Gravel Wall Cemetery
Clay Township, Section 26
Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Fillmore, north on State Route H and A intersection, 2 miles to County Road 44, east 2.5 miles on CR 44 to CR 54 0.8 mile to CR 53, west on CR 53, 0.5 mile.
Credits: These pictures were taken by Joe and Keith Stanton, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Row Beginning at NW Corner |
Direction of Row | Photograph(s) |
1 | North to south | 001-006B, 400B, 009aB-011cB, 403B, 401B, 402B, 007-022B |
2 | South to north | 023aB-055 |
3 | North to south | 058-062, 056, 057, 404B, 065B, 063B, 066-074, 446B, 075aB-088B, 405B, 406B |
4 | South to north | 089B-140 |
5 | North to south | 141-162cB, 407B, 163aB-169 |
6 | South to north | 170-195 |
7 | North to south | 196-219B, 447B, 448B, 220aB-226bB |
8 | South to north | 227B-246B, 254B, 258B, 247-253, 256-257, 259 |
9 | North to south | 260B-269, 408B, 270B-280cB, 410B |
10 | South to north | 281aB-289bB, 411B, 290-298B |
11 | North to south | 300-324B |
12 | South to north | 325aB-332B, 412aB-413B, 334B-352B |
13 | North to south | 353B-379bB |
14 | South to north | 380-388bB, 391, 391B, 393B, 389, 390, 392 |
15 | North to south | 414B-432B |
16 | South to north | 433B-445B, 398B, 396B, 395 |
Name | Inscription | Photograph(s) |
Gravel Wall Cemetery | 000a 000b | |
Alexander, James+ | My Husband’s Grave James Alexander Died July 1, 1872 Aged 55 y’rs 6 mo’s 15 d’s |
029aB 029bB 029cB 029dB |
Alexander, Lovisa A. | Lovisa A. wife of Jas. Alexander Died [stone broken, missing] |
030B 030aB |
Anderson, Arthur G | Arthur G. son of P. W. & E. E. Anderson Born Apr. 8, 1870 Died Aug. 14, 1871 Aged 1 Y 4 Ms 6 Ds |
405B 406B |
Arterburn, Jane | Jane Arterburn Died Mar. 9, 1895 Aged 92 years Our mother is gone She lies beneath the sod Dear mother tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
243B 244aB 244bB |
Asher, Addie | (west) Addie dau. of H. & M. A. Asher Died Aug. 1867 Aged 10 M 23 D |
092B 093B |
Asher, Edmonia | Edmonia Asher Died Nov. 25, 1897 Aged 67 years |
241B 242aB |
Asher, Florance | Florance dau. of Levi & Alice Asher Died Dec. 30, 1879 Aged 26 days Rest little Florance in happiness rest Mingling with angels we know thou art blest Far from the trials that tempt us to stray God in his mercy has called thee away. |
237aB 237bB 238aB |
Asher, Harden | 1833-1921 | 205 |
Asher, John+ | John Asher Born Nov. 11, 1824 Died Jan. 9, 1907 |
254B |
Asher, John | 1824-1907 | 253 |
Asher, Joseph | Joseph Asher Died Mar. 23, 1893 Aged 62 years |
241B 242bB |
Asher, Levi | Farewell Levi Asher Born Oct. 5, 1852 Died June 8, 1881 Aged 28 Y’s 8 M’s 3 D’s Think of me when I am gone |
239B 240 |
Asher, Mary Ann | 1836-1915 | 205 |
Asher, Mildred | 1821-1882 | 252 |
Asher, Sophia | (east) Sophia dau. of H. & M. A. Asher Died Aug. 10, 1874 Aged 14 Y 4 M 14 D |
092B 094B |
Barr, Ruth N. | Ruth N. dau. of H. B. & V. Barr died Nov. 6, 1897 aged 1 Y 2 D Beautiful, lovely she was but given A fair bud to earth to blossom in heaven. |
227B 228B |
Beatie, Angeline T. | Mother Angeline T. wife of D. S. Beatie Feb. 21, 1826 Sept. 22, 1915 |
321 |
Beatie, Angie | 1888-1899 | 247 248 250 |
Beatie, James H. | Beatie James H. Mar. 16, 1848 Oct. 2, 1933 |
322 |
Beatie, Lulu Maud | 1882-1886 | 247 248 251 |
Beatie, W. H. | 1856-1923 | 247 248 249 |
Beattie, Mary Mae | 1893-1962 | 257 |
Beecher, Homer O. | Homer O. 1890-1890 Children of L. J. & Lovina Beecher |
348B 349B |
Beecher, Ioma M. | Ioma M. dau. of L. J. & Lovina Beecher Died July 13, 1882 Aged 1 y’r 5 m’s 26 d’s Our darling one hath gone before, To meet us on the blissful shore. [two stones] 1880-1882 |
347aB 347bB 348B 349B |
Borchers, Carl J. | Carl J. son of J. P. & Hattie E. Borchers Died Jan. 16, 1891 Aged 7 m. 21 d Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep. |
077B 078aB 078bB |
Borchers, Charlotte | Charlotte dau. of Conrad & Nancy Borchers Died Aug, 19, 1887 Aged 47 Y 5 M 29 D My dear Mother do not lonely be But live aright and come to me. Brothers and sister I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow. Friends you must meet me here Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. |
079B 081 |
Borchers, Conrad | In memory of Our Father Conrad Borchers Died [Jun/Jul] 14, … Aged … |
085B 086B |
Borchers, Emma Pearl | Emma Pearl wife of Earl Conrad 1893-1917 Asleep in Jesus Borchers |
076aB 076bB |
Borchers, George | George son of Conrad & Nancy Borchers Died Feb. 23, 1880 Aged 42 Y 4 M 9 D Gone before us, O our brother To the spirit land; Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. |
087aB 087bB 088B |
Borchers, Nancy | Mother Nancy wife of Conrad Borchers Died June 19, 1893 Aged 81 y 7 m 19 d Our mother is gone She lies beneath the sod Dear mother tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
082B 083 084 |
Brady, Henry | 1834-1902 | 072 |
Brady, Margaret A. | 1836-1913 | 071 |
Brady, Mary A. | Mary A. wife of Wm. Brady died Feb. 8, 1902 aged 32 Y 3 M 17 D [Sleep] mother sleep and take thy rest God called thee home He thought it best. |
366 367 |
Brady, William | 1862-1925 | 368 |
Brewer, Elva E. | Elva E. wife of Marcellus Brewer born Sept. 15, 1882 died Sept. 1, 1904 |
056B |
Brewer, James Floyd | James Floyd son of Marcellus & Delia A. Dreher Brewer Feb. 11-21, 1913 |
404B |
Brewer, John W. | John W. Brewer Nov. 6, 1869 June 6, 1953 |
192 193 |
Brewer, Kathy Ann | Our baby Kathy Ann Brewer Feb. 27-28, 1955 |
191 |
Bronson, Alanson | 1861-1939 | 065B |
