Deen, Harvey

Date of Death: 30 Apr 1911
Subject: Harvey Deen
Source: New York Times, 1 May 1911

Buried in Storm Cellar

When a Tornado Came Along the Earth Caved in and Covered Family

St. Joseph, Mo., April 30.– A tornado early to-day cause the death of Harvey Deen, 4 years old, and the serious injury of his father, Henry Deen, and the Deen baby at the family home in Avenue City.

A recently completed storm cellar caved in and buried the Deen family beneath several feet of earth. Mrs. Deen escaped with only slight bruises and burrowed her way to the open air and summoned help. Both Deen and the baby were unconscious when removed from the cellar by the neighbors.

The Deens recently came from Oklahoma, where they had been frightened by tornadoes.

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