.
July 6, 1875
Jan. 11, 1960
A112 A113
Brown, Minnie M. 1885-1968 A105 A106
Brown, Minnie Wassmer B072 B081
Brown, W. Irving Brown
Dr. W. Irving
A105 A106
Bryan, George T. (east)
George T. Bryan
Died Nov. 5, 1885
Aged 42 Ys 4 Ms 15 Ds
C120 C123
Bryan, Mary L. (west)
Mary L.
wife of George T. Bryan
Died Nov. 2, 1884
Aged 35 Ys 1 Ms 29 Ds
C120 C121
Bryant, A. B. 1857-1901 A130
Bryant, D. B. 1860-1910 A093
Bryant, Martha J. Martha J.
Daughter of W. H. & M. E. Bryant
Died Sept. 20, 1864
Aged 1 y’r 8 m’s 1 d’s
Lie there sweet babe,
And be at rest.
God called thee home,
He thought it best.
A131 A132
Bryant, Mary E. 1837-1925 A095
Bryant, W. H.+ 1832-1903 A094
Burns, James P. 1853-1946 A125
Burns, Mary Eliza 1858-1932
Burns, Walter S. 1863-1936 A124
Butcher, David (south)
David Butcher
Died June 23, 1888
Aged 84 y’s 8 m’s 10 d’s
A127 A129 A097
Butcher, Elizabeth C./G. (west)
Elizabeth C.
Wife of David Butcher
Died July 10, 1890
Aged 88 ys 5 ms 10 ds
A127 A128 A096
C., M. O. [M. O. C. footstone, probably a Chittenden] A057 A058
Caldwell, Clyde F. 1872-1952 A151
Caldwell, Elizabeth (north)
Elizabeth Caldwell
Died June 8, 1910
Aged 88 Ys 2 Ms 17 Ds
C072 C074
Caldwell, Elizabeth Farley 1838-1924 A152
Caldwell, Frances 1867-19uncarved C069
Caldwell, infant Infant daughter
of W. W. & Camilla A. Caldwell
born & died May 28, 1878
Caldwell, James C. 1847-1929 C070
Caldwell, John R.+ 1832-1918 A152
Caldwell, Loan 1865-1936 C069
Caldwell, Sarah E. 1859-1937 C070
Caldwell, William (west)
William Caldwell
Died December 24, 1885
Aged 76 Y’s 11 M’s 28 D’s
Army Service Capt. Co. C. 12th Mo. Volunteer Cavalry
Gone to a better land
C072 C073
Campbell, Eva Peale (north)
Eva Peale
Wife of R. S. Campbell
Jan. 31, 1845 – July 7, 1930
B052 B055
Campbell, Robert Stuart (east)
In Memory of
Robert Stuart Campbell
Sept. 25, 1844 – May 1, 1893
B052 B056
Campbell, Stuart Peale Stuart Peale Campbell
Sep. 5, 1876
Aug. 26, 1877
[two stones]
B052 B053 B055
Challacombe, Sarah I Sarah I. Challacombe
July 11, 1817 – June 14, 1899
B085 B088
Challacombe, William William Challacombe
Apr. 16, 1815 – July 26, 1884
B085 B089
Chittenden, Albon S Albon S.
Born Aug. 14, 1828
Died Dec. 16, 1898
A054 A055
Chittenden, Anna T. Chittenden
Anna T.
Born July 9, 1867
A054 A056
Chittenden, Charles M. Chas. M.
Born Mar. 5, 1865
Died Feb. 8, 1932
Chittenden, Cinda U. Cinda U.
Born Oct. 3, 1839
Died Aug. 24, 1903
A054 A055
Chittenden, Irene P. Irene P.
Born Mar 18, 1863
Died Apr. 12, 1941
A054 A056
Chittenden, Maud+ In Memory of Maud
Infant Dau. of A. S. & C. Chittenden
Died Mar. 17, 1875
Aged 1 yr 10 mo 17 ds
To gather flowers …
We know that she is happy
With her angel plumage on
Yet our hearts are very desolate
To think that she is gone.
A052 A053 A054
Chittenden, Maud Chittenden
Born May 1, 1873
Died Mar. 17, 1875
A054 A055
Chittenden, Neddie Chittenden
Born Apr. 20, 1861
Died July 21, 1863
Interred at Greencastle, Ind.
Chittenden, William G Chittenden
Wm. G.