Bronson, Amanda | Amanda wife of O. Bronson Died Sept. 22, 1883 Aged 45 Y 1 M 12 D Fold her O father in thine arms And let her henceforth be A messenger of the love between Our human hearts and thee. |
111aB 111bB 111cB |
Bronson, Arthur E. | 1880-1957 | 066 |
Bronson, Glenn W. | Glenn W. son of A. H. & N. Bronson Died Jan. 8, 1902 Aged 7 Y 4 M 6 D Papa and mamma do not lonly be But live aright and come to me Oh! I am happy now with crown so bright upon my brow. |
114B 115B 116B |
Bronson, Harriet E. | 1863-1942 | 117 |
Bronson, infant | Infant son of A. H. & N. Bronson born & died Nov. 16, 1891 Gates ajar Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. |
104B 106 |
Bronson, James A. | James A. son of A. H. & N. Bronson died Feb. 12, 1905 aged 2 Y 4 M 8 D Sweet little James take thy rest God called thee home he thought it best. Rest little James in happiness rest Mingling with angels we know thou art blessed. |
118B 119B 120B |
Bronson, Louis Alvin | Louis Alvin son of O. & A. Bronson Died Nov. 7, 1881 Aged 6 Y 4 M 21 D |
112B 113B |
Bronson, Mary A. | Mary A. dau. of A. H. & N. Bronson Died Oct. 29, 1890 Aged 2 Y 11 M 18 D Gates ajar. Papa and mamma cease your weeping Above the spot where I am sleeping It was God and blessed be He That called me to eternity. |
107B 108B 109B |
Bronson, Nancy | 1866-1947 | 065B |
Bronson, Ovando | Ovando Bronson Died May 21, 1898 Aged 61 Y 6 M 21 D We’ll watch and wait dear father until the day when we shall meet no more to sever and our joy will be complete. |
110aB 110bB |
Burns, Agnes | Holy Bible Agnes wife of David D. Burns Died Jan. 4th, 1861 Aged 20 Y’rs 5 M’s 23 Ds |
282aB 282bB 283B |
Burns, Hosea | 1855-1936 | 204 |
Burns, Lydia | 1888-1955 | 200 |
Burns, Sarah E. | Sarah E. wife of H. Burns died Apr. 27, 1893 Aged 41 Y 9 M 26 D Asleep in Jesus peaceful rest Whose waking is supremely blest. |
202aB 202bB 203aB 203bB |
Carpenter, George | George Carpenter Dec. 14, 1839 – July 14, 1914 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep |
303 304 |
Carpenter, Martha C. | Carpenter Martha C. his wife Nov. 2, 1841 – Dec. 29, 1906 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep |
303 304 |
Clardy, Glennie L. | 1873-1943 | 171 |
Clardy, Paul M. | Paul M. son of P. H. & G. L. Clardy Sept. 30, 1906 Aug. 23, 1908 Our loved one |
170 |
Clardy, Peter H. | 1860-1932 | 171 |
Clare, Benjamin F. | Benjamin F. son of Francis & Claracy Clare Born Oct. 22, 1844, Died Apr. 26, 1860 Tho’ lost to sight [to memory dear.] |
330aB 330bB 330cB 330dB |
Clare, Clarasa | Clarasa wife of Francis Clare Born May 25, 1809 Died Feb. 26, 1889 Aged 79 Y 9 M 1 day My dear wife is gone She lies beneath the sod, Dear mother tho’ we miss you We know you rest with God. |
010aB 010bB |
Clare, George W. | George W. Clare Died Jan. 5, 1895 Aged 25 Y 8 M 7 D In paradise thou sharest bliss Ne’er to be found in world like this. |
009aB 009bB 009cB |
Clare, James T.+ | 1837-1922 | 012B 013B |
Clare, John F. | John F. son of J. T. & Sarah Clare Died Aug. 26, 1867 Aged 4 Y 11 M 1 D |
374B |
Clare, Lydia A. | Lydia A. dau. of J. T. & Sarah Clare died Sept. 8, 1892 aged 20 Y 3 M 5 D The soul has now taken its flight To mansions of glory above To mingle with angels of light And dwell in the kingdom of love. |
011aB 011bB 011cB 403B |
Clare, Sarah | 1837-1898 | 012B 013B |
Clare, Stephen A. | Stephen A. Clare Died Jan. 27, 1895 Aged 19 Y 2 M 27 D Our darling one hath gone before To greet us on the blissful shore. |
401B 402B 403B |
Cole, Andrew R. | Andrew R. son of W. R. & Rosa B. Cole 1894-1913 |
298B |
Cole, Johnie | Johnie son of Sam F. & Eva E. Cole died Sept. 16, 1903 aged 3 Y 8 D God needed one more angel child Amidst his shineing band, And so he bent with loving smile And clasped our darlings hand. |
295aB 295bB 295cB 296aB 296bB |
Collier, J. B. | In memory of J. B. Collier Died Oct, 20, 1859 Aged 59 y’rs 9 mo. 7 days |
288B |
Cox, Emory | Emory son of J. H. & Susan F. Cox Died Feb. 22, 1877 Aged 6 m’s 11 d’s Blooming in heaven. |
235B 236aB 236bB |
Cox, Josephine N. | Josephine N. dau. of J. H. & Alice Cox Died Jan. 18, 1877 Aged 8 months 16 days Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. E. W. Joy & Co. |
234aB 234bB |
Cox, Margaret J. | Margaret J. daughter of H. A. & N. O. Cox Died June 21, 1868, Aged 11 y’rs 11 mo’s 9 d’s illegible verse |
233aB 233bB 233cB |
Criss, John | John son of Levi & R. Criss Died Aug. 3, 1883 Aged 20 Yr 4 Mo 17 Days Since thou canst no longer stay, To cheer us with thy love, We hope to meet with thee again, In yon bright world above. |
416B 417B 418B 419B |
Criss, Levi | Levi Criss Died Aug. 30, 1896 aged 66 Yrs 15 Days Farewell, my wife and children all, From you a father Christ doth call. |
426B 427B 428B |
Criss, Rebecca | Holy Bible Rebecca wife of Levi Criss died July 20, 1892 aged 65 Y 2 M 14 D I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith. |
423B 424B 425B |
Cunningham, David Alva | 1864-1916 | 269 408B |
Cunningham, John M. | John M. Cunningham Apr. 1, 1828 – Feb. 21, 1903 |
291 292 |
Cunningham, Margaret E. | Cunningham Margaret E. his wife Apr. 26, 1835 – uncarved |
291 292 |
Cunningham, Minnie G. | Minnie G. wife of David A. Cunningham Died Feb. 11, 1890 Aged 21Ys 1 Mo 2 Ds Sleep on in thy beauty Thou sweet angel wife; Like the dove to the ark Thou hast flown to thy rest From the wild sea of strife To the home of the blest. |
267B 268aB 268bB |
