Robert A. Hewitt, Jr., a leading citizen of Maysville, De Kalb County, was born in Maysville on August 6, 1850. He is the fourth of seven children born to Eli and Martha E. (Barkman) Hewitt. The father was born in Baltimore, Md., in 1818, and was the son of Elmer Hewitt. He immigrated to Missouri in 1846, locating in St. Joseph, where he engaged in merchandising. In 1848 he removed to Maysville and continued merchandising until his death on September 25, 1866. His death resulted from an accidental gun-shot wound. He was a prominent man in Northwest Missouri, especially in De Kalb County, where, in 1850, he was elected county judge. The mother was also born in Maryland in 1824, and is the daughter of George Barkman, a sea captain, who died with the yellow fever. She is now a resident of Nebraska City, Neb. Robert A. was educated in the schools of his native town and Nebraska City. He began reading law in Maysville in 1875, in the office of George W. Rose, ex-prosecuting attorney, and was admitted to the bar in 1877. He at once entered upon the practice of his profession, and has since continued. He was elected as a Democrat to his first office, prosecuting attorney of the twelfth judicial district, in November, 1886. He still holds the office. On March 12, 1876, he was united in marriage with C. M. Dalrymple, who was born in Ohio in 1857. She is the daughter of Robert and Jane (Miles) Dalrymple. Four boys have been born to them, all of whom are living. Mr. Hewitt is a member of Parott Lodge, No. 308, F. & A. M. He and wife are members of the Methodist Church.
Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888), pp. 566-567.
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