Born Oct. 13, 1876
A054 A056
Cobb, Emmett 1878-1965 A121 A122
Cobb, Eva M. [private] A119 A120
Cobb, Fabian L. Cobb
Fabian L.
1920- uncarved [Died Apr. 20, 2013]
Cobb, Grace 1887-1958 A121 A122
Cobb, Mabel Mary 1892-1988 A179
Cook, S. Emily 1834-1921 A181 A182 A183
Cook, William 1828-1908 A181 A182 A184
Cooper, Edward C. 1873-1950 B108 B111
Cooper, Flora Purviance 1875-1956 B040
Cooper, R. E. B. 1874-uncarved B108 B111
Cooper, Walter Greenlee 1874-1956 B040
Couch, Amanda 1865-1967 A173
Couch, Ethel F. Our Darling Ethel F.
Dau. of C. C. and R. M. Couch
Died Apr. 2, 1898
Aged 4 yr 4 mo 1 day
Couch, Hettie A. 1859-1943 A172
Couch, Jasper N. 1857-1939
Crank, Edna F. Edna F.
dau. of J. W. & Mary Crank
Died July 15, 1885
Aged 7 mos … d
S… [verse illegible]
C039 C040
Crank, John W.+ Sheriff John W. Crank
Died July 31, 1888
Aged 42 Yr 2 Mo 7 Da
A precious one from us is gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
C040 C041 C042
Crowell, Elizabeth Brant 1916-1973 A022 A024 A028 A029
Crowley, G. W. G. W. Crowley
Born May 8, 1825
Died Nov. 2, 1904
A049 A050
Crowley, George D. 1865-1927 A049 A050
Crowley, Margaret C.+ Margaret C.
Wife of Geo. W. Crowley
Died April 29, 1872
Aged 28 y 5 m 16d
A049 A047
Doty, Cora Mae 1879-1953 B070
Doty, George T. 1868-1955
Dyer, Dorothy Irene Our Darling
Dorothy Irene Dyer
Feb. 2, 1917
Aug. 10, 1940
Dyer, John 1840-1887 A195
Dyer, Sophia J. 1850-1919
Eader, W. H. W. H. Eader
Oct. 29, 1851
Oct. 20, 1895
Elliott, Alfred Lee Our darling Alfred Lee
son of B. D. & J. Elliott
Died Febr. 25, 1886
Aged 7 mos 18 Days
illegible inscription
C054a C054b
Elliott, Alleen 1883-1977 C056
Elliott, Carl G. 1887-1968
Elliott, Cornelia J. Cornelia J.
wife of John R. Elliott
Born Apr. 17, 1842
Died [buried in concrete]
Elliott, James W. James W.
son of B. D. & S. A. Elliott
Died Aug. 21, 1869
aged 6 Ms 13 Ds
Elliott, John R.+ In Memory of John R. Elliott
Born in Woodford Co., Ky.
Sept. 19, 1838
Died in Andrew Co., Mo.
[buried in concrete]
Elliott, Sarepta Ann Sarepta Ann
wife of B. D. Elliott
Died June 1, 1872
Aged 22 Ys 4 Ms 12 Ds
Ellis, Jane Jane Ellis
Died Nov. 27, 1901
aged 87 Yrs 10 Mo 29 Ds
Peaceful be thy silent slumber
Peaceful in thy grave so low
Thou no more will join our number
Thou no more our sorrows know
Yet again we hope to meet thee,
When the day of life is fled
And in heaven with joy to greet thee
Where no farewell tears are shed.