Cunningham, Zella M. | Zella M. dau. of D. A. & M. G. Cunningham born Feb. 1, 1890 died Mar. 11, 1896 She was the music of our home A day that knew no night The fragrance of our garden bower A thing all smiles and light. |
266aB 266bB |
Daulton, Charles | Born in Mason Co. Ky. Charles [Dault]on Died Feb. 24, 1880 Aged 76 years Dear Elenor do not lonely be But live aright and come to me Children I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow Friends you must meet me here Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. |
225aB 225bB 225cB 226aB |
Davis, Alfred M. | Alfred M. son of A. & E. Davis Died Jan. 15, 1867 Aged 17 y’rs 7 mo’s & 1 day |
173B |
Davis, Eliza J. | Eliza J. daughter of Elias H. & Prudence Davis Died July 18, 1854 Aged 17 Y’rs 9 M’s 2 D’s |
230aB 230bB |
Davis, Elizabeth V. | Elizabeth V. daughter of Elias H. & Prudence Davis Died March 3, 1857 Aged [stone in concrete] |
229B |
Davison, Ada | Ada dau. of James T. & Sarah C. Davison Died Jan. 19, 1890 Aged 1 mo & 2 d’s Our baby |
386B |
Davison, Alice A. | 1854-1932 | 389 390 |
Davison, George | George son of James T. & Sarah C. Davison died May 4, 1901 aged 25 Y 1 M 1 D Dear George you have left us Left us yes forever more But we hope to meet our loved one On that bright and happy shore. |
387aB 387bB |
Davison, infant | infant son of Redmond & Lorene Davison June 3, 1952 |
381 |
Davison, infant | infant dau. of Redmond & Lorene Davison Nov. 17, 1947 |
382 |
Davison, infant | infant son of Lewis & Stella Davison | 385 |
Davison, James T. | 1846-1932 | 389 390 |
Davison, Lewis | 1871-1943 | 383 384 |
Davison, Sarah C. | Sarah C. wife of James T. Davison died Apr. 4, 1903 aged 57 Y 2 M 29 D Dearest mother thou hast left us And thy loss we deeply feel But tis God that has bereft us He can all our sorrows heal. |
388aB 388bB |
Davison, Stella | 1872-1975 | 383 384 |
Day, Elizabeth | 1865-1937 | 380 |
Day, Lafayette L. | Lafayette L. Day Died Nov. 13, 1854, Aged 21 y’rs & 2 d’s |
289aB 289bB 411B |
Day, Mary J. Lilly | Mary J. Lilly wife of McClellan Day Died May 2, 1894 Aged 32 Y 6 M 1 D She was a kind and affectionate wife, A fond mother and friend to all. Lilly |
102B 103aB 103bB |
Day, McClellan | 1861-1934 | 380 |
Deaton, Abbie | 1853-1939 | 073 |
Deaton, Charles O.+ | Charles O. son of C. W. & A. Deaton Died Sept. 12, 1876 Aged 1 yr. 18 d’s Our beautiful boy has fallen asleep, Oh why do we around him weep, Now let our sorrow[s] turn to joy, Bury them with our darling boy. |
075aB 075bB 075cB |
Deaton, Charles W. | 1851-1026 | 074 |
Deaton, John W. | 1847-1928 | 139 |
Deaton, Mary A. | 1850-1921 | 139 |
Debord, Earl | Earl Debord died Nov 14, 1891 aged 8 Y 7 M 28 D Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. |
313B |
Debord, Elizabeth E | Elizabeth E. daughter of W. K. & N. J. Debord Died June 29, 1860 aged 1 mo & 6 ds |
332B |
Debord, George L. | George L. son of W. K. & N. J. Debord Died May 3, 1855 Aged 2 y’rs 4 m’s 10 d’s |
331B |
Debord, Jefferson | Jefferson son of W. K. & N. J. Debord Died Oct. 24, 1862 Aged 1 y’r 11 d’s |
334B |
Debord, John D. | Farewell John D. son of W. K. & N. J. Debord Died Nov. 25, 1867 Aged 17 Ys 4 Ms 12 Ds |
337B |
Debord, Mary E. | Mary E. dau. of B. T. & Mary E. Debord Born Apr. 27, 1891 Died Aug. 18, 1891 Aged 3 m’s 22 d’s |
319B 320B |
Debord, Mary H. | My Wife Mary H. wife of Thomas B. Debord Born Nov. 24, 1852 Died June 30, 1883 Thomas do not lonely be But live aright and come to me Children I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow Friends you must meet me here Where ne’r is known a sigh or tear. |
315aB 315bB 315cB 270B |
Debord, Nancy J. | Nancy J. Debord died July 14, 1905 aged 75 Y 8 M 11 D |
340 |
Debord, Patiance | Patiance wife of Jno. Debord Born Jan. 9, 1800 Died Jan. 29, 1886 Aged 86 Y’s 20 D’s My dear son do not lonely be, But live aright and come to me, Grand children I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow Friends you must meet me here Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. |
338B 339 339B |
Debord, Pearl | Pearl Born Mar. 16, 1883 Died Mar. 19, 1883 Children of T. B. & M. H. Debord |
315aB 316B 317bB 318 |
Debord, William F. | William F. son of W. K. & N. J. Debord Died Dec. 23, 1863 aged 1 mo 23 ds |
336B |
Debord, William K.+ | Wm. K. Debord died May 21, 1903 aged 77 Y 3 M 7 D |
340 |
Debord, William S. | William S. Born Mar. 9, 1881 Died Sep. 15, 1881 Children of T. B. & M. H. Debord |
315aB 317aB 317bB 318 |
Denney, Anna L. | Anna L. dau. of J. P. & M. Denney born July 5, 1892 died Nov. 3, 1898 Yet ah, and let me lightly tread She sleeps beneath this stone That would have soothed my dying bed And wept for me when gone. |
127B 128 129B |
Denney, John P. | John P. Denney Born Oct. 20, 1838 Died Nov. 27, 1921 |
121 |
Denney, Mary | Mary Infant dau. of John P. & Melisse W. Denney Died Aug. 26, 1882 aged 11 D’s Like springs first flower, she passed thru, Mid innocence and bloom, To flourish in a brighter world Far, far beyond the tomb. |
124B 125B 126B |
Denney, Mellissa A. | Mellissa A. Wife of J. P. Denney Born Nov. 24, 1848 Died May 18, 1908 Aged 57 Ys 5 Ms 24 Ds |
121 |
Downing, George W. | George W Downing Missouri Cpl 19 Military Police World War I Oct 30 1890 Feb 27 1964 |
165 |
Downing, Isaac | 1846-1931 | 168 |
Downing, Minerva A. | 1849-1942 | 167 |
Downing, Tom H. | 1885-1935 | 166 |
Dutton, Elsie E. | 1882-1913 | 140 |
Dutton, infant | Infant of J. B. & E. E. Dutton 1906 |
297B |
Eisiminger, John+ | John Eisiminger Mar. 4, 1837 – Oct. 1, 1907 |
391 391B |
Eisiminger, Margaret | Margaret Eisiminger Mar. 1, 1838 – Mar. 8, 1917 |
