Head End Collision by Passenger and Freight Trains
Ten Deaths, Many Injured, Cattle Killed and Heavy Loss in Other Property
Horrifying Scenes on the Ground


The list of killed and injured follow:

  • Dan McAnna, conductor on freight train, Slater, Mo.
  • S. J. Anderson, Slater, Mo., engineer on freight train
  • Frank Briggs, Slater, Mo., engineer on passenger train
  • J.S. Rogers, Chicago; express messenger
  • Two unknown men, supposed to be tramps
  • Two women, names unknown


  • F.C. Bray, Chicago; shoe salesman, bruised about head
  • Miss Clara Golden, Topeka, Indiana; hurt in right hip
  • George a. Hill, Gilliam, Mo.; badly cut on left knee
  • George Allen, colored, New Frankfort, Mo.; left side hurt
  • Joseph Whittle, Gilliam, Mo.; cut on left arm and on head and left leg sprained
  • Miss Zola Harvey, Hoopeston, Illinois; scalded on face and arms
  • Miss J.S. Adsit, Hoopeston, Illinois; scaled on face and arms
  • Sidney Jones, Kansas City, Mo.; badly scalded about head and body
  • Dr. J.S. Adsit, Hoopeston, Illinois; head badly scalded and cut on head
  • Gus Williams, colored, New Orleans’ porter on tourist car; hand scalded and ribs broken on left side
  • Mrs. C.W., Snider, Jasper, N.Y.; hand and face badly scalded
  • Mrs. Francis Walker, Brooklyn, N.Y.; face and body badly scalded
  • Miss Lottie L. Still, Hornellsville, N.Y.; face and arms badly bruised
  • D.P. Dixon, Farbury, Mo.; face bruised and both legs scalded
  • Prof. S.A.D. Harvey, Hoopeston, Illinois; hands badly scalded and left arm badly injured
  • Miss Julia Hayslip, Shenoa, Illinois; hands and face scalded
  • Mrs. Anna Morrison, Valparaiso, Indiana; scalded about head and arms, not seriously
  • Miss Eva E. Pallman, Valparaiso, Indiana; slightly scalded about head and arms
  • Mary Bird, Vandalia, Mo.; rib broken and bruised about head
  • Sadie Taylor, Wilmington, Illinois; face and arms badly scalded
  • Miss S.L. Ray, Wilmington, Illinois; scalded about head and arms
  • S.S. Calburn, PawPaw, Mich., badly scalded on face and arms, right leg and right arm broken
  • Dan Donnelly, Slater, Mo.; fireman on freight train; jaw broken and eye injured
  • D.E. Null, Mexicio, Mo.; express messenger; bruised on back and leg
  • Mrs. Emma Dixon, Wilmington, Illinois; body scalded
  • James Varndell, Slater, Mo.; fireman on passenger train; badly sprained ankle
  • W.E. Meyer, St. Louis, Mo.; superintendent of dining car; badly scalded
  • Walter Walsh and Adolph Kaufman, cooks on dining car; badly scalded
  • Thomas Johnson, cook on dining car; slightly bruised
  • D.W. Hooker, Syracuse, N.Y.; badly hurt about head and arms, not expected to recover
  • Leona G. Miller, Bloomington, Illinois; scalded and cut on head
  • Miss Levi Arch, Cromwell, Indiana; broken arm and hurt in side
  • Miss Dora Wickwine, Goodman, Indiana; hip dislocated
  • T.J. Elliott, Farber, Mo.; slight cut on head
  • Miss Lula Rider, Kentlean, Indiana; badly scalded on face, arms and back
  • Mrs. S.A.D. Harvey, Hoopeston, Illinois; scalded about head, arms and chest
  • Mrs. Newton Mitchell and Miss Bertha C. Mitchell, Pontiac, Illinois; badly scalded on face and arms

About 8 o’clock Wednesday morning a head-end collision occurred about four and a half miles east of Marshall. Passenger train, No. 7, know as "The Hummer". With conductor "Bob Dinsmore" in command and Engineer Frank Briggs in the cab, headed westward, was met by a special freight, in charge of Conductor Dan McAnna and Engineer D.J. Anderson, going east. Both trains were rounding a curve at a high rate of speed, each unconscious of the approach of the other until too near together to prevent the appalling catastrophe which followed, and they came together with terrific force and deplorable results. The two engines appeared as telescoped and bound together by sheer force of concussion, and were thrown from and across the track, a mass of ruined mechanism and departed symmetry and power. The passenger train, composed of the usual Pullman, sleepers, chair cars and coaches, with the addition of a tourists’ sleeper were jammed together in unshapely mass, piled upon and drive into each other, until the whole mass was in ruins, one Pullman bouncing upon top of the fallen monster engines, as if in an intelligent effort to land its burden of human souls beyond the bounds of danger. Several of the cars took fire, and it was with difficult that any of the passengers were saved from a crushed or fiery death.

The freight train was loaded in large part with cattle, and the dead and maimed brutes were not dumb, but gave evidence of the misery inflicted upon them. The mixed mass of piled up and broken rolling stock, charred timbers,, dead and dying animals, and the litter of broken trunks and scattered human garments, presented a scene of no enviable kind. But the loss of property, regrettable as that be, was not the worst phase of the occurrence. The loss of life and the wounds inflicted upon the passengers was horrible to behold. Ten human beings, in the vigor of health and strength of manhood, were deprived of life in one brief moment. Conductor McAnna of the freight train, the engineers of both trains and several of the passengers were among the dead. The fireman on the passenger train, who jumped and escaped with an injured leg, states that Engineer Briggs, after whistling for brakes, mindful of the burden of human souls behind him, and responsibility resting upon him, sat at his post, his hand upon the lever, and went fearlessly down to death, a heroic martyr to his duty.

About 25 to 30 persons were more or less severely wounded, among them were many ladies. The wounds were in the main severe in character, because of the unexpectedness of the accident, and of the subsequent fire. The broken limbs and bruised bodies called forth may shrieks and groans, but the bruised heads and burnt faces, many being scarred beyond recognition, presented to the on looker a heartrending scene, and called forth all his energies and sympathetic efforts to give relief to his suffering fellows.

The entire medical force of Marshall was called to the scene and nobly responded and faithfully administered to the needs and sought to relieve suffering and save life.

The cause of the accident is at present conjectural. Two passenger trains pass Marshall in the early morning, going west – one at 5 o’clock and "The Hummer" at 6:20. The 5 o’clock train was late, and the freight train stood upon the side-track at Marshall waiting a clear track, and as the passenger train passed by the freight started east.

"The Hummer", also, late, had approached closely to the eastern train and met the freight at the fatal curve. We are not disposed to unjustly censure, but someone must have failed to properly instruct as to their meeting.

Source: The Marshall Republican, 12 July 1901

Submitted: Conni Braun