Date of Death: 26 Dec 1872
Subject: William Early Rucker
Source: Andrew County Republican, 3 Jan 1872, p. 3
(From the St. Joe Herald)
The year that is just going out will have taken with it by death, a greater number of the pioneer citizens of this section of Missouri, than any previous year in the history of the State. Time moves on leaden wings as we pass into the future, but turn we but our eyes backward and his broad pinions move swifter than the wind. With relentless sweep his steady scythe cuts down the young flowers and the ripe grain together. In the moving mass of life and activity around us, we seldom stop to think that mortality is the lot of all men, and we are only forcibly reminded of the unwelcome truth when an old pioneer citizen, whom we have known for half a generation, is taken away from among us.
To-day brings us tidings of the death of Maj. William Early Rucker, for nearly forty years a resident of North Missouri. He died at his home near Spence’s Mill, Andrew county, at one o’clock on Thursday morning, and yesterday his earthly remains were born to their last long home, followed by a large number of sorrowing relatives and sympathizing friends.
Maj. Rucker was born in Virginia, and when quite young came with his parents to Boone county, Kentucky. Here at length he married his wife, who survives him. She is a sister of Mr. Ed Rogers, a well known citizen of Andrew county. In 1844 Major Rucker removed to Chariton county, near Brunswick, Mo. In 1844 he was appointed Indian Agent, and removed to Andrew county, where he has since resided.
Deceased was related to the Earlys, and many others of the best families of Virginia. He was a gentleman by birth and education, and was at the same time a most genial, kind-hearted man. The rough school of the pioneer stamped him with that brusqueness and independence that characterizes the heroes of his class, to which belong the lemented [sic] Col. David Bonham, also of Andrew county.
Major Rucker is dead, and we confidently commend his noble soul to that just God who alone can penetrate earthly dross and detest the pure gold. A world people with such men as he, would be a paradise compared with this.
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