Hailey Cemetery

Hailey Cemetery
AKA Latter Day Saints Cemetery
Monroe Township, Section 5 West
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Avenue City northeasterly on US 169 0.8 mile.

Notes: All of the Hailey stones face west, and the Eppard stones face east.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen, 2005. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Hailey Cemetery 00a 00b
Eppard, Cassie 1874-1962 16 17 20
Eppard, Edward 1868-1929 16 17
Eppard, Hiram Hiram Eppard
Born Jan. 29, 1902
Died Jan. 19, 1903
Gone, but not forgotten.
14 15
Eppard, Josephine 1910-1936 16 17
Hailey, Amanda A. [two stones]
Mother Amanda A. Hailey
Born Jan. 9, 1854
Died Jan. 6, 1909
Asleep in Jesus! peaceful rest
Whose waking is supremely blest
No fear, no woe shall dim the hour
That manifests the Savior’s power.
02 07 09
Hailey, Arthur 1846-1931 02
Hailey, Jesse A. Jesse A. Hailey
Born [sic] Sept. 26, 1892
Aged 18 Ys 6 Ms 28 Ds
To him we trust a place is given
Among the saints with Christ in Heaven.
03 04 05 06
unknown 10 11
unknown 12
unknown 13
unknown 1911
[mortuary marker]

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005:

Hailey, Thomas

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