Dobbs, Child

Date of Death: 17 Nov 1876
Subject: infant of William Dobbs
Source: Andrew County Republican, 23 Nov 1876, p. 1

We learn of a terrible occurrence that took place at the house of William Dobbs, living about four and a half miles north-east of Savannah, on Friday evening last, about sundown. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs were both out of the house at the time, the former feeding and the latter milking, leaving their infant child in the cradle, before the fire-place. On returning to the house they were horrified to find the cradle on fire, and the poor little child so terrible burned it died in a few hours. The origin of the accident is unknown with certainty. Some think a coal of fire must have popped into the cradle; another theory is, that, as it was playing with a calico string, this may have caught fire, and been pulled into the cradle. It was buried last Sunday at the Coffman burial ground. Mr. Dobbs has a great many relatives and friends throughout the county, who deeply sympathize with him.

Source: Holt County Sentinel, 1 Dec 1876, p. 3

Andrew County. A heartrending accident occurred at the residence of William Dobbs, living four and a half miles northeast of Savannah, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dobbs were both out of the house at the time, the former feeding and the latter milking, leaving their infant child in the cradle, before the fire-place. On returning to the house they were horrified to find the cradle on fire, and the poor little child so terribly burned it died in a few hours. The origin of the accident is unknown with certainty. Some think a coal of fire must have popped into the cradle; another theory is, that, as it was playing with a calico string, this may have caught fire, and been pulled into the cradle.

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