Farrel, Anna W. 1863-1929 B062
Farrel, John W. 1867-1947
Freeman, Levina+ Levina Freeman
Died Apr. 8, 1876
Aged 60 ys 2 ds
Blessed are the dead [buried in concrete]
Fritchman, Amzi (west)
Born July 19, 1858 – Died Dec. 25, 1870
A038 A031 A033
Fritchman, Annie 1860-1932 A031 A041 A042
Fritchman, Clarence 1868-1938 A031 A041
Fritchman, Elmer 1871-1935 A039 A031
Fritchman, Frank 1856-1938
Fritchman, Fred Hoshor 1892-1977
Married Dec. 24, 1913
A117 A118
Fritchman, Harry 1865-1942 A031 A041
Fritchman, Irvin (west)
Born Jan. 13, 1853 – Died Jan. 1, 1871
A038 A031 A034
Fritchman, John+ (east)
John Fritchman
Born Feb. 16, 1928
Died Oct. 30, 1905
A031 A040
Fritchman, Joseph 1863-1934 A031 A041 A043
Fritchman, Margaret (west)
Born June 28, 1854 – Died Nov. 30, 1870
[two stones, two spellings]
A038 A031 A032
Fritchman, Maud Ferguson 1888-1983
Married Dec. 24, 1913
A117 A118
Fritchman, Susannah (east)
Susannah his wife
Born May 28, 1830
Died Aug. 19, 1910
A031 A040
Frodsham, Elizabeth+ Elizabeth Frodsham
May 1, 1817
Sept. 20, 1902
B108 B110
Frodsham, William+ [two markers]
William Frodsham
Born in Bolton Eng. May 30, 1816
Died Jan. 2, 1895 in Savannah, Mo.
B108 B109
Fuller, Anna M. 1900-1958 C012 C013
Fuller, Lyal C. 1898-1992
Gibson, Allie Nance Allie Nance Gibson
Aug. 18, 1867
June 8, 1910
B024 B025 B028
Gillispie, Everett J. Gillispie
Father Everett J.
Gillispie, Lola B. Gillispie
Mother Lola B.
Gilmore, Lola B. 1883-1957 A143
Gilmore, William J. 1875-1966
Glazier, Charles L. 1870-1911 A145
Glazier, George W.+ George W. Glazier
Died July 21, 1873
Aged 45 y 3 m
Glazier, John L. Glazier
John L.
Born Athens, O.
Glazier, Lizzie D. Glazier
Lizzie D.
Born Savannah, Mo.
Ham, Eliza (north)
Eliza Ham
Wife of Simeon Ham
Born Sept. 23, 1812
Died Mar. 17, 1908
A153 A156
Ham, Simeon (west)
Simeon Ham
Born Jan. 31, 1809
Died Jan. 29, 1890
Aged 80 y 11 m 28 d
The sweet remembrancesof the just
Shall flourish when they sleep in dust.
A153 A154 A155 A164
Harlan, Andrew J.+ Andrew J. Harlan
Mar. 29, 1815
May 19, 1907
Harlan, Delilah H. Harlan
Delilah H. his wife
Jan. 25, 1822
Dec. 18, 1910
Hauenstein, Charles W. [died] 1964 C091
Hauenstein, Stella E. Pattisson [died] 1963
Hendrix, Nancy Nancy Hendrix
Died Jan. 10, 1871
Aged 60 y’rs 1 mo 5 D’s
O how beautiful is death, and grand
To sever the cord for the angel band
Hark the sound of the heavenly strand
They hear her .. the …
C092 C093
Jenkins, Elizabeth C. 1865-1947 A084
Jenkins, John J. 1860-1939
Jenkins, Lee Lee
Son ofG. W. & Harriet E. Jenkins
Died Jan. 26, 1888
Aged 18 yr 4 mo 27 d
There is no death what seems so is transition
This life of mortal breath
Is but a suburb of the life Elysian
Whose portal we call death.
A085 A086
Johnson, Carrie B. 1876-1955 C087
Kelley, Adelia (west)
Adelia H.
wife of H. S. Kelley
C029 C021 C023
Kelley, Andrew J.+ Andrew J.
Born Mar. 2, 1867
Died July 15, 1872
All gone but not Forgotten.
Children of H. S. & Adelia Kelley
[two stones]
C024 C023 C030
Kelley, Andrew W. (east)
Children of H. S. & A. H. Kelley
Andrew W.
Kelley, Anna L. Anna L.
Born June 5, 1883
Died Aug. 1, 1883
Children of H. S. & Adelia Kelley
[two stones]
C028 C023 C030
Kelley, Della+ Della
Born Aug. 22, 1864
Died May 22, 1876
Children of H. S. & Adelia Kelley
[two stones]
C026 C023 C030
Kelley, Henry S., Jr.+ (east)
Children of H. S. & A. H. Kelley
Henry S. Jr.
C031 C079
Kelley, Henry S., Sr.+ (west)
Henry S. Sr.
C029 C020 C023
Kelley, infant (east)
Children of H. S. & A. H. Kelley
infant dau.
Kelley, infant (east)
Children of H. S. & A. H. Kelley
infant son
Kelley, John M. Children of H. S. & A. H. Kelley
John M.