391 391B |
Elliott, Edna May | 1887-1890 | 256 |
Elliott, Jane | Jane wife of Jesse Elliott Died Jan. 19, 1879 Aged 65 y’s 8 m’s 11 ds Sons do not lonely be But live aright and come to me. Daughters I am happy now with a bright crown upon my brow, friends you must meet me there where ne’r is known a sigh or tear. |
160B 161aB 161bB 407B |
Elliott, Jesse N. | Jesse N. son of [J.] Elliott Born Feb. 16, 1842 Died June 23, 1865 A member of Co. H 15 Kansas Vol. So sleep the brave who sink to rest By all their countries wishes blest [two stones] Pvt Co H 15 Regt Kans Cav Civil War |
163aB 163bB 163cB 164B |
Elliott, Jessee+ | My Husband’s Grave Jessee Elliott: Died Aug. 6, 1873 Aged 63 y’rs 6 mo’s 13 d’s Remember friends as you pass by [As you are now] so once was I. |
162aB 162bB 162cB 407B |
Elliott, Nora | Nora Elliott dau. of Geo. D. & M. M. Elliott Born Oct. 2, 1879 Died Aug. 2, 1881 Aged 1 Yr 10 Ms Rest little Nora in happiness rest Mingling with angels we know thou art bless’d Far from the trials that tempt us to stray God in his mercy has called thee away. |
153B 154aB 154bB 154cB |
Elliott, Rodie N. | Rodie N. son of George D. & M. M. Elliott Born April 7, 1883 Died Aug. 22, 1884 Rest little Rodie in happiness rest Mingling with angels we know thou art blest Far from the trials that tempt us to stray God in his mercy has called thee away. |
155aB 155bB 155cB |
Faulconer, Anna E. | Anna E. Faulconer Died Nov 30, 1862 aged 8 ms & 10 ds Our babe has gone to Join the angels. |
221aB 221bB |
Faulconer, Catharine G. | Catharine G. Faulconer Died Sept. 30, 1857, aged 1 mo. & 5 d’s Our little Dove has gone to rest. |
223B |
Faulconer, Mildred | Mildred Faulconer Died Nov. 3, 1858 Aged 9 mo’s & 3 d’s Our babe has gone where flowers never fade. |
224aB 224bB |
Faulconer, Morton B. | Morton B. Faulconer Died Nov. 12, 1863 aged 24 days … little … |
220aB 220bB |
Ferguson, Maggie Pearl | Maggie Pearl wife of S. T. Ferguson July 22, 1882 May 8, 1915 |
007 008 |
Flanagan, Claud. N. | Claud. N. son of A. & C. J. Flanagan Died Oct. 17, 1882 Aged 3 Y 4 M 15 D Beautiful, lovely, he was but given A fair bud to earth to blossom in heaven. |
179B 180B 181B |
Foland, infant | Infant of E. O & L. F. Foland died Oct. 7, 1891 aged 1 Day Budded on earth to bloom in heaven. |
046B |
Fuller, Henry B. | Henry B. Fuller Died May 23, 1894 Aged 33 y 3 m 1 d In my father’s house are many mansions My husband is gone He lies beneath the sod Dear father tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. [two stones] 1861-1894 |
189aB 189bB 189cB 190 |
Fuller, Hettie A. | 1864-1934 | 190 |
Gibson, Albert | Albert son of G. W. & M. E. Gibson Died July 13, 1879 Aged 1 Y 2 Ms 1 D |
047B 048B |
Gibson, Alice | 1856-1936 | 245B 246B |
Gibson, George Wesley+ | Gibson Co. A 6th Mo. Cav. George Wesley 1837-1892 Father-Mother |
049 050 |
Gibson, John E. | John E. Gibson died Feb. 5, 1904 aged 66 Y 7 D |
245B 246B |
Gibson, Mary E. Violett | Mary E. Violett his wife 1843-1924 Gibson Father-Mother |
049 050 |
Gilchrist, James L. | James L. son of H. W. & E. A. Gilchrist Died Apr. 20, 1866 Aged 1 y’r & 2 d’s |
323aB 323bB |
Gilchrist, John L. | John L. son of H. W. & E. M. Gilchrist Died Sep. 5, 1869 Aged 2 Y’s 3 M’s 2 D’s |
324B |
Gillie, infant | Infant dau. of James & Lucy Gillie Dec. 18, 1910 |
393B |
Goff, James E. | Goff James E. July 11, 1874 Dec. 15, 1925 |
446B |
Goff, Julia A. | Goff Julia A. June 27, 1873 Dec. 28, 1918 |
446B |
Gossett, E. L.+ | E. L. Gossett Born May 18, 1858 Died Apr., 23, 1898 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth nor rust doth consume, and where thieves break through and steal, But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth consume and where thieves do not break through nor steal For where thy treasures is there will thy heart be also. |
356B 357B 358B |
Gossett, Mahala K. Logan | Mahala K. Logan Gossett Jan. 7, 1839 May 18, 1906 |
355 |
Grimes, Effie | Effie Died Dec. 10, 1880 Aged 1 y 2 M 25 D Children of L. & M. Grimes Sleep on dear children and take thy rest, god call’d thee home he thought it best. |
157B |
Grimes, Evert | Evert Died Mar. 13, 1880 Aged 5 M 28 D Children of L. & M. Grimes Sleep on dear children and take thy rest, god call’d thee home he thought it best. |
157B |
Grimes, Maggie | Maggie wife of L. Grimes Died Jan. 25, 1884 Aged 29 Y 4 M’s 7 D’s Husband and children, I must leave you, Leave yes leave you all alone, But my blessed Saviour calls me Calls me to a heavenly home. |
156aB 156bB 156cB |
Grimes, Roy | Roy son of L. C. & M. C. Grimes Died Aug. 3, 1878 Aged 7 ms 26 d Little Roy’s gone to rest With our Savior he is blest. |
158aB 158bB 159aB 159bB |
Gunselman, Walter D. | 1884-1934 | 395 |
Harris, J. | J. Harris Nov. 25, 1811 Oct. 22, 1891 |
069 |
Harris, Martha D. | Our Mother Martha D. wife of Sherod Harris Died Jan. 1, 1884 Aged 48 y 7 m 5 d Husband and children, I must leave you Leave yes, leave you all alone, But my blessed Saviour calls me Calls me to a heavenly home. |
178aB 178bB |
Harris, Rebecca | Rebecca wife of Evan Harris Died Aug. 31, 1858 Aged 67 y’rs 9 mo’s & 21 d’s |
172aB 172bB |
Harvey, Fanny | Fanny wife of W. N. Harvey Died Jan. 28, 1878 Aged 58 y’rs 5 m’s & 9 d’s |
174aB 174bB |
Helm, Annie E. | Annie E. Helm Dec. 11, 1876 Jan. 9, 1968 Born Great Ayton Yorkshire England |
195 |
Helm, Crispin | Helm Crispin Jan. 6, 1864 Aug. 3, 1938 Born Mill Vale Yorkshire England At rest |
194 |
