Mount Carmel Union Cemetery

Mount Carmel Union Cemetery
AKA Ent Cemetery, Pittman Cemetery, Old Baptist Cemetery or Old Union Cemetery
Lincoln Township, Section 12
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From the west city limits of Savannah, follow 71 Highway west for 1.3 miles to the underpass. Continue on 59 south 2.6 miles to State Route CC, then 1.7 miles to County Road 423, then 1.4 miles to CR 419, and go 0.1 mile. Cemetery is on the west side of CR 419.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005, and Logan Moran, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).


Row Direction Photograph(s)
1 (starting at east side of driveway) North to south 001-016
2 South to north 017-049
3 North to south 050-076
1 (north side of driveway) North to south 078-100
2 South to north 101-115
3 North to south 116-151
4 South to north 152-166
5 North to south 167-201
6 North to south 202-224

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Mt. Carmel Cemetery 000 213 214 215 216 217
218 219 220 221 222 223
224 300M 301M 302M 303M 304M
305M 306M 307M 308M
?., M. A. [M. A. ? footstone] 011
Adams, Catharine Catharine
Wife of Hiram Adams
Died May 12, 1871
Aged 68 yrs
Adkins, Arthur C. Arthur C.
Son of W. & M. A. Adkins
Died Feb. 26, 1864
Aged 3 mo’s 27 d’s
Born on earth to bloom in heaven.
Baker, Mary Mary
Wife of William Baker
Born Jan. 26, 1830
Died Jan 11, 1863
Bayne, Ann M. Ann M.
Wife of H. Bayne
Died Apr. 22, 1862
Aged 59 years
043 044
Bayne, Henry Henry Bayne
Born Sept. 16, 1810
Died Apr. 14, 1895
043 045
Bayne, Lewis A. Lewis A.
Son of H.C. & L.C. Bayne
Died May 8, 1866
Aged 11 m’s 8 d’s
Bowers, Delila J. Delila J.
Wife of W. H. Bowers
Died Mar. 26, 1885
Aged 47 y 2 m 25 d
Bowers, Henry Clay Henry Clay
Son of Wm. H. & D. J. Bowers
Died Nov. 7, 1885
Aged 21 y 5 m 28 d
Bowers, William H. William H. Bowers
Died May 13, 1867
Aged 25 yrs
Bowman, James W. James W. Bowman
Born Feb. 22, 1866
Died Oct. 6, 1893
We cherish his memory.
Butler, Joseph W. Joseph W. Butler
Born Aug. 13, 1864
Died Apr. 17, 1881
Aged 16 y 8 m 4 d
Dearest brother Thou has left us
Here thy loss we Deeply feel
But ‘tis God that hast bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal.
090 091
Callen, Mary Jane Mary Jane
Wife of R. Callen
Born Feb. 17, 1864
Died Dec. 17, 1893
Dear Mollie I miss you much
God be with you till we meet again
Chamberlain, Joseph In Memory of Joseph Chamberlain
born. Apr … 1828
Died July 29, 1850
Cloonan, Clyde Clyde Cloonan
Born July 1, 1886
Died Feb. 8, 1905
Cloonan, Harriett Harriett
wife of John A. Cloonan
Born Dec. 3, 1861
Died Feb. 10, 1895
Dakan, Jane Jane Dakan
[wife of William]
Died November 6, 1853
Dakan, John John Dakan
Died Mar. 14, 1876
Aged 60 years
Rachel do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me
Children you must meet me here
Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
Dean, Birdie M. Birdie M.
Dau. of A. D. & H. M. Dean
Died Aug 29, 1874
Aged 3 mo.
There,s a pair of little hands
laid to rest forever more.
There,s two pearly dimple cheeks
whose rich blossoming is o,re.
Dean, Helen M. My Wife Helen M.
Wife of A. D. Dean
Died Nov. 2, 1891
Aged 44 y’s 7 m’s 17 d’s
My wife is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear Helen tho I miss you much
I know you rest with God.
149 150
Eisiminger, John+ John Eisiminger
Born May 1802
Died Dec. 29, 1881
My dear wife do not lonely be,
but live aright and come to me.
Children I am happy now with
a crown so bright upon my brow.
