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    Category: Toys And Goodies

    Move Over Harry Potter! My Wand Scanner Has Arrived!

    VuPoint Magic Wand Portable Scanner

    It’s not often that I find things that I consider new and exciting. I’m sure many of you have already discovered this awesome little gadget — it’s not “new” by any means — but if you haven’t, run, don’t walk, to Amazon or the goodie store and get one!

    My friend has had one of these for a long time, but I never bothered to get one. Then, last week, I finally decided to order a new battery for my laptop and needed to buy something else for the free shipping. LOL!

    It arrived yesterday and I’m THRILLED! I wonder if you can get a holster so you can carry it around with you ALL the time?!

    My new smart phone takes awesome pictures, and I’ve been using that to snag documents. The downside of that is, of course, that you don’t . . . [Yes! There’s more!]