Clark, Maggie T (1872-1896)


Mrs. John Clark Dies From Lock Jaw After Days of Horrible Suffering.

A little more than a week ago, Mrs. Maggie Clark, wife of ex-Policeman John Clark, stepped on a board from which protruded a rusty nail, which penetrated the sole of her shoe and lacerated her foot. From the effects of the wound she died of lockjaw at her home, 1907 Savannah avenue, Sunday morning at 7:30.

Her sufferings for three days prior to her death were terrible. Five of the best known physicians of the city administered to her to the best of their ability, but lockjaw, except in certain early stages, is one of those dread afflictions that baffles all medical skill and only death can relieve. The contortions of the muscles of the woman’s face and body were frightful. The body of the unfortunate woman was taken to Union Star, where it will be interred today. Mrs. Clark spent her childhood days in the vicinity of that place.

Source: St. Joseph Weekly Herald, 30 April 1896, p. 3
Submitted by Monica Schirmer Eshelman

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