Friends you must meet me here
where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
194 195
English, Ruey May Ruey May
Dau. of C. H. & Henrietta English
Died Feb. 14, 1882
Aged. 3, days
Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Ent, Anna H. Anna H.
Wife of Perry Ent
Born June 13, 1866
Died Mar. 22, 1899
A precious one from us is gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
Ent, Daniel C. 1834-1906 197
Ent, Everett C. Everett C. Ent
Missouri Pvt 1 Cl 11 Field Arty
November 3, 1930
Ent, Frances N. Frances N.
Dau. of D. & L. M. Ent
Died … 1865
Aged 11 m 15 d
Inscription illegible
Ent, Isaac C. Isaac C. Ent
Died Dec. 3, 1888
Aged 69 y. 2 m. 14 d.
We cherish his memory.
Ent, Jane Jane
Daughter of Peter & Jane Ent
Died Mar. 16, 1853
Aged 23 yrs 2 mos & 5 days
Ent, Jane Jane
Wife of Peter Ent
Died Nov. 9, 1863
Aged 81 y’rs 1 mo 24 d’s
Ent, John W. John W. Ent
Died Sept. 6, 1882
Aged 41 ys 10 ms 6 ds
Though lost to sight to memory dear
155 156
Ent, John W. John W.
Son of Peter & Sarah Ent
Died Oct. 2, 1890
Aged 20 y 4 m 15 d
God in his wisdom has recalled
The boon his love had given
And though the body moulders here
The soul is safe in heaven.
204 205
Ent, Lucinda J. Lucinda J.
Wife of D. C Ent
Died July 4, 1883
Aged 38 y 3 m 15 d
Daniel do not lonely be but
live aright and come to me.
Children I am happy now with
a crown so bright upon my brow.
Friends you must meet me here
where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
Ent, Miss Mattie Gone but Not Forgotten
Miss Mattie Ent
Born Nov. 23, 1842
Died Jan. 15, 1895
A precious one from us has gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
That never can be filled.
Ent, Peter Peter Ent
Died Sept. 16, 1901
Aged 74 yrs 6 mo 27 das.
Ent, Sarah Sarah
Wife of Isaac Ent
Died Mar. 24, 1857
Aged 26 yr 1 mo & 24 d’s
Ent, Sarah Ann 1841-1920 207
Ent, Susannah Susannah Ent
Died Sept. 27. 1882
Aged 63 ys 7 ms 3 ds
Gone from hearts that loved her fondly
While bright hopes lie crushed and dead
For death with his icy fingers
Touched her and her spirit fled.
Children dry thy tears of anguish
For thy mother passed away
From life’s stern and pressing duties
To the morn of endless day.
153 154
Ent, William Woodmen of the World Memorial
William Ent
Evans, Simon S. Union
Simon S. Evans
Died Jan 17, 1863
Aged 42 y’rs 2 mo’s
Gone but not forgotten
G., R. R. G. 1848 200
Garner, Clera E. Clera E. Garner
Died June 6, 1888
Aged 20 yr 1 mo 26 da
In memory of My mother & sister
My mother and sister are gone
They sleep beneath the sod
Dear mother and sister though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
116 117 118
Garner, Edward H. Edward H. Garner
Born May 20, 1884
Died July 4, 1885
Garner, Eva Eva Garner
Born July 1, 1882
Died July 2, 1885
Garner, James J. 1844-1927 124
Garner, Lucetta Lucetta Garner
Died Sept. 30, 1888
Aged 37 y 9 mo 16 d
In memory of My mother & sister
My mother and sister are gone
They sleep beneath the sod
Dear mother and sister though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
116 118 119
Garner, Nora Nora Garner
Born Apr. 11, 1877
Died June 29, 1878
Garner, Rebecca S. Mother Rebecca S.
Wife of James Garner
Died Oct. 24, 1892
Aged 72 y 8 m 1 d
Our mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear mother tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
198 199
Garner, Sarah M. Sarah M
Wife of J. J. Garner
Born Oct. 22, 1853
Died Dec. 8, 1878
Gee, Ann M. Ann M.
Died Nov. 1, 1861
Aged 1 y 7 m 9 d
Children of C.C. & E. Gee
059 061
Gee, C. C., Sr. C. C Gee Sr.
