Flag Springs Cumberland Cemetery

Flag Springs Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery
Empire Township, Section 14
Andrew County, Missouri

Directions: From Savannah, go east on Hwy E 3.5 miles to D. North on D 3.5 miles to County Road 223. East on CR 223 for 2.1 miles to CR 221. North and east on 221 for 1.3 miles to CR 216. Follow 216 for 3/1 miles to CR 214. North on 214 for 0.1 mile.

Notes: First known as Platte River Congregation.

Credits: These pictures were taken by Betty Halvorsen 2006. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).

Name Inscription Photograph(s)
Flag Springs Cumberland
Presbyterian Cemetery
77 82 83 84 85
Barnett, Aunt Rachel Aunt Rachel
wife of T. M. Barnett
Born Dec. 4, 1809
Died Jan. 9, 1886
Aged 76 Y 1 M 5 D
My wife is gone
She lies beneath the sod
Dear Aunt Rachel though we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
13 14 19 20 12
Boyles, Sarah Sarah
wife of Willard T. Boyles
Born Mar. 15, 1846
Died Feb. 3, 1869
Life’s duty done as sinks the day
Light from its load the spirit flies
While Heaven and earth combine to say
How blest the righteous when he dies.
78 79 81 30 31
Brooke, Nancy (east)
Nancy A.
wife of W. Brooke
Died Mar. 22, 1876
Aged 69 Y 11 M 10 D
Blessed are the dead that die in the Lord
I will raise them up in the last day.
21 22 24 25
Brooke, William (north)
Wm. Brooke
Died Apr. 1874
Aged 64 Y 12 D
21 22 23 24 25
Chapman, Catharine Catharine
wife of Amos Chapman
Died June 27, 1887
Aged 75 y 4 m
Our Mother is gone,
She lies beneath the sod,
Dear Mother tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
51 52 53
Cox, Elvira Taylor Elvira
wife of Ulysses Cox
and daughter of Joel & Elizabeth Taylor
Died Jan. 15, 1866
Aged 28 y’s 3 mo’s 3 d’s
37 38 39
Gibson, Lewis Lewis Gibson
Born Aug. 4, 1811
Died Aug. 8, 1877
Aged 66 y’s 4 d’s
67 68 69
Gibson, Rachel Rachel Gibson
Died Nov. 3, 1870
Aged 54 Ys 2 Ms 15 Ds
Gone but not forgotten.
70 71 72
Gilliland, Delitha J. Gone Home
Delitha J.
wife of Josiah Gilliland
Born June 14, 1841
Died July 27, 1868
32 33 46
Henderson, Lizzie Lizzie
daughter of L. W. & Mary C. Henderson
Died May 1, 1868
aged 5 mos 29 days
59 60
Holliday, Homer E. (east)
Homer E.
Died Aug. 24, 1884
aged 26 Ds
Children of Joseph & Nancy L. Holliday
Our children are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear babies thou we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
07 09 11
Holliday, John C. (east)
John C.
Died Oct. 24, 1865
aged 3 Ms 14 Ds
Children of Joseph & Nancy L. Holliday
07 08 11
Holliday, Joseph T. (east)
Joseph T.
Died Jan. 28, 1881
aged 2 Ds
Our children are gone
They lie beneath the sod
Dear babies thou we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
Children of Joseph & Nancy L. Holliday
07 10 11
Holliday, Lizzie E. (west)
Lizzie E.
Died Jan. 3, 1880
Aged 2 Y’s 11 M’s 4 D’s
Children of Joseph & Nancy L. Holliday
01 02 03 06
Holliday, Lucy Bell (north)
Lucy Bell
Died Jan. 6, 1878
Aged 6 Y’s 3 M’s 29 D’s
Children of Joseph & Nancy L. Holliday
Rest little Lucy in happiness rest
Mingling with angels, we know thou art blessed,
Far from the trials that tempt us to stray
God in his mercy has called thee away.
03 04 06 07
Holliday, Mary M. (north)
Mary M.
Died Oct. 18, 1868
aged 1 Mo 1 D
Children of Joseph & Nancy L. Holliday
03 05 06 07
L [footstone] 17
Lindley, Arthur Gibson Arthur Gibson Lindley
Died July 10, 1891
Aged 20 y 7 m 24 d
Our Arthur is gone
He lies beneath the sod
Dear boy tho’ we miss you much
We know you rest with God.
63 64 65 66
Lindley, Elizabeth J. Elizabeth J.
wife of A. G. Lindley
Died Dec. 6, 1870
Aged 31 Ys 4 Ms 8 Ds
Gone but not forgotten.
62 73 74 75
Loving, Florence L. Darling Florence L.
dau. of G. T. & E. J. Loving
Died May 4, 1869
Aged 13 Y 11 M 5 D
Like a spring’s flower she passed away,
Mid innocence and bloom;
An angel now in a brighter world
Far, far beyond the tomb.
40 41 42 43
Miller, Elizabeth Elizabeth
wife of John Miller
Died April 13, 1868
aged 57 y’rs 2 m’s 3 d’s
The pure in heart are thy delight
and they thy face shall see.
54 55
Miller, George W. Geo. W. Miller
son of John & Elizabeth Miller
Born Feb. 16, 1840
Died June 26, 1865
Rodman, W. J. W. J. Rodman
Died July 22, 1866
Aged 38 y’rs 6 m’s & 6 d’s
47 48 49
Smith, Metcalf Metcalf Smith
Born Apr. 15, 1812
Died Nov. 25, 1867
Life’s duty done as sinks the day
Light from its load the Spirit flies
While Heaven and earth combine to say
How blest the righteous when he dies.
26 27 28
Taylor, George George Taylor
Born June 1, 1829;
Died Jan. 17, 1876
Aged 46 ys 7 ms 16 dys
34 35 44
Taylor, Joel [footstone] 36
unknown 18
unknown fragment 50

Also reportedly buried here, but no tombstones found in 2006:

Boyles, Martha
Boyles, Martin
Chapman, Amos
Evert, W. D.
Miller, William D.

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