Smith, Thomas K.

Date of Death: 26 Nov 1902
Subject: Thomas K. Smith
Source: The Democrat, 15 Dec 1902, p.1

It is with infinite sadness that we chronicle the death of one of Andrew counties [sic] pioneer citizens, a man loved and respected by all who knew him and whose name has always been synonomous [sic] of uprightness.

T. K. Smith, affectionately known to old and young as Uncle Tom, quietly and peacefully passed over the river, Wednesday night, November 26th.

The night before about 8:30 p.m. apparently in usual health he stepped out on the porch and a few moments later a member of the family heard him groaning. A search was instituted and it was found that he had fallen from the porch into the open cellarway. He was carried into the house and although unconscious there was only a slight wound on his head and it was not thought that he was so very badly injured. Dr. Peter was called and Doctor Houston. They decided that Uncle Tom had suffered an apoplectic stroke and probably fell from the porch into the cellar. He never regained consciousness and peacefully passed away.

To the bereaved relatives we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Uncle Tom has gone to join his loved companion who preceded him to the better land only a few months ago.– Whitesville Banner

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