Born Feb 22, 1833
Died Nov. 15, 1925
In God we trust
Gee, Elizabeth Elizabeth Gee
Born May 28, 1838
Died June 29, 1897
Aged 59 ys 1 mo 1 d
In God we trust
Gee, Martha Martha
Died Dec. 22, 1877?
Aged …
Children of C.C. & E. Gee
059 060
Goff, Jesse Jesse Goff
Departed this life Feb. 5, 1851
Aged 56 y 10 m 1 d
Grimes, Catharine Catharine Grimes
Jan. 28, 1832
Sept. 19, 1900
170 171
Grimes, Elizabeth Elizabeth
Wife of Jehu S. Grimes
Departed this life Apr. 29, 1893
Aged 28 y’s 24 d’s
In my father’s house are many mansions
My wife is gone,
She lies beneath the sod;
Dear mother tho we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
134 135
Grimes, John John Grimes
June 14, 1824
Mar. 12, 1871
Grimes, John L. John L. Grimes

Died June 30, 1858
Aged 5 y’s
[5] mo [15] d
Inscription illegible
040 041
Grimes, Magdelena Magdelena Catharine
Dau. of J. S. & E. Grimes
Departed this life Nov. 1, 1890
Aged 9 m’s 19 d’s
Blooming in heaven
Harless, Flavia Ent Flavia Ent
wife of J. M. Harless
1866 – 1917
Hart, Elzy Elzy
Son of Harrison & M. A. Hart
Died Jan. 26, 1860
Aged 9 mo’s 28 d’s
Sleep little babe sleep
Not in thy cradle bed
Nor on thy mother’s … [broken]
Hart, Harrison Harrison Hart
Died June 16, 1880
Aged 57 y. 10 m. 6 d.
While on this stone they cut out names
My love for you is just the same
As in the day I became your bride
Or while being near your side.
Yes, I believe it is more pure
As you rest in heaven, I feel quite sure
And when the trials of life are o’er
I hope to meet you on that bright shore.
023 026 027
Hart, John+ John Hart
Born Feb. 24, 1828
Died Aug. 31, 1901
Hart, Margaret Ann Our parents here lie underground
The dearest friends we ever found.
But through the Lord’s unbounded love
We hope to meet in realms above.
Margaret Ann
Wife of Harrison Hart
Born July 1, 1826
Died Nov. 10, 1893
023 024 025
Hart, Priscilla Priscilla
Wife of William Hart
Died Aug. 10, 1864
Aged 63 [stone damaged]
[two markers]
092 093
Hart, Sarah A. Sarah A.
Dau. of John and Sarah J. Hart
Aged 2 m’s 2 d’s
Sweet little Sadie, to us so dear,
hath fled away and gone though
we wished to keep her here with us er’e near.
She is now again in our Savior’s arms
for while on earth he said
Suffer little children to come with me
forbid not. Of such the kingdom of heaven must be.
Sadie’s mission here was one of love
to guide our thoughts to a home above.
097 098
Hart, Sarah Jane Sarah Jane
Wife of John Hart
Born [May 16,]1833
Died [Jan] 17, 1899
Aged [65] y, 8 m 1 day
Beloved by all,
….etted by none
Hart, William Wm. Hart
Died Dec. 14, 1866
Aged 73 years 3 mo’s 12d
[two stones]
Vet War 1812
094 095 096
Howard, Abraham 1813-1889 211
Howard, Abram Abram Howard
Died May 31, 1887
Aged 44 y 2 m 5 d
Howard, infant Infant son of A & N.E. Howard 185
Howard, Jane Jane Howard
Died Aug. 6, 1892
Aged 60 yr 1 mo 7 da
181 183
Howard, John John Howard
Died Oct. 14, 1853,
Aged 53 y’rs 29 d’s
Howard, Lewis H. Lewis H.
Son of J. M. & M. M. Howard
Died Oct. 12, 1891
Aged 1 yr 11 mos
Howard, Margaret Margaret
Wife of John Howard
Born Dec. 28, 1798
Died Feb. 10, 1882
Aged 83 y 1 m 12 d
Howard, Matilda Matilda Howard
Died Feb. 21, 1895
Aged 72 yr 6 mo 19 da
181 182
Howard, Nancy E. Nancy E
Wife of A. Howard
Died Dec. 28, 1881
Aged 33 Y 8 M 20 D
Howard, Nora Bertha Nora Bertha
Dau. of C. C. & Alice Howard
Born Feb. 23, 1883
Died Dec. 29, 1888
Aged 5 yr 10 mo6 days
We would loved to have had her stay
But God thought best to call her away.
