Fuller Cemetery
Lincoln Township, Section 24
Andrew County, Missouri
Directions: From Savannah City Limits west on US 71/59, go 4 miles to State Highway CC, then south on CC about 3.5 miles to Count Road 416 (just before crossing over large bridge). East on CR 416 About 0.3 miles. Cemetery is on south side of road and can easily be seen from road.
Notes: In 2008, Tyson J. Keller and members of the Carneal family removed the wild grapevine as a Boy Scout program for Tyson, and he is keeping the cemetery mowed.
Credits: This cemetery was photographed and researched by Betty Halvorsen & Nadine Taylor, 2005 and 2008. (c)THE Transcriptions (Taylor, Halvorsen, Eshelman).
Name | Inscription | Photograph(s) |
Fuller Cemetery | "B" pictures were taken in 2008 after the clean-up | 69 69B 78 70B |
Fuller, Elijah | (south) Father Elijah Fuller Born Oct. 6, 1805 Died Feb. 20, 1883 Aged 78 y, 4 m, 14 d |
70 72B 72B1 79 |
Fuller, Nancy | (north) Mother Nancy Wife of E. Fuller Born Aug. 23, 1807 Died June 25, 1879 Aged 72 y 10 m 2 d |
70 71B 80B |
Miner, Marcus B. | Marcus B. Miner Died July 20, 1850 Aged 43 y 7 m 9 d |
73 74B 74B1 74B2 |
Miner, Sarah | Sarah Miner Died Oct. 27, 1865 Aged 57 y 6 m 27 d |
75B 75B1 77B |
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