Clark, Joseph A.

Joseph A. Clark, a prominent citizen of De Kalb County, Mo., is a native of Indiana, born in 1838. In 1865 he moved to De Kalb County, Mo., and engaged in farming until 1878, when he embarked in the drug business in Stewartsville, Mo., which has been managed by his son, B. F. Clark, a highly cultured young man, who was united in marriage on October 10, 1887, with Miss Alice Deppen, of Stewartsville. Our subject was reared on a farm, and now has 250 acres of good land one mile north of Clarksdale, where he resides. He also is engaged in Clarksdale in the hardware and agricultural implement business, and has a drug store in the same place managed by his son R. N. Clark, under the firm name of J. A. Clark & Sons. In 1858 he was united in marriage with Miss Rebecca Miller, of Henry County, Ind. They have ten children—five sons and five daughters; three daughters are married, viz: Mary A., now Mrs. John Carrel; Sallie, now Mrs. Ross Wilkinson, and Jennie, now Mrs. W. S. Richey. One son, W. T. Clark, is in the banking business in Bluff City, Kas., being the cashier of the State Bank of Bluff City. Mr. Clark’s father was a native of Tennessee. He died in Indiana. The mother is a native of Indiana, but now resides with her son, Joseph A. Mr. Clark is at present postmaster of Clarksdale. He is a member of the Masonic order, and in politics has always been a staunch Democrat.

Source: History of Andrew and DeKalb Counties, Missouri (Chicago: Goodspeed Publishing Company, 1888), p. 554.

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