Kellogg Cemetery

Kellogg Cemetery
AKA Turner Cemetery
Nodaway Township, Section 20 North
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Savannah north on US Business 71, about 0.5 mile to CR 156, then north on 156 about 2.5 miles. The cemetery is on the east side of the road, in the corner of a field, but difficult to see from the south, as it is overgrown with small trees and high grass. The one large tombstone can be more easily seen when approaching from the north.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Marlyn Eshelman, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Kellogg Cemetery Spring 2005 09E
Kellogg Cemetery Winter 2006 73 74 99
Kellogg, Caroline Caroline Kellogg
born Oct. 9, 1824
died Feb. 11, 1888
Husband, father, mother dear, from us have gone
A boon that God had given,
And though their bodies slumber here,
Their spirits are in heaven.
91 93
Kellogg, Eliza A. Gone Home
Eliza A.
wife of H. M. Kellogg
Died Apr. 15, 1862
36 y’s 11 m’s 13 D’s
81 82 83 84
Kellogg, Ezra H. Ezra H. Kellogg
Died Apr. 13, 1854
Aged 11 m’s 13 d’s
77 78 79 84
Kellogg, Harrison M. Harrison M. Kellogg
Died Apr. 20, 1863
Aged 47 y’s 11 m’s 16 D’s
75 76 84
Kellogg, Miles J. Tis hard to break the tender cord
Where love has bound the heart,
Tis hard so hard to speak the word
We must forever part.
Dearest loved one we must lay thee
In the peaceful grave’s embrace
But thy memory will be cherished
Till we see thy heavenly face.
At rest
Miles J. Kellogg
Died Oct. 19, 1897,
Aged 54 Ys 9 Ms 12 Ds
85 86 87
Kellogg, Nathaniel Nathaniel Kellogg
born Oct. 7, 1819
died Mar. 31, 1898
Husband, father, mother dear, from us have gone
A boon that God had given,
And though their bodies slumber here,
Their spirits are in heaven.
91 93
Turner, Lydia In [memory of] Lydia
Wife of Silas Turner
who died Sep’r 3[0] 1856
in the 54th Year of her Age.
94 95
Turner, Silas Silas Turner
Died Feb. 1, 1872
Aged 75 Y’s 5 M’s 10 D’s
97 98 96
unknown [footstone] 89
unknown [footstone] 90

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005-2006:

Kellogg, Seth Judd

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