C030 C022 C023
Kelley, Vineta R. "Birdie" Birdie
Born Feb. 1, 1877
Died May 4, 1882
Children of H. S. & Adelia Kelley
[two stones]
Vineta R.
C027 C023 C030
Kelley, Willie Willie
Born July 1, 1872
Died Aug. 31, 1872
Children of H. S. & Adelia Kelley
C025 C023
Kenner, Charles A. 1886-1962 B035 B036
Kenner, Margaret 1892-1975
Kowitz, Henry J. 1887-1966 C037
Kowitz, Mable E. 1893-1963
Landers, Alice Eader 1851-1937 B092
Lanning, Anna Mae Lanning
Anna Mae
May 27, 1912
July 27, 1985
Married Oct. 2, 1937
Lanning, Caryl Lee Our Son Caryl Lee Lanning
June 25, 1944
Lanning, Hadley Hobson [two stones]
Hadley Hobson Lanning
U.S.M.C. World War II
Dec. 12, 1942 – Nov. 26, 1945
A115 A116
Lawbaugh, Elijah M. Elijah M. Lawbaugh
Dec. 14, 1835 – Aug.8, 1914
B117 B119
Lawbaugh, Emma F. Emma F.- Dau.
Sept. 4, 1866 – Jan. 5, 1868
B117 B120
Lawbaugh, Mary Isabel Mary Isabel – His Wife
Oct. 28, 1844 – Jan. 3, 1917
B117 B118
Lawbaugh, Nannie A. Nannie A.- Dau.
Nov. 7, 1868 – Apr. 15, 1879
B117 B120
Lee, John F. 1885-1975 C032
Lewellen, Lois M. 1915-1998 A187 A188
Lewellen, Maurice H. 1901-1959
Lillibridge, Ben 1893-1904 C044 C048
Lillibridge, Isaac B. Isaac B .Lillibridge
Died Apr. 11, 1885
Aged 57 Y 3 M 18 D
C044 C049
Lillibridge, Lena 1860-1943 C044 C045
Lillibridge, Lucille B. 1868-1948 A126
Lillibridge, Martha S. Martha S.
wife of I. B. Lillibridge
born in Potsdam, N.Y.
Jan. 16, 1832
Died Feb. 1, 1900
C044 C050
Lillibridge, Thomas S. 1862-1955 A126
Lillibridge, Walter K. Walter K.
son of I. B. & M. Lillibridge
Died June 21, 1877
Aged 7 Y 4 M 16 D
[two stones]
C044 C051 C052
Lillibridge, William 1857-1935 C044 C046
Martin, Letitia E. Letitia E.
wife of James H. Martin
Born Apr. 10, 1828
Died Aug. 30, 1887
Aged 59 Y 4 M 20 D
Mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear Mother tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
C035 C036
McCandliss, Agnes Agnes
Wife of J. C. McCandliss
Died April 20, 1880
Aged 35 ys 8 m 17 d
They died that [buried in concrete]
McCandliss, James C. James C. McCandliss
Born Mar. 30, 1817
Died July 10, 1890
Aged 73 ys 3 ms 11 ds
McCandliss, Jimmy Jimmy
Died Jan …
Aged 6 mo & … d.
Children of R. R. & Priscilla McCandliss
McCandliss, Lilie B. Lilie B.
Died Jan. 30, 1865
Children of R. R. & Priscilla McCandliss
McCandliss, Sinah Sinah
Wife of J. C. McCandliss
Born in … [Ohio] Oct. 2, 182[4]
Died at … June 28, 1870
Verse illegible
McCandliss, Willie Walter Willie Walter
Son of J. C. & A. McCandliss
Died May 28, 1879
Aged 2 y 7 m 24 ds
They died that [buried in concrete]
McCarty, Amanda A. Amanda A.
Wife of Jas McCarty
Died Mar. 26, 1879
Aged 25 y 9 m 11 d
B106 B107
McDaniel, Caroline (east)
Wife of John McDaniel
Born Mar. 29, 1824
Died Aug. 27, 1877
At Rest
[Actual burial possibly at Greenwick]
A157 A160
McDaniel, Gilbert 1857-1912
Married 50
A157 A165 A166
McDaniel, Jennie S. 1852-1919
Married 50
McDaniel, John (west)
John McDaniel
Born Nov. 24, 1817
Died Sep. 18, 1891
Gone but not forgotten
A157 A158 A162
McDaniel, Lucy A. (north)
Lucy A. McDaniel
June 7, 1834
Oct. 21, 1924
A157 A159
McDaniel, Mabel Mabel
Dau. of Gilbert & Jennie McDaniel
Died Aug 25, 188?