Howard, Ruby Ruby
dau. of Geo. W. & Rosannah Howard
Died July 25, 1884
Aged [1] y 9 mo 20 d
Budded on earth to bloom in heaven
Howard, Sarah Malissa Sarah Malissa
Wife of John H. Howard
Died Jun. 30, 1878
Aged 37 Y’s 11 M’s 6 D’s
Remember friends as you pass by
As how are you so once was I
As I am now so you must be
Prepare for death and follow me.
Howard, Siotha J. 1821-1911 211 212
Howard, Willie E. Willie E.
Son of A. M. & M. J. Howard
Died Oct. 14, 1873
Aged 2 y 8 m 24 d
Sleep there sweet babe beneath the sod
Till you and I shall meet with God.
Sleep … in thy …
On thy mother’s brow…
Hunter, Emaline Roberts 1829-1893 131
Hunter, Samuel J. 1822-1908 131
Hurst, Abram Holy Bible
Abram Hurst
Born Feb. 10, 1787
Died Mar 20, 1863
I have fought a good fight
I have finished my course
I have kept the faith.
Hurst, Eliza Eliza
Daughter of A. & E. Hurst
Died June 30, 1852
Aged 8 yr 1 mo 22 d’s
Hurst, Emillia Emillia
Wife of A. Hurst
Died July 17, 1875
Aged 72 y
Children do not lonely be
[ stone broken]
Kerney, Daniel My father
… time … laid down
This … changing … crown.
Daniel Kerney
Died Oct. 20, 1850
Aged 52 years
029 030
Kerney, Mary Our Father William
Consort of Mary Kerney
Died Feby. 26, 1853
Aged 60 yr’s 5 mo’s & 17 d
Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.
[two markers]
013 015
Kerney, William William
Son of William & Mary Kerney
Died Feb. 25, 1852
Aged 16 y 8 m 6 d
A blooming youth I stood
Bid fare for longer date
But death congeal’d my blood
And was my speedy fate.
[two markers]
014 016
Kingsland, Abraham G. Loving Remembrance
Abraham G. Kingsland
Died Feb. 21, 1888
Aged 36 y’s 8 m’s 16 d’s
Sleep loved one sleep thy work is done
The mortal pang is past;
Jesus has come and borne thee home
Beyond the stormy blast.
178 179
Kinney, William H. Wm. H. Kinney
Died Aug. 20, 1854
Aged 39 y’s 8 m’s 21 d’s
Lehmer, Jacob Jacob Lehmer 1944 095 096
Liggett, Johnie Johnie
Son of John & B.M. Liggett
Died Jan. 31, 1880
Aged 2 y 5 m 2 d
Inscription illegible
Liggett, Mary Mary
Wife of Wm Liggett
Born Jan 12, 1796
Died Feb. 7, 1884
Aged 88 y & 24 d
… thou art

… thee more?
074 075
Liggett, Stella M. Stella M.
Dau. of J. & B. M. Liggett
Died July 23, 1875
Aged 2 y 4 m 4 d’s
Liggett, William William Liggett
Born March 25, 1799
Died Feb. 3, 1860
Aged 60 y 10 m 8 d
Adieu dear father…..
Shall ….. no more …
Why … And thou…
Liggett, William A. William A.
Son of John & B. M. Liggett
Died July 13, 1883
Aged 20 y 11 m 18 d
Lumley, Henry J. In memory of Henry J. Lumley
Died March 10, 1862
Aged 44 years 6 months
M., A. [Abijah Means 1785-1847 footstone] 087
Miner, Celia B. Celia B.
Wife of M. L Miner
Died Mar 20, 1869
Aged 18 y 1 m 3 d
A loving wife a mother dear
In sweet repose lies resting here
A painful loss we deeply feel
But God can all our sorrow heal.