Hoyt, Beulah B. | Our baby Beulah B. dau. of A. J. & M. E. Hoyt died Aug. 7, 1895 aged 2 Y 2 M 10 D |
400B |
Hutchison, Matilda | Matilda Hutchison dau. of A. J. & A. H. Sutton born in Clabourn Co., Tenn. July 30, 1853 Died Nov. 9, 1880 Aged 27 Y 3 M 9 D |
142aB 142bB |
Jenkins, Eliza | Jenkins Mother Eliza 1848-1936 |
360 |
Jenkins, Emery M. | Emery M. Jenkins Sept. 26, 1881 Jan. 14, 1909 |
359 |
Jenkins, Forester M. | Forester M. Jenkins died Mar. 27, 1906 aged 63 yrs 7 ms 28 ds |
361 362 |
Leese, Annie | 1868-1936 | 138 |
Leese, Frank | 1863-1944 | 138 |
Leese, Harriet | 1860-1930 | 136 |
Leese, infant | Baby Little son of Frank & Anna Leese July 5, 1900 July 6, 1900 |
137B |
Leese, Milton P. | Milton P. Leese Died Feb. 18, 1894 Aged 29 Y 3 M & 13 D Remember friends as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death and follow me. |
133 134 135 |
Lilly, D. G. | D. G. Lilly Died July 30, 1884 Aged 33 y 2 m 18 d’s When the silver glints the gold, And together we grow old, I’ll love you just the same, In the… again. [Note: this monument fell between summer 2005 and February 2006.] |
097 097aB 097bB 098aB 098bB |
Lilly, David | David Lilly Born Aug. 10, 1822 Died Dec. 29, 1911 |
099B 100B |
Lilly, Lizzie G. | Lizzie G. dau. of David & Martha Lilly Died Sept. 12, 1879 Aged 15 Ys 3 Ms 1 Day In earth she lies, from earth she’ll rise, To live with God above the skies. E. W. Joy, Savannah |
096aB 096bB 096cB |
Lilly, Martha | Martha Wife of David Lilly Died Aug. 13, 1885 Aged 52 Y 10 M 13 D Martha is gone She lies beneath the sod Dear Martha tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
099B 101aB 101bB |
Lilly, Missouri B. | Missouri B. daughter of D. & M. Lilly Died Mar. 9, 1863 aged 11 ds |
095aB 095bB |
Mansell, Emma L. | Emma L. Died Aug. 9, 1872 Aged 1 Yr 5 Ms & 28 D’s Children of D. C. & M. E. Mansell [two stones] AE 1 y 6 m 27 d |
369aB 370bB 371B |
Mansell, Mary E. | Mary E. wife of D. C. Mansell Died Aug. 5, 1878 Aged 24 Y’s & 22 D’s Her life was like a half blown rose Closed ere the shades of eve Her death the dawn, the blushing hour, That opens the gates to Heaven. |
369aB 370dB 370eB |
Mansell, Mattie | Mattie Died Sep. 19, 1875 Aged 21 D’s Children of D. C. & M. E. Mansell |
369aB 370aB |
Mansell, Minnie C. | Minnie C. Died Mar. 8, 1878 Aged 6 M’s & 23 D’s Children of D. C. & M. E. Mansell |
369aB 369bB 370cB |
Mansil, William | 1864-1930 | 001 |
McGinnis, Mary Jane+ | McGinnis Mary Jane his wife Apr. 28, 1810 Apr. 5, 1874 |
433B |
McGinnis, Smith | Smith McGinnis Mar. 25, 1806 May 16, 1881 |
433B |
McGinnis, William T. | Wm. T. McGinnis Born Feb. 12, 1829, Died Dec. 15, 1865 Was much loved in life, And missed in death. |
430B 431B 432B |
Messick, John E. | Our pet Jno. E. son of P. & E. Messick Died Oct. 7, 1875 Aged 8 M 28 D |
031aB 031bB |
Messick, Mary M. | Mary M. dau. of P & E. A. Messick Died July 20, 1879 Aged 10 M 27 D Rest little Mary in happiness re[st] Mingling with angels we know thou art [blest] Far from the trials that tempt us to stray God in his mercy has called thee away. |
032aB 032bB |
Miller, Georgia O. | 1872-1954 | 293 |
Miller, Nelia Ellen | 1910-1940 | 294 |
Miller, Pascal M. | 1897-1924 | 290 |
Miller, Violet F. | 1912-1933 | 141 |
Morrow, Alice A. | 1856-1940 | 152 |
Morrow, Austin B. | 1847-1933 | 152 |
Morrow, Ellis E. | Ellis E. son of A. B. & A. A. Morrow Died July 21, 1875 Aged 9 ms 10 d It was an angel that visited the green earth, and took the flower away. |
147B 148aB 148bB |
Morrow, Gracie | Gracie B/E. dau. of A. B. & A. A. Morrow Died Jan. 27, 1884 Aged 2 y 4 m 10 d Heaven retaineth now our treasure Earth the lonly casket keeps And the sunbeams love to linger Where our little Gracie sleeps |
149B 150aB 150bB 150cB |
Morrow, Maria J. | Maria J. wife of Wm. Morrow Died Feb. 14, 1876 Aged 59 Ys 10 Ms 24 Ds |
145B 146B |
Morrow, William | Holy Bible Wm. Morrow died Jan. 15, 1893 Aged 78 Y 9 M 24 D’s This simple tablet marks a fathers bier, And those he loved in life, in death are near. |
143B 144aB 144bB |
Morrow, William A. + | William A. Morrow Missouri Pvt. 34 Inf. 7 Div. May 31, 1921 |
151B |
Muir, Agnes | Our Mother Agnes wife of Robert Muir Died Feb. 9, 1880; Aged 65 Ys 5 Ms & 22 Ds Oh, many lips are saying this Mid falling tears today And many hearts are aching sore Our mother’s passed away. We watched her failing day by day As they went slowly by [But cast far from us every fear] [That she must ever died.] She seemed so good, so pure, so true To our admiring eyes We never dreamed this glorious fruit Was ripening for the skies And when at last the death stroke came So [swift, so pure, so true] [The hearts that held her here so fast] [Were almost broken too.] |
208aB 208bB 208cB 208dB |
Muir, Agness M. | Agness M. dau of T. & S. E. Muir Died Nov. 17, 1867 AE. 3 M 26 D |
280aB 280cB |
Muir, Archie Roy | An angel Archie Roy son of J. B. & Carrie E. Muir died June 16, 1884 aged 2 Ys 4 Ms & 4 Ds Rest little Roy in happiness rest Mingling with angels, we know thou art blest Far from the trials that tempt us to stray God in his mercy has called thee away. |
210aB 210bB |
Muir, Carrie B. | Carrie B. wife of Evert Muir Sept. 12, 1883 – Jan. 6, 1909 |
259 |
Muir, Carrie B. | Carrie B. dau. of A. T. & V. E. Muir Born Jan. 1, 1867 Died Oct. 2, 1867 |
281aB 281bB |
Muir, Clarence Ray+ | Muir Clarence Ray born Jan. 29, 1900 died Mar. 6, 1901 They are not lost but gone before. |
199aB 199bB |
Muir, Doulas Virgel | Doulas Virgel son of E. G. & C. B. Muir born May 4, 1903 died Apr. 26, 1904 |
