Gillispie Cemetery

Gillispie Cemetery
Jackson Township, Section 35
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From east Savannah city limits, northwesterly on US Business 71 and State Hwy. 59, 3/8 miles to County Road 61, then 1 mile north. The cemetery is in a pasture about 100 yards from the road, and is accessible by walking and permission from the landowner.

Notes: This cemetery was cleaned as part of the Eagle Scout project of Nathan Stone, 2005.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Nathan Stone’s Project, 2005, and Betty Halvorsen, 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

* Indicates African-Americans
+ Indicates obituary available

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Gillispie Cemetery
before and during clean-up by Scouts
001N 002N003N 004N 005N
006N 007N 008N 009N
B., M. A. [footstone M. A. B.] 107
Boggs, James H. Jas. H.
son of J. P. & H. A. Boggs
Died Sep. 13, 1850
aged 1 m 19 d
C., J. P. [footstone J. P. C.] 073
Cornelison, Andrew W. (south)
Andrew W. Cornelison
Born Nov. 26, 1799
Died Mar. 21, 1869
Born in Madison Co., Ky.
066 066a 067 068N 069
Cornelison, Margaret Holy Bible
Margaret Cornelison
Born Aug. 17, 1797,
Died Jan. 12, 1866
115 116
Cornelison, Margaretta (north)
wife of Andrew W. Cornelison
Born Aug. 17, 1797
Died Jan. 12, 1867
Born in Madison Co., Ky.
066 066a 067 068N 070
Cowardin, Mary Shunk Mary
wife of P. L. Cowardin
and dau. of John & Hannah A. Shunk
Died Feb. 2, 1886
Aged 16 Y’s 6 M’s 25 D’s
086N 087 085
Davidson, Hannah A.+ Hannah A. Davidson
Died May 12, 1892
Aged 62 y 7 m 5 d
Our mother is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear mother tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
088 089N 090 091
Davison, Clayborn Gone Home
Clayborn Davison
Died Oct. 4, 1859
Aged 33 Y’rs 5 mo’s
093 094 095
Gillispie, Cordelia M. Cordelia M.
wife of J. H. Gillispie
Born in Madison Co., Ky.
Dec. 22, 1832
Died in Andrew Co., Mo.
Jan. 13, 1884,
Aged 51 Y’s & 21 D’s
Gone before us, O our mother to the spirit land!
Vainly look we for another
In thy place to stand.
108 108N 109 112 076
Gillispie, Elisabeth J. Elisabeth J.
wife of James H. Gillispie
Died Feb. 14, 1848
Aged 24 y’rs 6 da’s
096 097
Gillispie, Henry J. Henry J.
son of J. H. & C. M. Gillispie
Died Oct. 13, 1866
Aged 6 y’s 6 m’s 13 d’s
110 106
Gillispie, infant Infant
son of James H. & C. M. Gillispie
Died June 26, 1855
100 101 074
Gillispie, infant Infant
daughter of J. H. & C. M. Gillispie
born & died June 27, 1867
Gillispie, J. H. J. H. Gillispie
Died July 14, 1895
Aged 69 Y 4 M 1 D
083 084
Gillispie, Robert C. Robert C.
son of J. H. & C. M. Gillispie
Born Oct. 6, 1869
Died May 2, 1871
Hare, Mary M. Mary M.
wife of Henry C. Hare
Born July 23, 1840,
Died Jan. 23, 1879,
aged 38 Y’s 6 M’s
Oh cease dear Henry cease your weeping,
Above the spot where I am sleeping;
My time has come, and blessed be He,
That called me to eternity.
080N 081 081b 082
Hart, Margaret A. Margaret A.
daughter of Tho’s & M. J. Hart
Died Feb. 6, 1855
Aged 7 m’s 8 d’s
092 098
Shunk, Henry Henry
son of J. & H. A. Shunk
Died Sep. 11, 1871
Aged 10 m 11 d
078 079
unknown 072
unknown [footstone] 099

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2005:

Gillispie, John M.

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