Aged 3 y 1 m 11 d
A165a A157
McDaniel, Mary S. (south)
Mary S.
Wife of John McDaniel
Born July 9, 1822
Died Dec. 29, 1860
Our Mother
[Actual burial possibly at Baker]
A157 A161
McGinnis, Melissa A. Caldwell (south)
Melissa A.
wife of George H. McGinnis
and Dau. of Wm. & Elizabeth
Died July 20, 1884
Aged 28 Y’s 2 M’s 16 D’s
… dear husband tho’ sadly…
… death …
yet … kindly sustain
Though …sends … again
C072 C075 C076
McKee, Ira William Ira William McKee
Dec. 9, Apr. 12,
1901 1973
B037 B039
McKee, Isabel Cooper Isabel Cooper McKee
Jan. 25, Jan. 27,
1902 1985
B038 B039
McLain, Eddie In Memory of our little
Eddie McLain
who departed this life Aug. …1865
Aged 3 y’rs 8 mos & 12 ds
B016 B017
McLain, Harry E. McLain
Father Harry E.
McLain, James + James
Died Feb. 19, 1875
Aged 1 month
Sons of J. S. & L. McLain
McLain, John B. McLain
Son John B.
McLain, John S. John S.
Son of John & Sarah A. McLain
Born in McConnelsville
Morgan Co. Ohio
Died Feb. 28, 1879
Aged 36 y 1 m 20 d
Gone but not forgotten
A140 A141
McLain, Jonny T. Jonny T.
Died… 187?
Aged 2 y 5 m 11 d
Sons of J. S. & L. McLain
McLain, Shannon Brother Shannon McLain
1904 – 1955
Mercer, Mary Mary
Wife of Pembroke Mercer
Died Oct. 30, 1884
Aged 50 yrs 2 mos 23 days
B031 B032
Miller, Alice Alice
Wife of Elmer Miller
Died Oct. 25, 1880
Aged 21 y’s 9 m’s 13 d’s
Miller, Elizabeth Mother Elizabeth
Wife of James Miller
Died Apr. 11, 1872
Aged 60 y’s 9 d’s
James do not lonely be,
But live aright and come to me.
Children I am happy now,
With a crown so bright upon my brow.
Friends you must meet me here,
Where [ne’er is known a sigh or tear].
Miller, Gracie (west)
Dau. of
J. J. & Jessie Miller
Born June 16, 1874
Died Feb. 7, 1877
Aged 2 y’s 7 m’s 22 d’s
Our Little Gracie
B021 B023
Miller, James In God We Trust
James Miller
Died Jul. 26, 1886
Aged 78 y 17 d
Miller, Joseph Elmer Joseph Elmer Miller
Died Jan. 26, 1892
Aged 35 y & 1 m
Monroe, A. C.+ [top missing]
A. C. & L. Monroe
Died Aug. 26, 1874
Aged 6 ms & 18 ds
This little bud to us given
to bud on earth and bloom in Heaven.
Monroe, Emma B. Emma B.
Dau. of A. C. and Libbie Monroe
Died June 4, 1867?
Aged 3 y 10 m’s ? d’s
How we would loved to have her stay
But God thought best to call her away.
B018 B019
Moore, Frank 1899-1976
Married Dec. 27, 1922
A087 A088
Moore, Rubie A. 1904-1987
Married Dec. 27, 1922
Morris, Charles L. 1858-1906 A009 A015
Morris, Elizabeth J. 1962-1926 A009 A019
Morris, Elizabeth Wagoner (east)
Wife of Martin S. Morris
Born Jan. 16, 1820
Died Jan. 23, 1901
[two stones]
A009 A013 A016
Morris, Ellen D.+ 1846-1907 A009 A020
Morris, Hardin R. Hardin R. Morris
Born Mar. 13, 1848
Died July 17, 1901
Co. I 133 Ill. Vols. Inft
A009 A010
Morris, Martin S. (north)
To relieve the wretched was his pride.
