Judith Woodson Martin found the following article, along with the two photos, in her great grandmother, Ellen Woodson Cooper's, photo album.

Baseball Game

The baseball game at the Missouri Valley College grounds Friday afternoon was more comical for its costumes than interesting for fine playing; although the game was good. However, all the players are out of practice even if those were tagged "New York", "Cincinatti," etc. In this case there was more in the name than in the game--just a good time for the crowd that looked on.

The representatives of the National League, etc., came out with victory hanging from their bats, having won by a score of 17 to 12. The lining was as given below:

  • F. W. Miles, P., (Brown) Mathewson, New York
  • Ben Striker, C. (Gore) O'Conner, Pittsburg.
  • DeVere Jackson, 1st, (Bryant) McGann, St. Louis
  • Ralph Duggins, 2d (Duggins) Daly, Brooklyn
  • Alba Ringo, 3d, (Grecian) McGraw, Baltimore
  • H. H. Hopkins, S. S. (Ward) Corker, Cincinnati
  • Harry Wilson, L. F., (Turner) Burkett, St. Louis
  • Theo. Mayer, R. F., (Cooper) Wagner, Pittsburg
  • Frank Naylor, C. F., (Goodwin) VanHaltren, New York
  • Umpire, Jack Branahan

The proceeds were $15, while the amount left after expenses was $10.25. This was turned over to the band. The INDEX was sorry the band boys did not give the crowd more music on this occasion as the crowd was disappointed in this. Their music is always appreciated and everyone had hoped to hear more of it.