258B |
Muir, Edmund C. | 1867-1963 | 196 |
Muir, Evert G. | Evert G. Muir Nov. 25, 1877 Apr. 20, 1918 |
259 |
Muir, Lyda May+ | Lyda May wife of E. C. Muir Born Aug. 22, 1873 Died June 26, 1904 As a wife devoted As a mother affectionate As a friend ever kind and true. |
197B 198aB 198bB |
Muir, Naomi June | Muir Naomi June born May 25, 1898 died Apr. 12, 1899 They are not lost but gone before. |
199aB 199bB |
Muir, Rebecca | Father and Mother Gone before us, our father and mother To the spirit land Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. Rebecca wife of R. G. Muir Born Nov. 1, 1843 Died July 1, 1894 |
284 285B 287B |
Muir, Robert | Holy Bible Robert Muir Died May 22, 1884 Aged 76 Ys 7 Ms 3 Ds |
209aB 209bB |
Muir, Robert G. | Father and Mother Gone before us, our father and mother To the spirit land Vainly look we for another In thy place to stand. Robert G. Muir Born June 7, 1838 Died Feb. 20, 1879 |
284 285B 286 |
Muir, Sarah E. | Sarah E. wife of Thomas Muir Died … 10, 1867 AE. 21 Y 3 M 21 D |
280aB 280bB |
Muir, Thomas | Thomas Muir Mar. 12, 1834 Sept. 28, 1909 |
410B |
Nead, Sarah Addie Jenkins | Sarah Addie wife of Jas. M. Nead dau. of F. M. & E. Jenkins Born Oct. 25, 1869 Died Aug. 11, 1895 Aged 25 Yrs 9 Ms 16 Ds I am passing through the waters, But a blessed shore appears Kneel beside me, husband, dearest, Let me kiss away thy tears, Wrestle with thy grief as Jacob Strove from midnight until day, It may leave an angel’s blessing When it vanishes away. |
363B 364aB 364bB 365B |
Parker, Exaline | Exaline wife of I. Parker Died May 4, 1881 Aged 58 Y 4 M 10 D Our dear Mother is gone She lies beneath the sod Dear Mother tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. She was an affectionate wife, a fond mother and a friend to all. |
276aB 276bB 276cB |
Parker, Isaac | Isaac Parker Died Dec. 18, 1882 Aged 70 y’rs 5 m’s … d’s |
275aB 275bB |
Parker, James M. | 1850-1934 [two markers] |
274 274B |
Parker, John W. | John W. son of Isaac & E. Parker Died Jan. 11; 1867 Aged 18 Y 2 M 5 D O cease dear friends case your weeping Above the spot where I am sleeping My time had come and blessed be He That called me to eternity. |
279aB 279bB 279cB |
Patterson, Cora A. Gibson | Cora A. Gibson wife of T. B. Patterson 1870-1916 |
051 |
Pew, Benjamin F. | Benjamin F. Pew Born Jan. 13, 1797 Died Sept. 24, 1871 Aged … y’rs 8 m’s 1… |
325aB 325bB 325cB |
Pew, Daniel A. | Daniel A. son of J. S. & J. H. Pew Died Feb. 13, 1865 Aged 9 yr’s 2 mo’s 13 d’s |
329B |
Pew, Daniel A. | Daniel A. Pew born Jan. 4, 1828 died Sept. 9, 1903 Dearest parents thou hast left us, and thy loss we deeply feel But ’tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal Yet again we hope to meet thee, the day of light is fled Then in heaven with joy to greet thee where no farewell tear is shed. |
375B 377B |
Pew, Elizabeth | Elizabeth Pew Born Feb. 28, 1796 departed this life Oct, 20, 1866 |
326B |
Pew, Firman Creed | Firman Creed Pew Born Dec. 23, 1860 Died Nov. 21, 1885 Aged 24 y 10 m 28 d We know you wait in Heaven’s light, To welcome loved ones there; Where never comes the shades of night But glory everywhere. |
372B 373aB 373bB |
Pew, Jemima H. | Jemima H. wife of John S. Pew Died Sep. 3, 1887 Aged 66 yrs 10 ms & 2 ds We miss thee from our home Dear Mother, we miss thee from thy place. A shadow o’er our life is cast, We miss the sunshine of thy face. |
327aB 327bB 327cB |
Pew, John S. | John S. Pew Died Sept. 13, 1866 Aged 48 yr’s 2 mo’s 8 d’s |
328B |
Pew, Malissa + | Malissa- his wife born Oct. 27, 1837 died July 31, 1873 Dearest parents thou hast left us, and thy loss we deeply feel But ’tis God that hath bereft us, He can all our sorrows heal Yet again we hope to meet thee, when the day of light is fled Then in heaven with joy to greet thee where no farewell tear is shed. |
375B 377B |
Pew, Marietta | Marietta daught. of B. F. & M. E. Pew Died Feb. 26, 187… Aged 3 y’rs 10 m’s 26 d’s |
335aB 335bB |
Pullen, David G. | 1846-1881 | 182 183 |
Pullen, Leora | Leora dau. of David & Mollie Pullen Born Sep. 30, 1881 Died July 22, 1884 Aged 2 y 7 m 21 d We loved this tender little one And would have wished her to stay But let our Father’s will be done She shines in endless day. The rose may fade, the lily die But flowers immortal bloom on high. |
184B 185B 186aB 186bB 186cB |
Pullen, Mary A. | 1852-1923 | 182 183 |
Rankin, Alice L. | 1870-1933 | 429B |
Rankin, Arra Belle | Arra Belle wife of C. L. Rankin Dec. 20, 1877 – Mar. 5, 1907 |
414B |
Rankin, Goldie | Goldie Rankin Apr. 5, 1901 – Mar. 18, 1902 |
414B |
Rankin, Henry H. | 1871-1945 | 429B |
Rankin, John | Judge John Rankin Died June 25, 1892 Aged 75 y 3 m 18 d My husband is gone He lies beneath the sod Dear father tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
442B 443B 444B |
Rankin, John M. | John M. son of James & Margaret Rankin July 18, 1895 Aug. 7, 1909 Only sleeping |
353B 354B |
Rankin, Mary V.+ | Mother Mary V. Rankin Mar. 6, 1870 Dec. 20, 1903 |
398B |
Rankin, Vincent + | Brother Vincent Rankin Jan. 26, 1897 Mar. 17, 1902 |
445B |
Reece, Sarah A. | 1839-1923 | 260B |
Reece, William C. | William C. Reece Feb. 11, 1835 Dec. 17, 1911 |
262B |
Reece, William Ghasteen/Chasteen | William Ghasteen/Chasteen son of W. C. & S. A. Reece Died Nov. 8, 1899 Aged 25 Y 11 M Green be the grass above thee Friend of my better days None knew thee but to love thee None named thee but to praise. |
263B 264aB 264bB |
Roach, Ann | 1839-1920 | 211 |
Roach, Dudley | Roach Brother Dudley 1865-1947 |