Martin S. Morris
Born Dec. 12, 1816 in Madison Co. KY
Died June 14, 1884 in Savannah, Mo.
Aged 67 y 6 m 2 d
[two stones]
A009 A011 A012 A017
Morton, Anne Morris 1842-1916 A009 A021
Murray, Emma A. Emma A.
Wife of W. S. Murray
Died July 6, 1892
Aged 37 y 5 m 7 d
Murray, Winfield S. Winfield S. Murray
Died Jan. 22, 1900
Aged 51 y 10 m 1 d
Nance, Dora V. Dora V. Nance
Dec. 30, 1853
Oct. 2, 1933
B024 B025 B030
Nance, Eliza Eliza
Wife of Wm. Nance
Apr. 2, 1843
June 2, 1878
B024 B025 B027
Nance, Elizabeth (south)
Elizabeth Nance
Died Mar. 9, 1882
Aged 58 y 3 m 16 d
A189 A192
Nance, Loraine S. Loraine S. Nance
Oct. 20, 1881
June 22, 1972
B024 B025 B026
Nance, Ludia (west)
Daughter of T. & E. Nance
Died Mar. 14, 1877
Aged 20 y 4 m 13 d
A189 A191
Nance, Thomas (north)
Thomas Nance
Died Feb. 25, 1874
Aged 51 yrs 7 mos 5 ds
A189 A190
Nance, William William Nance
Mar. 9, 1846
June 29, 1911
B024 B025 B029
Newman, Martha S. Couch Martha S. Couch-Newman
Died Feb. 21, 1914
Aged 73 y 11 m 5 d
Nolt, Earl 1888-1977 C084
Nolt, Vera H. 1904-1989
Norris, Catherine 1854-1948 A038 A031 A035
Norris, E. M. 1859-1915 A038 A031 A036
Ordnung, Louis F. 1889-1972 C080
Ordnung, Sadie B. 1890-1958
Owens, Carl Leslie Wed Feb. 24, 1935
[two stones]
Pvt US Army
World War I
1895 1978
A150 A186
Owens, Mary B. 1897-1990
Wed Feb. 24, 1935
Palmer, LoRenza D. Palmer
Father LoRenza D.
Palmer, Martha Palmer
Mother Martha
Parker, Lemuel B. Lemuel B. Parker
Born 1830
Died 1888
Patterson, Carl C. 1890-1985 C043
Patterson, Ernest I. Patterson
Father Dr. Ernest I.
B102 B104
Patterson, Mabel D. Patterson
Mother Mabel D.
Patterson, Ruby L. 1895-1977 C043
Paul, Anna E.+ 1844-1920 C014 C016
Paul, John W.+ John W. Paul
Oct. 7, 1875 – Feb. 2, 1902
Paul, Minnie Cora+ M[innie Co]ra [stone broken in middle]
infant dau. of O. E. & A. E. Paul
Died May 7, 1876
Aged 2 Y’s 8 M’s 24 D’s
Paul, Owen C. 1843-1926 C014 C016
Peale, Anna Catherine (south)
Ann Catherine Peale
Daughter of John & Mary E. Peal
Nov. 15, 1838 – Dec. 28, 1920
B057 B052 B054
Pfankuche, Ernest D. Pfankuche
Ernest D.
Mar. 14, 1894
July 13, 1966
B093 B094
Pfankuche, Joanna Jennie Pfankuche
Joanna Jennie
Feb. 12, 1898
June 2, 1983
Phillips, Herbert Marion Herbert Marion
Son of J. M. & M. E. Phillips
1870 – 1871
B058 B059
Phillips, Joseph M. 1843-1905 B058 B060
Phillips, Martha E. 1849-1941 B058 B061
Proffit, Fannie M. 1876-1961 C097 C099 C100
Proffit, James L. 1877-1970
Purviance, Sophie Hobson Sophie Hobson,
Wife of Wm. Purviance
Oct. 16, 1841 – Nov. 24, 1907
B084 B087
Purviance, William William Purviance
Feb. 25, 1841 – Aug. 1, 1885
B084 B086
Rash, Erle F. Rash
Erle F.