Miner, M. L. M. L Miner
Mar. 6, 1847
Mar. 18, 1905
Morrison, George George Morrison
Died May 26, 1895
Aged 83 y 1 m 17 d
088 062
Morrison, Nancy Nancy Morrison
Born Aug. 8, 1818
Died Jan. 3, 1852
Morrison, Thursey A.+ Thursey A.
Wife of G. Morrison
Died Jan. 4, 1872
Aged 48 y 2 m 26 d
066 064
Noble, Elizabeth Schaefer Elizabeth
wife of H. C. Noble
Died Jan…1880
Aged … 3 M 13 d
Dau. of Joel B. & Lyda Schaefer
Baptized in the state of Pensylvania on
christmas 1845. Chatachised at
bath Plattsmouth, Neb. by …otman
[two stones]
His Wife Elizabeth
July 2, 1845
Mar. 15, 1880
160 162 163
Noble, Elmer Elmer
Died July 18, 1887
Aged 3 months
Children of H. C. & E. J. Noble
Our babies are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear babies though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
Noble, Henry C.+ Henry C. Noble
Apr. 15, 1837
Dec. 11, 1910
Noble, John A. John A.
Son of H. C. & E. Noble
Born Mar. 2, 1880;
Died Mar. 6, 1880
Noble, Joshua Joshua
Died Sept. 24, 1888
Aged 3 yr 8 mo21 days
Children of H. C. & E. J. Noble
Our babies are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear babies though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
138 136
Noble, Lydia Lydia Noble
Born Feb. 7, 1839
Died Feb. 16, 1906
Sleep on sister Thy work is done
Jesus has come and borne thee home.
164 165
Noble, Martha Jane+ Martha Jane Noble
Born July 29, 1849
Died July 30, 1902
Noble, Mary N. Mary N
Died May 6, 1886
Aged 2 months
Children of H. C. & E. J. Noble
Our babies are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear babies though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
137 136
Noble, Nellie Nellie Noble
Born Dec. 25, 1805
Died July 23, 1905
Here lies our mother beneath the sod.
Though we miss her much,
we hope she is resting with God.
164 166
Oppliger, Anna W. Anna W.
Died Dec. 8, 1871
AE. 11 m 20 d
Children of [Ulrigh & Rosina Oppliger]
[bottom of stone in concrete]
Oppliger, John H. John H.
Died Nov. 22, 1871
AE 6 y 2 m 7 d
Children of [Ulrigh & Rosina Oppliger]
[bottom of stone in concrete]
Oppliger, Mary K. Mary K.
Died Dec. 16, 1871
AE. 3 y 5 m 29 d
Children of [Ulrigh & Rosina Oppliger]
[bottom of stone in concrete]
Oppliger, Rosina Holy Bible
She was a kind and affectionate wife,
a fond mother and a friend to all.
Wife of Ulrick Oppliger
Died Mar. 8, 1884
Aged 40 y 11 m 5 d
Husband do not lonely be
But live aright and come to me.
Children I am happy now
with a crown so bright up on my brow.
Friends you must meet me here
where ne’er is known a sigh or tear.
139 140
P., J. E. [J. E. P. footstone] 067 068
Patterson, Henry+ Henry Patterson
June 14, 1814,
May 17, 1895
Patterson, Mary Mary Patterson
Died Dec. 3, 1890
Aged 68 y 9 m 23 d
Remember friends as you …
Patterson, Sindarella A. Sindarella A. Patterson
Mar. 10, 1818
Nov. 5, 1863
Pittman, Amy A. 1888-1909 051
Pittman, Andrew J. 1851-1928 050
Pittman, Dorcas Farewell
Wife of T. M. Pittman
Died Dec. 7, 1870
Aged 21 y 8 m 15 d
Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.
Pittman, Elias P. Elias P.
Son of Elias L. & Delila Pittman
Died July 9, 1862
Aged 7 yrs. 1 mo.
Pittman, infant Infant Son of E. L. & D. Pittman 037
Pittman, Mercy Mercy Pittman
Born Dec. 22, 18…
Died June 7, 1876
Inscription illegible
Pittman, Orilla J. Orilla J. Pittman
Born Apr. 9, 1847
Died Apr. 7, 1875
I am well my dear mother and
[ bottom of stone in concrete]
Pittman, Rebecca 1862-1932 050
Pittman, William William Pittman
Born … 5, 1796
Departed this life April 7, 1856
Pittman, William M. Wm. M.