231B |
Roach, Forest | Forest son of W. G. & Ann Roach died Aug. 8, 1885 aged 7 M’s Death has been here and borne away, A brother from our side, Just in the morning of his day In youth and love he died. |
214B 217B 218B 219B |
Roach, Mary Ellen | Roach Sister Mary Ellen 1862-1950 |
231B |
Roach, Minnie M. | Minnie M. Daughters of W. G. & A. Roach Died April 3, 1900 Aged 33 Y 2 M 12 D |
212B 213B |
Roach, Pleasiley | Our darling Pleasiley dau. of Wm. J. & A. Roach Born Nov. 7, 1870 Died Aug. 30, 1871 Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. |
447B 448B |
Roach, Sarah | Sarah Daughters of W. G. & A. Roach Died April 17, 1899 Aged 26 Y 1 M |
212B 213B |
Roach, William G. | 1834-1911 | 211 |
Roach, William H.+ | William H. son of W. G. & Ann Roach died Dec. 21, 1892 Aged 23 Y 1 M 21 D Weep not, Father and Mother, for me For I am waiting in glory for thee. |
214B 215B 216B |
Roberts, Edith A. | 1866-1947 | 396B |
Roberts, John C. | 1863-1931 | 396B |
Ruhl, Alice Massie+ | Alice Massie wife of E. F. Ruhl 1853-1914 |
350aB 350bB |
Ruhl, Hayden W.+ | Hayden W. Ruhl Nov. 23, 1886 July 24, 1911 |
351B 352B |
Ruhl, infant | Infant son of M. V. & Lottie Ruhl Born Sept. 14, 1904 |
301B |
Ruhl, Magnolia | Magnolia wife of W. S. Ruhl 1872-1917 |
300 |
Ruhl, Mary+ | Mary Ruhl 1827-1912 aged 85 yrs |
302 |
Russell, Elizabeth E | Elizabeth E. daughter of S. J. & M. S. Russell Died Sept. 12, 1862 Aged 1 Yr 2 Ms 21 Ds |
232B |
Sargent, William T. | Wm. L. Sargent Died Apr. 4, 1882 Aged 82 Y 4 M & 15 D His toils are past, his work is done, He fought the fight the victory won. |
090B 091aB 091bB |
Sargent, Willie L. | Willie L. son of J. M. & J. A. Sargent Born Dec. 9, 1866 Died Apr. 1, 1869 |
089B |
Scheub, Henry G. | Henry G. Scheub 1904 |
058 |
Seieci, Lola Burns | 1890-1929 | 201 |
Sharp, I. W. | I. W. Sharp Died Jan. 9, 1898 Aged 40 yrs Gone but not forgotten. |
187B |
Singleton, Allice | Allice Singleton Born Nov. 22, 1878 Died Sept. 4, 1883 |
206B 207B |
Smith, Anna B. | Anna B. dau. of J. W. Smith Born Jan. 7, 1884 Died Nov. 11, 1901 aged 17 yr 10 mo 4 d |
175B 176 176aB 176bB |
Smith, Clifford L. | Clifford L. Smith Mar. 18, 1891 June 28, 1909 |
037 |
Smith, Eddie | Eddie son of J. & M. C. Smith Died Apr. 28, 1881 Aged 1 Y 14 D Budded on earth to bloom in Heaven. |
277aB 277bB 277cB |
Smith, Elsie E. | Elsie E. wife of Chas. E. Smith Died July 22, 1887 Aged 17 Y 11 M 25 D As a star that is lost when the daylight is given She hath faded away to shine brightly in heaven. Charley do not lonely be But live aright and come to me Pa, and Ma, I am happy now, With a crown so bright upon my brow, Sister you must meet me here, Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. He took the cup of life to sip So bitter it was to drain He meekly put it from his lips And went to sleep again. |
033B 034aB 034bB 035aB 035bB |
Smith, J. W. | J. W. Smith Born Mar. 6, 1860 Died Mar. 1, 1889 aged 28 y’rs 11 mo 25 d’s |
175B 176bB 177B |
Smith, Mary C. | Mary C. wife of James Smith Died Mar. 15, 1881 Aged 26 Y 1 M 5 D James do not lonely be But live aright and come to me Eddie I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow Friends you must meet me here Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. |
278aB 278bB 278cB |
Smith, Mattie | Mattie wife of Chas. E. Smith Died April 4, 1891 Aged 19 Y 11 M 15 D A loving wife, a daughter [dear], A faithful friend is bur[ied] here. Great is the loss we here sustain, but hope in heaven, to meet again. Charley do not lonely be But live aright and come to me Pa, and Ma, I am happy now, With a crown so bright upon my brow, Sister you must meet me here, Where ne’er is known a sigh or tear. He took the cup of life to sip So bitter it was to drain He meekly put it from his lips And went to sleep again. |
033B 035aB 035bB 036aB 036bB |
Smither, Phoebe V. Davis | Dau. of Isaac M. and Mary L. Davis Phoebe V. married to J. D. Smither Feb. 27, 1896 Died Aug. 18, 1897 Aged 42 years Soon shall we meet again Meet ne’er to sever, Soon will peace wreathe her chain Round us forever. |
019B 020B 021B 022B |
Spurgeon, Nancy A | 1814-1889 | 070 |
Stanton, infant | Infant dau. of J. R. & F. Stanton Another little angel before the heavenly throne. |
004B 005aB 005bB |
Stanton, J. R. | J. R. Stanton born Nov. 18, 1868 died Apr. 1, 1907 |
005aB 005bB 006B |
Stanton, James Franklin | 1872-1939 | 054 055 |
Stanton, John L. | John L. Stanton May 18, 1870 Apr. 3, 1917 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep |
052 |
Stanton, Joseph | Joseph Stanton born Mar. 3, 1833 died Mar. 31, 1918 Gone but not forgotten |
002 003 |
Stanton, Martha A. | Martha A. Stanton 1850-1922 Asleep in Jesus blessed sleep From which none ever wake to weep |
053 |
Stanton, Stella | Stanton Stella his wife born Feb. 2, 1860 died Jan. 5, 1932 Gone but not forgotten |
002 003 |
Stephens, Charles | Charles Stephens Born July 23, 1865 Died Jan. 28, 1894 |
063B |
Stephens, Clyde | 1878-1939 | 059 |
Stephens, infant | Infant babe of C. W. & M. S. Stephens born & died May 11, 1898 |
061 |
Stephens, Lydia | 1880-1920 | 059 |
Stephens, Nancy E. | Stephens Nancy E. his wife Sept. 1, 1849 – Mar. 29, 1906 |
062 |
Stephens, Sarah E. | 1853-1929 | 060 |
Stephens, William P. | William P. Stephens Apr. 28, 1848 – Sept. 22, 1888 |
062 |
Stephens, Zaphnath | 1847-1920 | 060 |
Stout, Earl | Earl son of T. J. & P. C. Stout Died Dec. 1, 1893 Aged 10 y 2 m 24 d |
014aB 014bB 015aB 015bB |