Oct. 19, 1886
June 22, 1971
Rash, Josie Kellogg Rash
Josie Kellogg
Sept. 18, 1890
Feb. 1, 1974
Reece, Kenneth 1916-1958 B082 B083
Reece, Myrtle E. [private]
Reed, Eliza Jane B. Eliza Jane B. Reed
Mar. 15, 1841 – Dec. 23, 1889
Reed, Harry Riter Harry Riter Reed
Mar. 27, 1869 – Aug. 14, 1896
Reed, James Rev. James Reed
Nov. 27, 1834 – June 4, 1912
Reed, Laura V. Reed
Laura V.
Aug. 10, 1849 – March 22, 1922
Reed, William Delmar Wm. Delmar Reed
Dec. 3, 1876 – Nov. 8, 1903
Roberts, Claude V. Roberts
Claude V.
Aug. 22, 1891
Nov. 4, 1979
Roberts, Jessie Kellogg Roberts
Jessie Kellogg
Sept. 18, 1890
Dec. 12, 1978
Rodewald, Doris E. [private] B115 B116
Rodewald, G. Kenneth [private]
Rodewald, George W. [two stones]
George W. Rodewald
F1 US Navy World War I
Jan 14, 1887 Jan 1, 1984
Sabin, Elizabeth Elizabeth Sabin
Died Feb. 2, 1871
Aged 32 yrs 8 mos 5 d’s
Devoted to the culture of the youthful mind
With a heart tender, noble and kind –
No church or sect or creed or clan
Could her pure soul enslave
With faith in God and love to man
She triumphed o’er the grave.
B010 B011
Sabin, William William Sabin
Died Nov. 12, 1869
Aged 66 yrs 8 mo’s 15 d’s
Sargent, Louisa E. Louisa E. Sargent
Oct. 14, 1838 – Aug. 25, 1913
Sargent, Mary J. 1851-1935 A039 A031 A037
Shipley, Thalia Kelley+ Thalia Kelley
wife of Gustave W. Shipley
Nov. 17, 1884
Aug. 13, 1909
C019 C023
Stanton, Alvira Holt 1844-1937 A049 A051
Stanton, Flora Kellogg Stanton
Flora Kellogg
Sept. 17, 1897
Mar. 15, 1990
Stanton, Jennie Crowley Jennie
Wife of B. H. Stanton
Died April 13, 1890
Aged 23 y 4 m 3 d
Daughter of G. W. & M. C. Crowley
A049 A050 A048
Stanton, John L.+ 1826-1906 A049 A051
Stanton, William J. Stanton
William J.
May 12, 1896
Sept. 22, 1957
Sybert, Marshall 1888-1958 C068
Sybert, Oma Ellen 1892-1962
Terhune, John C. 1879-1952 C083
Terhune, Susannah 1883-1973
Todd, infant Infant
Aged 22 days
Todd, Lizzie Ford Lizzie Ford Todd
Apr. 18, 1864 – Oct. 8. 1890
Townsend, Byron F. Townsend
Dad Byron F.
Jan. 13, 1883
July 19, 1967
C115 C116
Townsend, Dora May Townsend
Mother Dora May
Nov. 4, 1884
Aug. 8, 1964
Trachsel, Alfred E. 1884-1966 C044 C047
Trachsell, Nellie Swift Nellie Swift Trachsell
Nov. 6, 1886
Sept. 22, 1980
Tyner, Bessie Bessie
Dau. of J. H. & M. A. Tyner
Died May 11, 1875
Aged 6 ys 7 ms16 ds
Gone to thy rest, sweet Child.
Gone to thy dreamless bed;
Gentle and undefiled
With blessings on thy head.
Gone from this tearful land,
Where flowers so quickly fade.
A147 A148
Tyner, Maggie A. Maggie A.
Wife of John H. Tyner
Born Oct. 27, 1846
Died Dec. 16, 1883
Aged 37 yrs 1 mo 19 d’s
unknown A090 A091
unknown C017
unknown, Louie Little Louie? B012
Velazquez-Figueroa, Devon Jeffrey
[or Velasquez]
Mar. 31, 2005
Devon J. & Parker C.