Son of T. M. & D. Pittman
Died Sept. 12, 1870
Aged 1 mo 29 d
Reynolds, Marinda Marinda Reynolds
Died May 29, 1867
Aged 49 y’rs 4 mo & 10 d’s
Reynolds, William Wm. Reynolds
Died Apr. 7, 1866
Aged 49 y’rs1 mo 1 day
Roberts, Ida Ida
Wife of John H. Roberts
Died Aug. 11, 1859
[ bottom of stone in concrete]
Roberts, Mary E. Mary E.
Dau. of J. H. & I. Roberts
Died Aug. 5, 1859
Aged 1 da.
Rule, Lydia In memory of Lydia Rule
Wife of Elkanah VanBuskirk Rule
Died June 7, 1861
Aged 54 yrs. 4 m. 6 d.
Sharp, Maggie Maggie
Dau. of Samuel & E. J. Sharp
Born Sept. 12, 1872
Died Nov. 4, 1874
Sharp, Robert J. Robert J.
Son of S. & E. J. Sharp
Died Dec. 14, 1871?
Aged 1 mo 5 d
His life was like the morning flower
That sheds sweet fragrance every where
Alas the fairest flower must die
And in the silent dust must lie.
Shellhorne, Elizabeth Elizabeth
Wife of Jacob Shellhorne
Died Feb. 19, 1856
Aged 31 y’rs 5 m’s 16 d’s
Shirley, Emily + Emily
Wife of I. Shirley
Born Oct 7. 1827
Shirley, Isaac Isaac Shirley
Born Dec. 1, 1824
Died Jan. 9, 1895
My husband is gone
He lies beneath the sod
Dear Isaac tho we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
Shirley, Jerusha L. Jerusha L.
Dau. of J. W. & S. E. Shirley
Died Sept. 19, 1874
Aged 27 d’s
Starkweather, Cora E. Cora E.
Daughter of Charles E. & E. J. Starkweather
died Sept. 15, 1867
Aged 1 y’r 2 mo’s 24 d’s
Well, she is gone and I am left
But oh how cold and dark to me,
This world of every charm bereft.
Starkweather, Union F. E. Union F. E.
Son of Charles E. & E. J. Starkweather
died Oct. 30, 1864
Aged 9 mo’s 14 d’s
Think, mother, while sweet tears are shed
How blessed are the early dead.
Toliver, Ellen Goff Ellen Toliver
Wife of Jesse Goff
Departed this life Aug. 15, 1880
006 007
unknown 028
unknown 080
unknown 081
unknown 082
unknown 083
unknown [top of stone missing]
May 1…, 1…
Aged 31 y 5 m 17 d
Dearest [Son] thou has left us
Here thy loss we deeply feel
But tis God that hast bereft us
He can all our sorrows heal.
unknown 115
unknown, infant Infant Dau.
Died Mar. 16, 186…
[bottom of stone in concrete]
unknown, William William
Died Mar. 23, 1868
[bottom of stone in concrete]
VanBuskirk, Daniel Daniel VanBuskirk
Born Apr. 14, 1808
Died Nov. 24, 1878
Aged 71 yr 7 mo 10 da
This languishing head is at rest
Its thinking and aching are o’er
This quiet immovable breast
Is hurt by affliction no more
This heart is no longer the seat
Of terror or torturing pain
It ceases to flutter and beat
And never shall flutter again
Farewell Father and Mother
172 174 175
VanBuskirk, Elizabeth Elizabeth
Wife of John V. Buskirk
Died Dec. 20, 1852
Aged 49 y’rs 3 m’s & 1 day
Vanbuskirk, J. J. Vanbuskirk
Co. D 43 MO Inf.
Vanbuskirk, Josiah 1833-1913 168
Vanbuskirk, Laura Laura
Dau. of J. & M.
