Date of Death: 22 Jan 1907
Subject: Rev. George W. Praiswater
Source: unknown, Jan 1907
Rev. George W. Praisewater [sic, throughout] was born in Boone County, Indiana, on March 28, 1853, died at his home six miles northwest of Fillmore, Mo., Jan. 22, 1907, aged 53 years, 9 months and 24 days. In the year 1856 his father, Samuel Praisewater, moved his family to Missouri, and from that time they resided in the immediate vicinity of the home of the deceased.
Brother Praisewater was married March 18, 1877, to Miss Emma Duey of Andrew County, Mo. To this union were born seven children – six daughters and one son. Their names are Susie, now Mrs. J. J. Hall; Dasie, now Mrs. R. D. Fleming; Verna, Golda, Ralph, Roselia and Bessie. Besides the seven children and his companion, he leaves to mourn in departure, an aged father and mother, four brothers and two sisters, five grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends.
He was baptized in the Lutheran church in infancy, and was converted and joined the Methodist Episcopal church at the age of 18. At the age of 21 he received license to exhort, and later was licensed to preach, and in the year 1886 served as pastor of the M. E. church at Craig, Holt County, Mo. But on account of a throat trouble he was compelled to give up his cherished hopes of a ministerial life and return to his farm but his zeal for the cause of Christ, which he had so earnestly espoused did not wane, for he was very frequently called upon to preach funeral sermons and conduct other religious services. He was without doubt the most successful Sunday School worker in the entire community. He was always a very active member and a liberal supporter of the Oak Grove M. E. church, and his death is an irreparable loss to the church and community. It was very truthfully said of him from the pulpit of the Oak Grove church, on the day of his funeral, “that perhaps not a man, woman or child in the community had, in the last quarter of a century, professed saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ without having received some help and spiritual advice from him.”
The writer fails to find any word or phrase that will adequately express the high esteem in which Rev. Praisewater was held in the community in which he lived. It is not known that he had an enemy, and this is most remarkable when we consider that he was a man of firm convictions, never making any excuse or allowance for wrong doing, yet always ready and willing to forgive the wrongs of his erring brother. His friends, realizing his inestimable worth to the community, elected him, with a good majority, to the state legislature in the year 1898, and being well pleased with his services they manifested their appreciation by giving him another term in 1900.
His was an active, busy life, and as we look at it we are disposed to say that it had a premature close for he was but 53 years of age when the summons came, but God said: “It is enough, come up higher.” And he, realizing that the end had come, could say like Paul: “I am ready to be offered up. The time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith. I have finished my course. Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness.” He gave good evidence just before his death of his “abundant entrance” into the City of the King, for turning to his family he said: “Do you hear that singing? That is the sweetest music I ever heard.”
The funeral service was held at the Oak Grove church, Wednesday, Jan. 23, at 11 a.m. The service was conducted by Rev. E. B. Lytle, Presiding Elder of the Maryville district, assisted by Rev. M. H. Jordan, pastor of the M. E. church at Bolckow, and the writer, C. H. Sauceman, pastor of the Fillmore charge M. E. church. The body was laid to rest in the Fillmore cemetery. With the departure of Brother Praisewater Methodism has lost a very efficient and faithful layman.
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 25 Jan 1907, p. 5
The news reaches us of the death of George W. Praisewater [sic, throughout], which occurred at his home near Fillmore, Tuesday of this week, January 22, 1907. He was born in Boone county, Indiana, March 28, 1853, and was therefore in his 54th year of his age. When three years of age he came to Missouri with his parents, “Uncle Samuel” Praisewater and wife, and located in Andrew county; he afterwards owned a farm in Holt county, and resided upon it up to about the breaking out of the civil war, when he returned to his Andrew county farm. He served as a member of the 40th and 41st general assemblies of Missouri, representing Andrew county. He was an extensive stock raiser, and at times did local work in the pulpit, and was an earnest, zealous, devoted Christian gentleman. In March, 1877, he married Emma J. Dewey, who with several children survive[s]. Funeral services were conducted Wednesday of this week.
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