The County of Saline, State of Missouri, numbers among her most honored and eminent citizens many whose ancestors either first saw the light in the Land of the Shamrock, or are directly descended from ancestors who emigrated from the green shores of Ireland. In this number belongs Dr. Sullivan, who traces his lineage to the Emerald Isle.

The grandfather of our subject, Samuel Sullivan, was born in Pennsylvania, and he and his nine brothers entered the Colonial army, serving through the Revolutionary War. At a later day he married Miss Mary Mayfield, who was a native of Virginia. Of this marriage, in 1820, was born the father of our subject, S.W., in Virginia. In 1829 he was brought to the State of Missouri, and in early life he identified himself with the progress of the country and township in which he found a home. For eight years S.W,. Sullivan has held the office of Justice of the Peace, and for a long time he was active in religious affairs. Now, although advanced in years, he is still hale and hearty. He married Elizabeth Keifer, a native of Virginia, born September 30, 1822, and they became the parents of thirteen children, six of whom are yet living. B.F. was born in Saline County, Mo., in 1844, married Miss Elizabeth Witt, and they reside in Miami Township, where he is engaged in farming; S.J. was born in Saline County, married Miss Mary McLain, and they reside in Saline County, where he is a farmer; T.W. was born in Saline County, married Miss Mary Millsap, and engages in farming in Saline County; P.G. was born in this county, and resides with his father; Jane Hannah S. was born in this county in 1861 and married John Witt.

The birth of our subject took place in Saline County, Mo., in 1841. He was educated in the schools of that place, and then engaged in the study of medicine. He was not permitted at that time to continue his study, on account of the disturbed condition of the country. In 1862, he joined the State militia, remaining with them a year, and in the spring of 1863 he volunteered in the Ninth Missouri Regiment of cavalry under Col. Oden Guitar and Capt. H.S. Glaze. His company was reported at Mitchell and Lexington, and they remained a year engaged in the different skirmishes around the country, among which was the battle of Fayette.

Until 1865 our subject served his country in the field, and was then detailed to the hospital to practice. After the close of the war he practiced medicine for five years in Saline County, and at the expiration of that time he attended a course of medical studies at the University of Iowa at Keokuk; he was graduated in 1871, when he again returned to his native place, and engaged in the practice of his profession. In 1883 he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons at St. Louis, and there remained six months, when he again resumed practice at his old home.

Dr. Sullivan is President of the Board of United States Pension Examiners at Marshall, and a member of the Society of Physicians and Surgeons. In addition to the practice of medicine, he devotes considerable attention to the management of his large and well-improved farm of twelve hundred acres. He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, as are also his wife and four children. Dr. Sullivan is a liberal supporter of all charitable institutions, and a man who stands well with all classes. Socially he is a member of the Masonic order, and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in the latter he has filled all of the chairs. Politically he is an earnest Republican, and while never an aspirant for office, he has taken an active part in the political affairs of the county of Saline.

July 20, 1866, Dr. Sullivan married Miss Mary Cooper, a native of Saline County, Mo., and the daughter of Tobias and Mary (Woolscale) Cooper, early residents of this State, Cooper Fort being named in honor of his grandfather. Mrs. Mary Sullivan died August 13, 1866. The Doctor took for his second wife Miss Mary Andsley, to whom he was married on the 23d of December, 1866. This lady was born in Saline County, April 13, 1851, the daughter of Joseph and Mary (Whitehead) Andsley, natives of England. Of this union nine children were born, as follows: Tempest E.J. born September 28, 1867; Amos W., March 21, 1870; Frank H., June 2, 1872; Belladonna, February 17, 1875; Mary E., October 25, 1876; Bertha G., September 25, 1880; Hazzard, February 25, 1884; Boyd L., December 16, 1886; and Lloyd W. March 18, 1889. All the children are living with the exception of Belladonna, who died at her birth.

Taken from pages 304 and 305, Portrait and Biographical Record of LaFayette and Saline Counties, Missouri containing biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens together with biographies and portraits of all the presidents of the United States. Chicago: Chapman Bros. 1893.

There is no picture of Dr. Sullivan

Submitted: Kenneth Cummins