Died Feb. 22, 1897
Aged 22 y 3 m 13 d
Vanbuskirk, Martha A. 1843-1932 168
VanBuskirk, Mary Mary
Wife of Daniel VanBuskirk
Born Jan. 12, 1810
Died Apr. 26, 1886
Aged 76 y 3 m 20 d
Mother thou wast mild and lovely
Gentle as the summers breeze
Pleasant as the air of evening
When it floats among the trees
Farewell Father and Mother
172 173 174
VanBuskirk, Milton L. Milton L. VanBuskirk
Born Jan. 5, 1860
Died Jan. 18, 1890
Aged 30 yr 13 da
A precious one from us is gone
A voice we loved is stilled
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
VanBuskirk, Orra E. Orra E.
Dau. of F. R. & M. VanBuskirk
Died June 14, 1868
Aged 3 y’s 3 m’s 1 da
VanBuskirk, Walter D. Walter D
Son of F. & M. VanBuskirk
Died Mar. 24, 1879
Aged 1 y 3 m 27 d
Beneath this stone in soft repose
[ bottom of stone in concrete]
Vannortwick, Abraham Holy Bible
Abraham Vannortwick
Died Feb. 17, 1882
Aged 72 y. 5 m. 2 d.
Vannortwick, Daniel F. Daniel F.
Son of A. & R. Vannortwick
Died Jan. 28, 1869
Aged 16 y. 8 m. & 28 d.
Oh mother, sweet mother, whose
[stone in concrete]
Vannortwick, Rebecca Rebecca Vannortwick
Died Mar, 11, 1885
Aged [inscription now in concrete]
Vetter, Sarah Sarah Vetter
Born Oct. 7, 1873
Died Dec. 7, 1881
Beautiful, lovely, she was but given
A fair bud to earth to bloom in heaven.
158 159
Wallace, Catherine 1835-1912 152
Wallace, Edward 1830-1887 152
Ward, Belle Belle
dau. of J. H. & S. F. Ward
Died May 9, 1895
Aged 10 mo 18 da
Sweetly sleeping
Baby’s Grave
Wilson, Milus 010
Wright, Annie D. Annie D. B.
dau. of Enoch & Emily Wright
Died Aug. 13, 1894
Aged 1 y 4 m’s 2 d’s
Wright, Emery A. Emery A.
Son of E. & E.A. Wright
Died Feb. 22, 1872
Aged 10 m’s 27 d’s
.. seemed sweet
Thus swiftly … his life away.
Wright, Lewis Harrison Children of E. & E. A. Wright
Lewis Harrison
Died Sept. 6, 1877
Aged 2 y’s 9 m’s 21 d’s
018 019
Wright, Maggie May Children of E. & E. A. Wright
Maggie May
Died Sept 23, 1877
Aged 4 y’s 9 m’s 21 d’s
018 020
Yenni, Anna Barbara Anna Barbara
wife of John Yenni
born Jan. 12, 1821
died Feb. 9, 1886
aged 65 yrs & 27 d’s
Yenni, Frederick Frederick Yenni
Died Oct. 26, 1894
Aged 39 y 11 m 12 d
Tis hard to break the tender cord
When love has bound the heart;
Tis hard so hard to speak the words,
Must we forever part.
Dearest loved one we have laid thee
In the peaceful grave’s embrace;
But thy memory will be cherished
Till we see thy heavenly face.
Boyer Bros. Maryville, MO
190 191
Yenni, John Farewell Father
John Yenni
Geborn… 26 …
Gestorben July 26, 1869
Nach langen ausgeslandnen Leiden
Schenht dir der llen die … Ruh
Du bist … in den … freuden
Wo deine Frau der eilt auch zu.
142 143
Yenni, Magdelina Magdelina
Dau of John & … Yenni
[ stone broken and set in concrete]

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005:

Brand, Edna Cleo
Chamberlain, Elisha P.
Chronister, Romanis
Cloonan, John Andrew
Eisiminger, Harriet M. (Howard)
Eisiminger, Martha E. (Pope)
Ent, Birdie
Ent, Catherine Ann
Ent, Charles Raymond
Ent, Davis
Ford, Zachariah Berryman
Graves, infant d/o Peter & Mary
Howard, Rosa May
Hurst, Elijah
Moffitt, Jefferson M.
Patterson, Stillwell/Stillman
Richardson, Frances A. (Hunter)
Thurman, Charles W.
VanBuskirk, John
VanCleave, Lora Virginia (Cloonan)
Wilson, Mary (VanBuskirk)

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