Date of Death: 22 Jan 1907
Subject: John Asher
Source: Holt County Sentinel, 25 Jan 1907, p. 5

Vincent Elliott, the young man who was drowned in the Nodaway river near Leach's mill, on the 10th inst., the particulars of which we gave in our issue last week, was born near Fillmore, February 4, 1882, and was therefore within a few weeks of being 24 [sic] years of age. He had been working in Kansas, and had but recently returned to his home. Besides his parents, he leaves two sisters and a brother. He is spoken of as a young man of excellent morals, industrious, and of good ability. John Asher, who was 82 years old, was his mother's father, and he committed suicide, at Bolckow, on the day previous the drowning of young Elliott.