JAMES NEFF, A Pioneer Citizen of Saline County Dies at the Age of 80 Years

James Neff one of Saline's oldest citizens passed away at his home 755 East Eastwood, July 2, 1913, 4:30 a.m. age 80 years 2 months and 5 days. He had been in failing health for several years, but for the last three weeks has been fatally ill. Deceased who has been a citizen since 1837, was widely known throughout the county and was highly esteemed by all who knew him.

James Neff was born in Cook county, Tennessee, April 27, 1833 and came with his father, when but three years of age and settled on the old Neff homestead. He is the oldest of five children all of whom have preceded him in death except one brother, Dr. Abraham Neff of Marshall. In 1866 he moved to a farm his father entered where he lived until 1908 when he moved to Marshall. In 1861 he was married to Miss Mary Hungerford. Ten children were born to this union and have been at the bedside of their father for several days before his death are I.J (Isaac J, Robert E), R.E., and Mrs. H. A. Vesser and Mrs. Stella Hayes, Marshall: J.H (James Henry) of West Plains and Mrs. Ed Townsend of Kansas City besides his grandchildren twenty-five in number five of whom he had been the principle care of and one great grandchild.

In 1861 Mr. Neff enlisted in the Confederate army first in Capt. Wm B. Brown's Co., then in Col. McCullough's regiment then he was taken sick and returned home. Mr. Neff never united with any church but was a devoted husband. A kind father and a good neighbor and a honest man. The prayer and song service were conducted at Shiloh ten miles east of Marshall by Bro. J. C. B Martin a friend of the deceased which was a great comfort to the family and friends. The pallbearers were J.Q. Moore, J.F. Swisher, Bernard Crough, Frank Vesser, Vincil Embrey and I.P. Neff. The Casket was taken charge of and was lowered to its last resting place by the undertaker, Robert Campbell. The new made grave was covered with beautiful flowers, mute testimonies of love and sympathy.

Source: The Weekly Democrat News, 24 July 1913

Note: This article was submitted by Yvonne Vares. Neff was married to Mary Hungerford, half-sister to Yvonne's gggrandfather Michael Coryell Hungerford.