Sturgis, Anthony K. | Anthony K. Mar. 13, 1863 – Feb. 25, 1920 Sturgis |
392 |
Sturgis, Sarah | Sarah his wife Dec. 5, 1864 – Mar. 2, 1954 Sturgis |
392 |
Thornton, Annie M. | Gone home Annie M. dau. of B. F. & M. A. Thornton Died Aug. 26, 1885 Aged 15 Ys 22 Ds Our daughter is gone She lies beneath the sod Dear Annie though we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
027B 028aB 028bB |
Thornton, Dora Etta | Dora Etta dau. of B. F. & M. A. Thornton Died Nov. 5, 1884 Aged 3 y 6 d "Take these little lambs, says He, and fold them to my breast, protection they shall find in me and be forever blest." |
026aB 026bB 026cB |
Thornton, Lu Ella | Lu Ella dau. of B. F. & Mary A. Thornton Died July 9, 1884 Aged 5 y 10 m 23 d Oh cease dear Pa and Ma cease your weeping Above the spot where I am sleeping My time was short and blessed be He That called me to eternity. |
025aB 025bB |
Thornton, Mattie C. | Mattie C. dau. of B. F. & M. A. Thornton Died Oct. 16, 1883 Aged 18 y 10 m 16 d Remember friends as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Then prepare for death and follow me. |
023aB 023bB 024B |
Thornton, William J. | Wm. J. Thornton died Oct. 19, 1890 Aged 25 Y 11 M 19 D Tis hard to break the tender cord, where love has bound the heart, Tis hard, so hard to speak the words, We must [forever part.] |
017B 018aB 018bB |
Troth, Alvey | Children of Joseph C. and Nancy Troth Alvey Died Sep. 19, 1882 Aged 5 Y 3 M 12 D |
439aB 439bB 441B |
Troth, Istamey | Children of Joseph C. and Nancy Troth Istamey Died Sep. 2, 1881 Aged 9 Y 6 M 3 D |
439aB 439bB 440B |
Troth, Joseph | 1850-1918 | 434B 435B |
Troth, Nancy | 1854-1929 | 434B 435B |
Troth, Roy | Little Roy son of J. C. & N. Troth died Sept. 11, 1892 aged 1 Y 1 M Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest God calls away when He thinks best. |
436B 437B 438B |
unknown | [footstone] | 169 |
Wade, Alfred | Alfred Wade Nov. 2, 1838 July 20, 1924 |
042 |
Wade, Billy D. | Billy D. Wade Dec. 29, 1934 Jan. 29, 1942 Rest in peace |
067 |
Wade, Clara Bell | Clara Bell wife of Emmett Wade Died Dec. 3, 1889 Aged 19 y & 23 d |
040B 041B |
Wade, David | Gone Home David Wade Born [July]… 1844 Died Jan. 2, 1879 |
378B 379aB 379bB |
Wade, David A. | David A. Wade April 16, 1882 Oct. 29, 1956 |
038 039 |
Wade, Frank W. | Frank W. Wade Oct. 31, 1887 Dec. 22, 1962 |
068 |
Wade, George E. | 1873-1875 | 344 346B 342 |
Wade, Ida | 1876 | 344 346B 341 |
Wade, infant | Inf. of Alfred – Melvira Wade Feb. 10, 1881 |
045 |
Wade, infant | Infant dau. of Alfred & M. S. Wade Born Aug. 4, 1866 [no other carving] |
412aB 412bB 413B |
Wade, infant | Infant son Born Nov. 13, 1868 Died Nov. 27, 1868 |
378B 379aB 379bB |
Wade, infants | Infant children of Alfred & M. S. Wade Born June 5, 1876 |
044B |
Wade, Isabella | Holy Bible She was a kind and affectionate wife, a fond mother and a friend to all. Isabella wife of Wm. Wade Died Aug. 28, 1882 Aged 65 Y 11 M 20 D William do not lonely be But live aright and come to me Children I am happy now With a crown so bright upon my brow Friends you must meet me here, Where ne’r is known a sigh or tear. |
308B 309B 310aB 310bB 310cB |
Wade, James E. | 1836-1903 | 344 345 |
Wade, Lizzie | 1871-1875 | 344 346B 343 |
Wade, Mary S. | Mary S. wife of Alfred Wade Died June 7, 1876 Aged 34 yrs 4 ms & 7 ds While on this stone I put your name My love for thee dear wife’s the same And though my days be dark and dreary I’ll ne’er forget thee dearest Mary. |
043aB 043bB 043cB |
Wade, Melvira | Melvira Wade Sept. 3, 1851 Apr. 27, 1940 |
042 |
Wade, Patience J. | 1848-1878 | 344 345 |
Wade, William | Holy Bible … work of God. A kind father, A fond husband, A friend tried and true. William Wade Died Mar. 20, 1888 Aged 78 Yr 13 Da Our Father and Mother are gone, They lie beneath the sod, Dear parents tho’ we miss you much We know you rest with God. |
311aB 311bB 312aB 312bB |
Wallace, John E. | John E. Wallace April 1, 1854 Mar. 29, 1931 |
415B |
Wallace, Mary L. | Mary L. wife of J. E. Wallace Died Aug. 26, 1883 Aged 22 Y’s 11 M’s & 19 D’s |
420B 421B 422B |
Wells, Lela B. Miller | Lela B. Miller Wells born Aug. 11, 1904 died Aug. 16, 1933 |
265B |
Willeford, Henry Oliver | Sacred to the Memory of Henry Oliver Willeford Born Dec. 4, 1847 Died May 6, 1882 Farewell What more can a man do than lay down his life for a friend. |
271B 272B 273B |
Williams, Charles | Charles Williams born in Devonshire England May 2, 1828 died June 8, 1906 |
016 |
Williams, Permelia J. | Permelia J. Williams born July 13, 1840 died Jan. 11, 1909 |
016 |
Wood, Ethel Floyd | Ethel Floyd dau. of E. & Mary Wood Born Mar. 4, 1892 Died Jan. 9, 1895 Aged 2 Yrs 10 Mos 5 Ds Budded on earth to blossom in heaven. |
306B 307aB 307bB |
Wood, Lela Wade | Lela Wade Wood dau. of Elias & Mary Wood Mar. 20, 1898 June 12, 1907 Friends, be ready You know not when he calleth |
305 |
Young, Myrtle | Myrtle dau. of D. R. & M. A. Young Born Apr. 3, 1882 Died Apr. 13, 1882 Beneath this stone in soft re[pose] Is laid a mother’s dearst pride A flower that scarce had waked to life, And light and beauty, ere it died. |
122B 123aB 123bB |
Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005:
Alexander, Milton Edwin
Crawford, Marletta
Cunningham, Bessie Mae
Cunningham, Earl Clifton
Day, infant died 1894
Downing, child died 1895
Foland, Mrs. Mary
Gibson, Gerald Dean (no marker)
Hecker, Feeby (Carson)
Ruhl, Willard S.
Singleton, Lucy
Stout, Phoebe (Smith)
Stout, Thomas J.
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