Bentley, Julia Ann (Quinn)

Date of Death: 31 Jan 1892
Subject: Julia Ann (Quinn) Bentley
Source: unknown, [Feb] 1892

Died, In Flag Springs, Mo., Jan. 31, 1892, Julia Ann, wife of W. C. Bentley. Mrs. Bentley was born in Monroe county, Kentucky, Sept. 18, 1836; was married to Wm. C. Bentley, Aug. 25, 1875 [sic, 1857], in Monroe county, Kentucky; removed to Holt county, Mo., in the year 1869, removed to Kansas in the spring of ’87; thence to Flag Springs, Mo. in the fall of ’91, where she died. Deceased united with the Christian church in the year 1885, from which time she lived a pious christian life, always looking on the bright side and trusting in the Lord. She was a kind, true and faithful wife, and a loving mother. No one knew her but to love her. She leaves a husband and eight children who survive her. Her remains were followed by a large concourse of friends, Wednesday, February 3, to the Baptist church, where the Rev. D. C. Campbell spoke ably from 1 Samuel 20 chapter latter clause of 18 verse, “And thou shall be missed because thy seat will be empty,” after which her remains were laid to rest in the Flag Springs cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the entire community.

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