A133 A133a
Velazquez-Figueroa, Parker Charles
[or Velasquez]
In Loving Memory of
Parker Charles Velasquez and
Devon Jeffrey Velasquez
March 31, 2005
Breit & Hawkins Funeral Home
Savannah, Missouri
[mortuary marker]
Wagenblast, Anna M. Anna M. Wagenblast
June 30, 1871
Sept. 6, 1956
A110 A111
Wassmer, Adah E. Abbott 1875-1914 B072 B078
Wassmer, Catherine L. 1824-1902 B072 B078 B079
Wassmer, Charles L. 1855-1878 B072 B077 B074
Wassmer, Charles, Sr. 1812-1888 B072 B078 B080
Wassmer, Cynthia L. 1861-1881 B072 B077 B076
Wassmer, infant Baby B072 B073
Wassmer, Lewis W. 1858-1880 B072 B077 B075
Wells, Dolly M. 1873-1956 C104 C105
Wells, M. A. Bedford (south)
M. A. Bedford
wife of W. S. Wells
Died Mar. 12, 1894
Aged 35 Y 25 D
C110 C112
Wells, M. E. "Lizzie" (east)
M. E. Wells
dau. of W. S. & M. S. Wells
Died Jan. 28, 1886
Aged 7 Y 5 M 10 D
[two stones]
C108 C104 C107 C113 C114
Wells, William S. (north)
Wm. S. Wells
Oct. 16, 1843
Apr. 17, 1945
C111 C104 C106
Westphal, Elsie A. 1909-2002 A098
Westphal, Otto J. 1900-1984 A099
Westphal, Walter M. 1904-1966 A098
Wielgoszynski, Nadine I. Nadine I Wielgoszynski
New York
SSGT Women’s Army Corps
World War II
Apr 21 1918 Jan 22 1973
Wilkerson, Alva Wilkerson
Nov. 18, 1885
Feb. 14, 1902
[also has stone in Section 3]
B063 B066
Wilkerson, Ann+ (west)
Erected to the memory of our
Father and Mother
Our Father and Mother are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Tho’ … we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
Wife of John Wilkerson
Died Nov. 18, 1890
Aged 70 y 6 m 9 d
B097 B098 B099 B100
Wilkerson, Annie Wilkerson
July 14, 1889
Sept. 12, 1920
[also has stone in Section 3]
B063 B067
Wilkerson, Caroline Kelly Wilkerson
Caroline Kelly
Nov. 20, 1867
Oct. 25, 1953
[also has marker in Section 3]
B063 B069
Wilkerson, Ernest+ 1875-1875 B063 B064
Wilkerson, John+ (west)
Erected to the memory of our
Father and Mother
Our Father and Mother are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Tho’ … we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
John Wilkerson
Died July 14, 1888
Aged 68 y 7 m 28 d
B097 B098 B099 B101
Wilkerson, Lydia M.+ Lydia M.
Wife of J. W. Wilkerson
1839 – 1883
B063 B065
Wilkerson, Thomas Wilkerson
July 25, 1865
Jan. 4, 1933
[also has stone in Section 3]
B063 B068
Williams, Charles H. 1883-1967 A092
Williams, Emma Francis Emma Francis
Wife of I. R. Williams
Aug. 14, 1858 – May 16, 1913
B042 B043
Williams, Emma Hover 1862-1954 A022 A025 A028 A029
Williams, I. R. I. R. Williams
Oct. 1, 1852 – Apr. 27, 1927
B042 B043
Williams, infant Infant Son of I. R. & Emma Williams
Born Aug. 29, 1884
Died Sept 1, 1884
[two stones]
B041 B042 B043
Williams, Ira 1873-1938 C085
Williams, Katie B. 1874-1963
Wren, Agnes 1895-uncarved A059 A064 A068
Wren, Benjamin F. (east)
Brother Benjamin F.
1839- uncarved
A059 A066 A068
Wren, Charles A059 A060 A068
Wren, Charles 1882-1882
Infants of Geo. W. and Oriana
A059 A065 A068
Wren, Eliza Jane (east)
Mother Eliza Jane
1821- uncarved
A059 A066 A068
Wren, George W. 1855-uncarved A059 A064 A068
Wren, Jane 1889-1889
Infants of Geo. W. and Oriana
A059 A061 A065 A068
Wren, Lowe W. 1885-1960
Sons of Geo. W. and Oriana
A059 A067 A068
Wren, M. A. M. A.
Wife of L. W.
Wren, Nicholas J. (east)
Son Nicholas J.
A059 A066 A068
Wren, Ora May 1887-1895
A059 A062 A064 A068
Wren, Oriana 1863-1895
A059 A063 A064 A068
Wren, Roy N. 1883-1899
Sons of Geo. W. and Oriana
A059 A067 A068 A070
Wren, Washington (east)
Father Washington
A059 A066 A068 A069

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